Dear Capt. Au.
In no moment I held an argument nor did I present anything that even closely resembles a point in an argument. All I did was insult your single digit I.Q. with your dumb statement of the obvious and ridiculous desperation to be held in high regards as someone "with knowledge".
I hope you find better things to do with your challenged intellect than to bother me for mocking you for being so... So... Hmm... How to put into words? Ridiculous? Cringe? Embarrassing?
*mocking voice*
"tHiS ShOuLd hAvE a SHOUNEN tAg bEcAuSe..."
There, in case you missed why I mocked you.
Also, "take the L"? What is that supposed to mean?
Also also, did you even went to school? Can you use punctuation at all? I am not talking about misspelling words, hey, typos happen. I also don't have english as my main language, but, the hell you high on, son? Harambe didn't die for this.