Sengoku Komachi Kuroutan: Noukou Giga - Vol. 14 Ch. 70 - Tradition.

Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
I'm not the one putting it on my table.

He is.

And at the same time, he's discouraging the others to put the good stuff on it.

That manga was in my reading list for a reason: I liked it. But he's trying to take away the good stuff and replace it with his garbage.

And I'm supposed to moonwalk away and forget about it?

We can continue on the food analogy if you want. Because you don't have any taste buds left doesn't mean everyone should eat garbage.

And now, for you, to not be willing to eat garbage means being an elitist.
Since when did the internet as a whole become your table? You have the ability to block a group and even if you don't, you don't have to read it. You are choosing to read it, thus that is YOU putting it on the table. he is simple putting it on the menu.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
Hard to give concrete feedback to someone translating from a language they're trying to learn to a language they self-admittedly can't speak very well, as their mistakes might come from misinterpreting the original, failing to convey the meaning in English, or both.

IF they really wish to learn something, they should be trying to TL to a language they're familiar with, i.e. their native language. They're not gonna learn anything like this
They might be trying to learn English through this method you never know. But it's not that hard to actually give constructive criticism, if you so choose. Because a mistake is a mistake. Point it out, if it was their poor understand or not knowing the language right, they now know "This is supposed to be written like this".
Group Leader
Jan 25, 2018
TL: "I don't want to snipe anyone"
Also TL: Snipes anyway

At least you're typesetting improved a bit. You should start studying English as much as you're studying Japanese to. Your first chapter was so bad we all thought it was MTL which says a lot.

Still think you should fuck off though.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 24, 2020
As long as you have informed yado inn about you making these scanlation i'm ok with it
Dex-chan lover
Dec 28, 2018
More trolls to put on ignore. You guys are doing a great job of showing your asses on this series, keep it up! You'll be the coolest dudes in the discord for sure!
Thank you for the translation, it felt very natural
To be honest, even though a translation group drops their series it's their own right to do so and you can't do anything about it even if you're whining and bitching like a kid, you're being way too entitled to get free and pirated translation.
thanks for the translation!

Oh and since I'm bored... in case anybody was wondering how much most of the people praising this trash contribute...

Whoa! What a total shock! Who could have guessed?!
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Active member
Nov 21, 2019
The most useless feature in mangadex is block and change group.

Really? If you don't like his work just block him and move on with your life.
Group Leader
Jan 26, 2018
I don't have the time in my day to help. That's part of why I'm thankful for him doing it.
I work 70 hours a week and still manage to find time for scanlation, you can do it champ.
I'm looking at grammatical errors as I go through it. What are these abundant "not grammar mistakes" I see some but they aren't the majority.
You asked for examples and also said that you see some, so idk what you want lmao.
Or are you going to sit here and honestly say the level of risk involved in being a doctor and translating is the same?
He literally just murdered two chapters, those two chapters will never see the light of day again. I don't think that you are taking this seriously enough.
You have a wealth of information that I don't. I'm not telling you that you have to help them, but when you don't use that experience and skill to help someone who is trying, the only thing people like me can do is leave positive remarks so they don't stop so they can be in it long enough to get better.
If you just want this to be a war between you leaving completely unwarranted feedback and me (and others) telling them to stop because they are shit, I'm fine with that. I also think that if you actually wanted to make an impact then you could have taken your time where you spent mindlessly responding to everyone and pointed out where OP was making really bad mistakes in their script.
Also maybe the reason they are releasing this series is because they know they are bad at English. They want to practice, but maybe they don't want people to have to rely on their translation as the only one to figure out what is going on in the story. That is an equally plausible assumption to your assumption of hubris, and to Kirin's assumption of malice. But we'll never know what their motive was because instead of talking to them about it here we are trying to shape their actions into our own narrow ideals and what's convenient for us.
I still think that it's hubris to know that they are releasing a pile of shit and to do it anyway for practice. it's like saying, yeah I know that I am brutally disrespectfing the author's work, I don't give a fuck, this is for my self development. Can you get any more narcissistic than that?
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
I work 70 hours a week and still manage to find time for scanlation, you can do it champ.

You asked for examples and also said that you see some, so idk what you want lmao.

He literally just murdered two chapters, those two chapters will never see the light of day again. I don't think that you are taking this seriously enough.

If you just want this to be a war between you leaving completely unwarranted feedback and me (and others) telling them to stop because they are shit, I'm fine with that. I also think that if you actually wanted to make an impact then you could have taken your time where you spent mindlessly responding to everyone and pointed out where OP was making really bad mistakes in their script.

I still think that it's hubris to know that they are releasing a pile of shit and to do it anyway for practice. it's like saying, yeah I know that I am brutally disrespectfing the author's work, I don't give a fuck, this is for my self development. Can you get any more narcissistic than that?
Congrats you work a bunch and can scanlate. That's good on you. Doesn't mean everyone else has the ability to do so. It's hubris to act like you can know what other people's lives are like.

I asked for examples of "Not grammatical errors" because you keep saying "It's more than that" I've been saying it's grammar mistakes the whole time.

Not only will Yado Inn likely cover the chapters, he can go back and redo the chapters himself when he improves significantly. Or do you want him to redo the chapters every little improvement he gets. Would you have been satisfied if he redid the first chapter with the quality the second chapter is at? You know you wouldn't have been. Also people who actually think the chapter was destroyed will for sure reread it when Yado does it. The only people who wont are those who were satisfied with it. So no it is not a "Will never see the light of day again"

I'm not determined to make this about anything. I made my comment about it being stupid to just tear into the guy with no constructive criticism, and you responded. You brought this discussion to yourself and chose the parameters. I'm just not going to bounce around topics all day.

