Step 1: Big group stakes the series
Step 2: Big group stops giving a shit about it and releases once a year
Step 3: Small group picks it up
Step 4: WAAAAH NO SNIP! - big group starts to release in a flurry, feeling internet points and donation shekels drain away
Every time. I hope AI MTL brings Babylon back so readers don't have to rely on spoilt gatekeeping groups.
Thanks for picking this up!
Step 2: Big group stops giving a shit about it and releases once a year
Step 3: Small group picks it up
Step 4: WAAAAH NO SNIP! - big group starts to release in a flurry, feeling internet points and donation shekels drain away
Every time. I hope AI MTL brings Babylon back so readers don't have to rely on spoilt gatekeeping groups.
Thanks for picking this up!