Man the of the fight was executed poorly......
And really was unnecessary, since they already well established that Orc-chan is a petty and unlikeable shit. The looks of the fighters was enough to sell that they were big shits as well.
Unless the point of the scene was to explicitly establish that those shits are able to do shit like that in front of a large crowd with no repercussion, it didn't need to take place and was a waste of writing and drawing. However if that was what they were going for.... they still missed the mark because that type of scene should have a corrupt referee to say something along the lines of "I didn't see anything wrong, but if you heroes don't shut up I'll get YOU disqualified."
If I was the editor on this I would have asked for the last two panels of to be changed:
Replace the head bonk with Shit#3 doing a sweep to trip Hans, and have Hans mid fall.
Then you replace the final Panel with a reaction shot of our heroes looking dejected and saying "Its over....."
Just replacing those two panels would have greatly improved the flow without having to redo everything to explictly show a corrupt referee..... having Shit#3 attack Hans after someone shouted "Its over" , and then not showing any sort of reprimand OR refusal to reprimand them is pretty bad story telling.