Saikyou Juzoku Tensei ~Majutsu Otaku no Risoukyou~ - Vol. 2 Ch. 6

Jul 7, 2018
That manhood ceremony was premature. He's no man; he's a coward. Whatever his decision, tell the people involved first. Running away in the night is something a child does, not an adult.

Furthermore, she's been in love with you and anticipating marriage for over a decade and you don't even have the guts to let her down gently to her face and explain yourself? That's how little her feelings mean to you? I'm unimpressed.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 19, 2018
There are some things that I too cannot talk to even if its my close family

For example, my father forces me to go to certain school no matter what

I want to talk, yes. But for some reason, the word stuck in my mouth whenever I want to said it

I still interact with others but I'm mostly introvert, I tend to avoid most conversation attempt

Sometimes I ran away and hopes that things will resolve itself
Active member
Jun 4, 2019
Run MC Run away, god how did his parents turned horrible like that ahaha.

Who cares about other people feeling when you are getting forced in a marriage... We're not even talking about incest or not, he doesn't love her, he tried to talk and got yelled at and then learn the marriage is in 3 days, yeah you better run.
Sep 29, 2018
MC grow up in our world with idea of incest is big no no,
new world support incest.

+++ They told the sister that incest is normal BUT they never told the MC for 10 years!
- he is forced to marry his sister and stay in the village FOREVER (he want to roam the world as any sane person)
+forced marriage + with his sister + he does not love her as woman= he makes his decision to run
-he know that his sister is TOO clingy to him that's why he didn't tell her , she will never accept and probably do something stupid... looking at her yandere shit
she probably would have killed him in his sleep after he told her or try to ruin his life ...
-the village head will not accept it nor his family and will force him to marry her because it's tradition.
Last .... the Blame goes to his stupid fuckking FATHER(and mother), he never told his son, when he saw his son unconfortable with the idea
he didn't try to talk with his son about it ... instead HE told his SON to roll with it.
the MC decision is the best he could do in that situation because it's either Running away or being forced to something he clearly doesn't like.

Just because the girl is cute people are bashing the MC. LMAO
people reaction here :
ah look she is heartbroken! how could you MC nerd stupid coward ...
but if he was forced to it people will be like ' WHY IS HE ACTING SO depressed ABout iT, he should BE happy that he married hER!!
double standard always goes for a woman LOL
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
I knew it! Magical power is determined by the number of chromosomes you have!
Dex-chan lover
Nov 30, 2018
And here o though I would see some sane person. Lol what did I expect.

People from both sides are so dumb. The extreme ones, that is.

Considering their culture and common sense, I am not even wondering why his parents acts the way they did.

You can't judge them using your own culture. Consider the culture of the people involved and put that in the equation when you wanna judge something.
Jun 21, 2018
@Zubrul I'm pretty sure it's mentioned that he had been told but he just didn't notice since he was too into his research. The reason people bash MC is because running away is pretty cowardly, he could just tell them straight up that he won't marry her and then leave because running away makes it possible for the sister to manipulate the situation in her benefit.
Jan 19, 2018
I don't understand why people are bashing the mc sure him running away makes him look like a coward but we all saw what the father said "Lets just go ahead with the wedding he'll just have to along with it" meaning they were not going to take no for an answer. Running away in this situation is a valid choice for the guy but in my opinion he should've just gone with the village chief's daughter. As for the whole culture dilemma yeah it might be socially acceptable to them but that doesn't mean the mc has to like, accept, or follow their traditions.
Fed-Kun's army
Mar 13, 2018
Dafuq!!! He was in Macondo all along!!! His clan is the fckng Buendía family!!!! Why he doesn't have a pig tail?????
Dex-chan lover
Feb 19, 2019
@Nyaaa, you can judge the parents for not making sure their son knew such an important part of their culture. Upbringing is the responsibility of the parents, no matter what.