I am spending my time this way so that the scanlator knows there are people out there who will defend his work so that he can try to improve.

Wanting to improve is not hubris. Like by definition admitting to yourself that you need to improve is not hubris. Nor is this narcissism. In fact it's narcissistic to take someone's free expression on the internet and make it about you and your values. To force your ideals and standards onto the situation, to judge their character when you don't even know them.
Oct 1, 2020
Telling them how to improve and giving CONSTRUCTIVE Criticism is one thing. There's nothing wrong with that. But out of all the complaint post in this thread only 2 of them give constructive criticism, and one of them is being an asshole while doing it. The rest are people whining and bitching and being jerks. All that will serve to do is demotivate someone and make them leave.

Most the people in this thread barely speak 1 language, this guy speaks 3 understandably, but yet they're making fun of him and insulting, not just evaluating the work.

This is a single person translation, with no proofreader and it's this quality. How many translators in our community can pull that off? It's a small number. Because there are plenty of GROUPS doing translation that are at this quality. Imagine once this translator actually gets settled in and used to it, and maybe gets a proof reader.
if they get to post it i get to complain about it. if you dont understand a language, dont translate to it. simple as.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
More trolls to put on ignore. You guys are doing a great job of showing your asses on this series, keep it up! You'll be the coolest dudes in the discord for sure!

Oh and since I'm bored... in case anybody was wondering how much most of the people praising this trash contribute...

Whoa! What a total shock! Who could have guessed?!
All you're doing is showing that you're elitist. I went back and looked at your work. You've got mistakes in your first chapter, some double words, and phrases that don't have the right connotation in English. Also you got dashes in some weird places.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
if they get to post it i get to complain about it. if you dont understand a language, dont translate to it. simple as.
And it would benefit you to learn to actually read before posting. I never said "complaining isn't allowed". I said I don't get why people come here and ONLY complain with no constructive feed back, and especially insult the guy. Why are you leaving feedback that does you nor them any good? Why waste the time? I never said you're not allowed, I said it was stupid. You serve yourself better just not posting if you wont leave anything constructive. Unless your goal is to instead get the TL to stop, instead of letting them improve. And if that's the case that's just stupid too. Even if you don't want to do the work, why would you try to make less scanlators? Who gains from that?
Oct 1, 2020
And it would benefit you to learn to actually read before posting. I never said "complaining isn't allowed". I said I don't get why people come here and ONLY complain with no constructive feed back, and especially insult the guy. Why are you leaving feedback that does you nor them any good? Why waste the time? I never said you're not allowed, I said it was stupid. You serve yourself better just not posting if you wont leave anything constructive. Unless your goal is to instead get the TL to stop, instead of letting them improve. And if that's the case that's just stupid too. Even if you don't want to do the work, why would you try to make less scanlators? Who gains from that?
i never claimed you said complaining isnt allowed. you're doing what you accuse me of. trolling, or just an idiot?
I don't get why people come here and ONLY complain with no constructive feed back
its human nature, einstein. bad thing happens, give negative response.

no one is obligated to give feedback or be productive in the comment section, anyone can say whatever they like, and feel whatever way they want. its called a comment section, not intellectual moonlight column. you write too much and say too little.

you may not like it, or call it stupid, but its REALLY not hard to understand. if anyone in this thread is stupid, its the people like you trying to facts-and-logic their way around the opinions of other random strangers on the internet, just arguing to argue.

suffice to say, It would be better for everyone if the TL commits to the hobby and makes improvements in future, or finds a new hobby. really not that complicated.
Power Uploader
Nov 4, 2018
The goal is to get the fucker to stop OR come back when they have a better command of scanlation (reading tutorials, asking people how to do it, LEARNING ENGLISH)

The gain is obvious: not seeing the "streets" of MD littered with humongous garbage like these chapters.

You may like to see and eat garbage, doesn't mean everyone wants to.
Double-page supporter
Sep 8, 2019
Edit: And I just went through and looked. You have some nerve talking about dismissing shit. You went through and striked all my post, but didn't actually say shit constructive. You're just a hypocrite. Try to talk shit but can't even do it yourself.
I striked any comment I saw in the thread that had a bad take about bad scanlation snipes, nothing to do with you specifically. I also gave thumbs-up reactions to the comments that provided the criticism (constructive or otherwise) that I agreed with. Others had already said what I would have said, so there was no need for me to repeat it.
Group Leader
Jan 18, 2019
TIL that thinking a series you like deserves quality writing is elitist.
Group Leader
Mar 24, 2020
Obviously expecting people to know a language before they translate to it is a standard far too high. If you aren't willing to do all the work for someone else and call it "constructive criticism", then obviously they are justified in shitting all over publicly.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 23, 2020
More scumsucking mtl trolls to block:

And for this idiot who thinks the more they post the more correct they'll be...

It's not likely they're looking for any help at all, if they're dumping this shit here.

How and why is that an excuse? Oh right, because a small community of readers means less ko-fi donations.

Why would anybody want a talentless lazy sniper fuck like this in their group?

In other words, it's not coherent. If it isn't even done in English correctly, who know how many mistakes they've made in context of the original text.

Nobody is "gatekeeping" anything you moron. Being told to do a better job and not snipe, refusing to do so, and getting told to fuck off isn't gatekeeping. If you want respect, you earn it.

They're in the forum for the same reason all the other losers and yourself are in this post: to get a kick out of the response to their worthless troll translations.
Then you do the translation, as you are so versed in english. But not in education as its really easy to see…

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