Saikyou Juzoku Tensei ~Majutsu Otaku no Risoukyou~ - Vol. 2 Ch. 6

Active member
Mar 10, 2019
i dont care about incest etc, i jsut hate the MC that refuse to communicate or come clean about his past world memories and morale

sure he communicate to his dad, but how about to the rest of his family? he proclaimed so that gizel can get closer to others? Bullshit, its excuses as long he DOESNT COMMUNICATE to her

its his fault she turned yandere
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
for someone as deep in "magic" as he is, he certainly lacks a trick or two.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 12, 2018
This Comment Section sure doesn't dissapoint :sip:

Stay classy, Animanga community, stay classy
Active member
Dec 4, 2018
This bitch is crazy, I hope he manages to get away from her. And tons of incest in a family line cant be good at all for their genetic health.

What an awful situation especially with forced marriage.
Double-page supporter
Sep 24, 2018
I think he made the right choice
he would only get forced otherwise seriously
I feel bad for her though and for him too
it's so sad how things turned out just like this
Dex-chan lover
May 26, 2018
@Granitefish: ... Again with contradicting yourself by drawing the exact opposite conclusion from the presented evidence. It's like you're grasping for straws to find a reason to pin all the blame on her and not him.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 26, 2018
The reason people in the old days did not care about incest as much as we do today and why the village is not full of mutated cripples is because it really wasn't that bad.
Ok hear me out i know what your thinking it killed alot of people just like you said and that is true....

But the problem is that back in those days EVERYONE had like 5-10 kids because about half of them died to normal sickness anyway. Even the richest of the rich
also the whole deformity from incest is greatly exaggerated its up to luck and is alot less common then people think.

first off you have to actually get affected. and as i said its not as common as people thinks but let's go on for now....
then the birth defect have to be something negative as getting white hair is not actually a problem for your life unless people are superstitious... oh wait they were...
genetics have random mutation all the time in healthy people and the body is made to fight off anything that it deems harmful. That alongside survival of the fittest is why evolution is a thing.

then it have to actually be a severe case to the point it actually cripples you as for people to actually notice.
You getting a little worse eyesight, getting 5 centimeter shorter or getting an arm thats 3 degrees tilted so it grinds up your bones faster is not going to be noticed in the long run off your life.
and you know.... those things can be because of everything from lack of food to poor medical and health practises in general.
There were alot of people who got sick and died from only eating the same type of food everyday. scurvy( lack of fruit) for sailors or rich man's disease(to much meat) for nobles are perfect examples.

then finally the kid who is affected by a birth defect also actually have to survive and get kids because again half the people died from sickness or injuries anyway.
Only then have he pass on that corruped genetics. note that all genetic information is not passed on in the first place. and only a verry small numbers of mutations ever get hereditary and gets passed on which is part of why it was rare in the first place.

now as a final note i want to again state that inbreeding is a bad thing, but so is getting a cold.
getting a cold nowdays is nothing to care about, you are in bed for 2 days and you are good as new and wont get sick for a long time to come.heck lose both leg and you just need a wheelchair.
but back in those days getting a cold ment that you, 2 of your brothers or sisters , and the neighbour next door who delivers eggs every week to trade for your milk or bread dies a horrible and painfull death and losing your legs meant you had to pray your parents had the money to aford drugs so they could kill you in your sleep as keeping a cripple alive was a huge problem for anyone but the richest.
so yes inbreeding is a real risk but it really wasn't all that bad if you look at the bigger picture.
Double-page supporter
Jul 28, 2018
All this talk about explaining incest. It's a fucking fictitious magical world. Explanation over.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 19, 2019
The discussion on incest is amazing, but that isn't actually an issue in MCs case.😄

He considered going through with the marriage, so incest clearly isn't a big issue for him. Regardless of his reasons for refusing the marriage, in the end he just didn't want to marry her.😉

No one was listening to his concerns, as far as he knew (Mom/Aunt being kind of more sensible, but behind the scene), so he ran away. People run away from home for lots of reasons, and being forced into lifelong commitments that may end up making you miserable is a pretty good one, IMHO.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 10, 2018
@Hamin that what I said u know...