@15quince15, you would have to be braindead to not notice being told something like that, no matter how busy you are. He came from our world, where incest is a pretty big taboo in most modern cultures.

All that said, he may be a coward and moron for running away like that, but what did you expect? He's a reincarnated adult, but he's still a teen in his current body. Hormones can impact logical thinking pretty badly. Not to mention that he is an asocial shut-in. His dad gave no ground, despite kMC protesting. Being forced to marry my sister in 3 days, with no say in the matter? I would run so fucking far from shitty parents like that, not giving a shit about sis' feelings.
Fed-Kun's army
Sep 25, 2018
instead of running away he could have just married someone else, what are they gonna do , force him to marry whoever his parents want ? hes the strongest of them all
Dex-chan lover
Apr 6, 2018
Wow, I was wondering why there was an explosion of comments, but this was the reason? Did you folks not read the synopsis before deciding to pick up this story?
Oh well. Might as well give my two cents, but if there were that many people reading the manga, you guys should comment more. Let's have some good discussion as it comes up.

So the incest...the way I see it, Abel did it in a rather clumsy and stupidly ineffective way, but he isn't really "wrong" per se for going the way he did. There's not enough communication, but he also doesn't really believe anyone would listen because...well, look at his stubborn father. I would certainly consider his desire to avoid his sister being too overdependent on him a sign of strong brotherly love-not to mention, I'm personally kinda into a Firo ship.
I still think it's stupid that his parents never bothered to tell him something so fundamental to his future in his whole life until it came up. They kinda just sprang this on him and his stupid father decided to rush things when he realized his son was feeling uncomfortable with the idea. It's one thing to have your own culture, it's another to not teach your kid enough of it and suddenly force it when they're not ready.

Practically, there doesn't seem to be any real negative genetic repercussions to sibling marriages in this village, so I don't think we should worry on that front. If Abel decided to just go with it, there wouldn't be any problems.

Morally, I think it's half-and-half. This is a different world, and it's not a harmful practice, so there's no issues with doing it. It's their culture. But Abel is clearly against it (though he could've been more explicit with communicating this and exploring other avenues before just bailing) and I do take moral issue with how he was almost forced into the union. It's a taboo to him as an otherworlder, and as long as he doesn't want it, forcing him would be immoral.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 10, 2018
Wow genuinely thought you were a troll but you seem to wholeheartedly believe in this.... okay then. So reason one not to fuck your sister. 1) Obviously genetics and the even higher increase risks of mental/physical disorders since Abel and Gizel parents are brother and sister if any one had a disability of some kind (this is probably true) the chances of Gizel children would be dangerous high of having these symptoms plus infertility. (Don't make the arguement that different world, different genetics point. It's just stupid, the humans in that world are based around us in our world, so therefore the rules of genetics must apply.) Look at the habsburgs and the habsburgs jaw and prove me wrong. Reason two: He doesn't believe in incest and he is right to as for reason one. As for him leaving is has every right to do so since technically is a adult by that cultures beliefs so the responsibility of him choosing to leave or stay is his decision alone.

Now on the point of him leaving in middle without saying anything, I would do the same wholeheartedly. If I was in his position, in my mind I already know that my opinion or position in this hypothetical marriage will not matter at all as the father has already decided on his decision and wife seems to have went along with his decision, so talking will not matter at all and would in fact increase the risk of him not being able to leave the house let alone the village so sneaking out was his only option and he did leave behind a letter for his folks explaining his reason for why he left. And his if he did had a discussion with his family about his refusal of the marriage, the later chapter of this manga would prove that the sister would have stopped him from leaving.
Fed-Kun's army
Jun 5, 2018
@Mnuchinbo no they wouldnt incest barely increases risk, it merely increases mutational load over the long term. it's all superstitious "hurr durr someone had a retarded incest kid once what if bad recessive genes are prevalent in the population for no evolutionary reason???" with no real backing.

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