Well if the there's a hemorrhage, chances are the Brain "drowned". Though the end qoute is not a sure say for the MCs Death at the time, maybe a coma and then DoAs in the ambulance.No way that! Did he actually died from that!!? 💀
Nope. She was wearing shorts under the skirt.Up side at least he got to see some panties before he died
I don't believe you quite understand how the OSHA violation cases work. It's the school that would be sued in a case like this. It'd be extremely grave because it was a teacher who asked a student to change the fluorescent tube. If students suddenly decided to act on their own to fix a broken lamp, without asking a teacher about it and getting their hands on a ladder and a replacement tube through their own effort, without the teachers being aware of it, the school might avoid responsibility by the skin of their teeth (probably very few schools would have students doing such a thing).Filthy brat learns about safety regulations and is consequently sued into bankruptcy by the school for OSHA violations.
it still makes sense, like if you hit back of your head so hardKnock out: okay
Getting a concussion for that: yes
Being killed by that: I don't think that makes sense