So she lived quietly and in secret, with no major accomplishments, for over 900 years, just to prank the demons by making them think she was born 80ish years ago?
@AAASSS1 Pretty much. And it's honestly a pretty logical move. Demons are humanoid and sapient, but they're very bestial in how their society works: survival of the fittest. Freiren and Flamme's tactic of limiting their mana output until it's second nature can be compared to how a hunter dresses themselves in camo or how some predators have camouflage. And like any good predator, the better you understand how your prey thinks and acts the better you are at hunting them. The demons learned that humans are emotionally susceptible prey, so they learned key words that will make them an easy target. Freiren's just returning the favour.
God, that was satisfying. Instead of lazor beam galore we got a simple but satisfying battle of magic. The flashback really add the weight of this chapter.
Although it sadden me seeing this two beautiful immortal loli killing each other ToT