Solo Leveling - Vol. 1 Ch. 106

Aggregator gang
Apr 16, 2018
Everything that's gonna happen after this point is going to be head desk worthy unless the manhwa artist goes full editor.
Active member
Jul 17, 2019
lol she's not even relevant anymore... I believe she's not even in that scene cause the artist are just filling the gaps...
Dex-chan lover
Jun 30, 2018
@Liquidxlax Well, that one Japanese author had his anime adaptation cancelled because of shitting on China in later parts of the novel or something. I think it probably goes multiple ways out there. It would be nice if people could move on, but then again I still hold a grudge against someone for eating my leftovers years ago. People are petty.
Active member
Apr 19, 2018
@mammon ahh i see. i just wondered cause she appeared on this arc and i saw someone comment that she died...
Dex-chan lover
Jun 28, 2018
Lol liberals in Europe freak out as soon as a white guy says the word migrant, but they really should travel to Asia and see how much those guys hate eachother, while being of the same race lol.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 19, 2019
@ninjadork "Cactus-fucking shithead" I haven't heard of that before. Don't spaz the fuck out on me for not agreeing with your opinion. Just like how you don't agree with the opinion that it doesn't have a deep story. You're sounding like that Rick and Morty copypasta again. I don't think that a few story elements that have some semblance of being complex makes the story as a whole deep overall.

And when did I ever claim that the art was the only major selling point? I said the manhwa improves things thanks to the art, and the minor adjustments to scenes and the story. To use your own words: "Don't be a dishonest cactus-fucking shithead: That's not what I said, and you fucking know it."
Jan 24, 2018
@BalrogDeMorgoth yeah, even with human size, the island colony could hold hundreds of thousands ants and if they have supermajor ants along side Beru, it need entire guilds on the world join the raid.
Fed-Kun's army
Nov 29, 2018
@Tersione When you "creatively re-interpret" what I say into shitty ego-stroking copypasta, I'm going to insult you.

But I see a couple points of possible failure on my part, so I'm going to ask to see if I misread something.

You say the evidence I give doesn't constitute a deep story. By extension, I assume you agree with the opinion you attributed to others earlier - that the story itself is pretty bad and is certainly not deep / complex / whatever. You say that the manwha elevates this story with its art "immensely" and quote the mellowing of the Japanese contingent as a story change.

Do you see a change-in-kind difference (as opposed to change-in-degree) between this manwha and the WN? Or to put it another way, do you see the story quality of the WN and the manwha as so interchangeable that you can safely judge one on the merits of the other?

As an extension of the above - IYO, is the usage of art in the manwha the only notable difference between the two?
Dex-chan lover
May 31, 2018
Jin-Woo: Stop, there's no need to retrieve Magic Stones

Shadow Knight: Eeeehhhh? But we just gathered them?

Jin-Woo: Let them use the magic stone here for reconstruction of the Jeju Island.

Shadow Knight (on the very right): Okay, whatever you say boss.

Shadow Knight (2nd from the left): Wooohooo! No work for today!!!

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