Sekai Saikyou no Kouei: Meikyuukoku no Shinjin Tansakusha


Apr 10, 2018
Just wanted to say thank you to the people translating this, I could not have done a better job myself. Thank you for taking your time and money to do this?
Dex-chan lover
Apr 22, 2018
Come on lads, don't be dicks. Yes, there are a few mistakes in there, but it's all still very understandable and enjoyable. You're being utter twats towards people who use their free time to work and bring you those chapters for free. I'm not saying that you can't critisize them, but some of you are being way too harsh.

I for one am thankful for the chapters and I enjoy the story so far. As a fellow support main I'm interested to see where this is going.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
@Narf Agreed, although you have to admit, the lack of proper grammar is a bit of a head-scratcher when anyone with access to the internet can PR something.
May 20, 2018
It's not about that. If they want to do this for fun and share it with everyone, that's fine. But it is disappointing that this is what will propagate across the entire internet and sit there for all of eternity. We can do better!

It's not like I'm just bitching and complaining here - if they don't want to work with someone else, that's fine. I'd happily take their work as the foundation, give them credit, apply my english proficiency to it, do the typesetting myself, upload the thing myself. Absolutely no additional work or interaction on their behalf necessary.

All they have to do is say "We're okay with you doing that." And everyone can be happy.... well, happier...

But to do so without permission would be extremely rude.
Mar 28, 2018

The jankier a translation is, the more it detracts from the original work/author's intent. This is far from the worst TL I've seen, but the calls for recruiting a PR are perfectly reasonable and far from "too harsh". The translation is understandable, yes- but I wouldn't go so far as to say it's enjoyable.

The T/N in chapter 1 saying "I won't change this" after putting the romanization "baka" instead of "jerk/idiot" is personal preference on the group's part and while I think it's grating,
pointless, and wapanese as fuck it's a non-issue. The rest really, really needs a native English speaker to read over and fix it; a job which many(like IronDoge right below me) are happy and willing to do.
Feb 5, 2018
@firefox1234 As someone who does scanlations myself, I don't understand why it's so god damn fucking hard to proofread your shit. I literally throw my TLs into a discord and ask people to read it and tell me what errors they find, fix the problems, then I release it. It's not fucking hard.

I don't give a fuck if you're doing this for free. I do it for free. I expect you to have a bit of pride in your hobby and to put some effort into it and make it a decent project. Especially when getting a fucking proofreader is the fucking easiest part of the job.
Fed-Kun's army
May 14, 2018
What a shame this will probably get rated low because of the horrible translations. It's an interesting story, hopefully someone else takes up translating it soon. I'd hate to see a fun story fall into obscurity because of poor translations.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 2, 2018

I completely agree with your point about proofreading difficulty. I can't claim I have done proofreading, but it's not hard to get a kind stranger/person to help make corrections to a written piece. As evidenced by things like schoolwork.

As said by others, people would even willingly just do the proofreading/typesetting if the translator okayed it. Which... I'd personally want to hear about myself. I have some time available, and I wouldn't mind having an excuse to try proofreading/typesetting.

With that said, I'm going to play devil's advocate a bit...

Not everyone has the same levels of standards. Not everyone has to have a similar mentality/ thought process. It's nice when people do care and have similar or higher standards, but it's not something everyone needs to have for anything, hobbies inclusive.

It's through these different mentalities and levels of standards that you can determine what is good and bad. 20-30 years back in gaming, localized japanese games had translation quality that would be outright unacceptable now. At that time though, that was perhaps okay... and if the player/consumer is only exposed to that, it might feel to be "the norm".

Now again, I personally don't mind the hideous English. Particularly here for this story, since its enjoyment level is not highly determined by how well the translation is done. But I agree it is an objectively bad translation, and should be proofread.

As a random addition, I've noticed people who know/speak more than one language fluently tend to lose the subtleties of languages. It's why proofreading "might" be hard... not defending the poor English though. There's also the emotional aspect of multiple languages (English in this case) too; again, I agree with your main point, but I disagree with how you wrote it out with excessive cursing. With how you wrote that out, it might just create more argument with no progress on what you desire. English (possibly other languages) is weird like that. Genuine no offense intended, just something I felt I should say based on my own experiences.
Dex-chan lover
May 20, 2018
usually has them, can't promise high quality but they are there.

edit, wait a second, RAW is a link right there above the follow button.
Apr 18, 2018

yea i know that raw link in the description and rawlh. it is just im not in japan anymore usually i can pay them easier and kinda cheaper there
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
The grammar was much better this chapter, still a few errors, but a huge improvement over the last chapter, good job!
Dex-chan lover
Apr 15, 2018
No way, it's monthly release??
Man, that's take some times to wait.


Apr 16, 2018
The translation was great in this chapter. Keep it up, proud of you!
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
Yado is amazing as usual, and we both worship at the altar of laziness and procrastination!

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