For everyone, can we stop to arguing this things? Can we agree this mess happen because author rushing and or force plot to novel description without making good character development/relationship especially mc family. Example: make mc super loner like he rarely communicating even with his parents. Weak parenting and or tell all tradition, custom of the clan to him because a plot (once again he is loner) even until he an adult(forgot his age).
@play123 you know after marriage woman surely will communicate with other woman right? You know woman right?(not trying to argue here)
If the problem because he afraid she become loner too, by this logic anyone who married him become loner too in the end. That impossible to happen because he want to make money to not work in his rest life i.e he need communicate to other to make money( idk how author make a title and ln description not fully sync with mc characters)
Dex-chan lover
Sep 23, 2018
Sorry bro this already has a incest tag, you wont be able to escape.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 25, 2018
Well dude, if you werent a self-centered retard who cant see past his nose maybe you would have learned about this 10 years ago too, but you decided to be a shut-in nerd and now you have to regret not noticing that you grew up in Alabamasekai.
Its a shame because your childhood friend was hot, but run as fast and as far as you can, because your sister looks dangerous as fuck.

Im reading people getting too triggered or philosophical about this incest thingy. I really thing you are thinking too much about it lol. I mean, we know that incest can bring problems, but in that village is a common thing and dunno because genetics or because of magic, but they look fine, so from a health perspective incest isnt and issue.
Whats an issue is that his common sense is different from the people of his village. Not only he retains his old world ethics, he also didnt even try to learn this new world way of thinking, so he finds the whole thing about marrying his sister weird. Not only that, he also thinks that marrying his sister will only make her personality even worse towards interacting with others, so the option to run away wasnt a bad one.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 19, 2019
@Tearsax, his parents seemed quite content with leaving him alone though? I mean, telling the sister about the marriage for 10 years, but MC still not knowing? If they had really sat him down and told him at some point, he would have reacted, no matter how engrossed in magic he was.😉
Dex-chan lover
Jan 17, 2018
Literally all of this MC's problems would be solved if he would just communicate his feelings like that of a normal person.

"Hey, sister whom I care for, I love you and want you to experience relationships outside of ours. I do not want to marry you, but know that I am and will always be your family."

Instead he runs and hopes that everything will just solve itself, why are all these isekai protagonists so goddamn passive? On one hand if the author explores this theme, they could honestly pull off a satisfying story, history suggests it just a cheap narrative device that will keep the MC on the move.
Fed-Kun's army
Sep 23, 2018
THis is so stupid. The mom told the sister 10 years ago and yet the topic NEVER CAME UP! Even if you used the excuse "both parents thought the other told him" which is still a shit excuse that still doesn't excuse everyone apparently dancing around the issue for 10 damn years and only using vague terms like "ceremony" and such.

Also the idea this would be a tradition so strongly followed they just do it by default is pretty damn stupid. Especially given how much the use of magic has decayed.

Not to mention that for no apparent reason the father decides to force his son into it despite them being written as reasonable parents. WTF kind of logic is "he'll just accept it". Even if it's supposed to be tradition this isn't how parents that care about their kid's feelings act. Even back in times arranged marriages were the norm there are plenty of stories of non arranged marriages and such so it should not be the case that they aren't capable of understanding a break from that tradition.

This is just a cheap excuse to give the MC a special reason to leave the village without doing troublesome things like developing real motivation or a solid objective. Seriously he leaves home with minimal preperations, into a world he knows nothing about, with the posibility of never returning.... simply because his asshole father is FORCING him to marry his sister after not ave even discussed it his entire life. Sorry for the rant but I just HATE when stuff gets so unnaturally forced.

Also the yandere sister twist is just...... ugh this is so dumb.

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