Shinju no Nectar - Ch. 41 - Uprising

Aggregator gang
Jan 24, 2018
@Eridian I wouldn't really consider that smart since without a clear vision of the enemy panic sets in and rebellion and chaos in general is more likely. Of course if they could perfectly control the narrative and keep the populace from finding out that would work but that's not very reliable. Better to twist the given narrative.
Active member
Jan 26, 2018
This is a peculiar circumstance. I don't see how this plan would work exactly. From what I understand the students are the children of nobles, aristocrats, and generally important people. Assuming their demands are what the actually want to be achieved, they're going about it in a very strange way. If the Queen is as tyrannical as they claim, she'd just let them kill themselves. If she wants to save face, she'll have the military storm to the academy, stop them from killing themselves, and execute the dissenters for treason.

So this is either a heavy ideological situation, where the leaders of this group are making themselves martyrs for the sake of "democracy", or this is a ruse. I'm hoping it's a ruse and it's just a method to cause internal discord in the country or something else, otherwise, it's kind of a stupid story. Lending from real life, monarchies aren't overthrown by taking people hostage. Uprisings and coups only tend to work when you have military backing, either internal or external. These people have neither. It should realistically fail. I'm hoping the author is better than that.
Jan 20, 2018
I wouldn't call it an honest to goodness actual coup. I'd see it more as a giant event aimed to destabilizing the country with the shock of an entire generations worth, of young nobles literally being 'purged' or in this case, drugged and and sent to their deaths. I mean, it literally has the backing of the main antagonist nation.
Fed-Kun's army
Aug 27, 2018
It's been hinted that Dhala, Albion's rivals, are behind this whole plot (who else can supply the students with Mermaid Blood?), and the queen's brother, Katz Valor, seems to have information he shouldn't know. Perhaps he's in it too, or he just wants to reap the benefits. The bits about the Queen's "illegitimate claim" and "a new head of state" sound very suspicious in that regard. From that point of view, the plan would be quite insidious:

-Use the children of Albion's elites as pawns with drug addiction, brainwashing and the occasional quisling. At the very least, an entire golden generation mired in a very big scandal.
-Make the revolt look sympathetic and believable to outsiders. "Idealistic youth fighting for democracy" will sound better than "Drug addicts serving Dhala's goals".
-You want blood to put pressure on the Queen. Since the kids have very powerful and influential parents, a military assault that ends with too many victims will be a PR disaster. And now that they're also killing themselves, the pressure to end things quickly will also increase.

The worst case scenario might force the Queen to abdicate the throne. Not because she can't crush this rebellion in a heartbeat or because the masses of Albion will rally behind the rebels, mind you, but because the political fallout will be too severe. After all, she already had many rivals and enemies before this mess started.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 7, 2018
was mentally prepared to drop this if some NTR-esque fuckery started going on
Feb 13, 2019
@nfzeta they already know who is pulling the strings, they already know anything they demand is bullshit and only meant to confuse the lower rank and citizens. Therefore, it's better to silence them than try and twist anything they say. A fool tries to turn a problem to their advantage, a strategic mind would avoid the problem from even being a possibility to begin with.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
@alacaelum Yep, the classic problem with such movements is that they never plan for what happens afterward, killing the BBEG is the only thing on their minds, which is why they make such great tools.

@Eridian it depends on the context of the setting, chaos is a ladder after all.
Dec 15, 2019
I see some people saying that it's meant to confuse people, but you wouldn't basically capture a whole castle in enemy territory to confuse some of their populace.
The only way I see it making sense is that they planned on rebelling later in time, when the peasants would be more against the Queen, and the arrival of major MC fucked all their plans up.
Aggregator gang
Jan 24, 2018
@Eridian The problem with that is the reality of the situation was kept from most people and even then it's too late to eliminate the possibility. The fact it got to a declaration means they're already in position to enact whatver they want and killing one messenger won't change that.
Feb 13, 2019
@nfzeta you clearly don't understand what i'm talking about here. The entire declaration is a ruse. It's only meant to sow discord in the empire. That's literally it. They are not in a position to enact anything, it's all a falsehood meant to distract. Thus, knowing everything they know, the person in charge should have simply shot him. One, this would enact fear in the enemy. Two, it would solidify control on their part. Three it would prevent the ruse from being used and causing any panic or discord. And four, it would mean the enemies distraction fails. So again, only a fool would allow him to make any declarations in that situation. An able minded commander would have ordered him shot given the information they have. And if that commander was not in the know, then THAT is a failure on the command structure of their army, by having someone unaware of the circumstances responding to that location, given what the leaders of the country know about what is going on. Considering they know for a fact the school is ground zero of the enemies plot, and the large scale celebration going on, they should have had FAR more than ample military presence stationed nearby, and made sure all commanding officers are in the circle of information on the enemies plan.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2018
Who cares about this new "country". After all this would be remembered as the primary example of why you should never use drugs.
Active member
Jan 26, 2018

I mostly agree with your assessment. After rereading the previous chapter, I think the plot is that Katz is being pushed to be the ruler of the country via democracy. It's mentioned that Katz is a skilled politician, knows too much, and is dangerous. I kind of forgot that he existed, because he's introduced for 3-4 pages before the coup starts. I guess the plan is that they force the Queen's hand, assuming she's not like the previous king and just kills them all, have her step down, and then have Katz win the election, with Dhala funding the whole thing in the background.

It just feels like a wild gamble, because Mermaid Blood is known by the royalty, and Dhala knows Albion knows about Mermaid's Blood. From the Queen's perspective, it makes more sense to raid the school, stop the shenanigans, and seize the Mermaid Blood. She as well as her operatives know that there's only a small contingency of students that are actually in on the plan, the rest are being poisoned. You now have proof and cause for the rebellion, as well as enemy to point the finger at: Dhala. It makes sense for Dhala to do this, because I imagine all they care about is weakening the country, but it doesn't really make sense for Katz to do this, because causing a schism and possibly a civil war seems like a terrible idea. He puts himself in the mix by letting hints that he knows too much. The Queen could easily kill him, banish him, or place him under house arrest for the rest of his life.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2018
I'm getting bored with this drug arc where's the transforming and tiddy sicc harem at ?
Aggregator gang
Jan 24, 2018
you clearly don't understand what i'm talking about here.
Ditto. It's both a ruse and attempt to manipulate along with being a declaration. An actual distraction wouldn't be that simple or straightforward, the declaration was as much theatre as an actual declaration. They already have support and the mermaid blood spread everywhere to incite people, they've lost the prince but no one else. Also killing one messenger won't stop a message if their faction has spread as far as shown. Killing that guy would be an attempt at intimidation and that's all, one probably guaranteed not to work given the people the 'friendly' royals already have on their side.
It also could backfire as far as control goes. When someone of unknown origin, (seeing as the plan here is to shoot him before he says anything) is shot in front of a crowd like that, whoever shoots automatically becomes the bad guy in the eyes of many. Without the enemy solidifying itself as such pre-emptive strikes can easily invite backlash and chaos due to political splits.

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