you know.. she really deserved what happened to her on her og timeline but to think it was a scheme and not just things falling into its natural place feels kinda bad... it was good that there were heroes to subjugate her that time but to think that the very reason her kingdom was shaken in her og timeline was because there's just a bunch of bored sadists fucking around.
I don't think she overly deserved her first fate (since the only thing she did was be a slightly selfish brat in a country full of jerks in power), but it was to be expected since the country was weak and unstable. So the schemers being revealed is unexpected, but they might have been invented now just to be able to prolong the story with less suspension of disbelief.
(One country falling for natural reasons is fine, but if the story is going to move on to rescue several countries, then "evil masterminds" become more easily believable than "oh, a second/third/fourth country starts falling over, when they were just fine in the first past")