Tell us, what's bothering you ?

Sep 4, 2019
how nice, 2020 still bullies out there...
why don't you make some passive-aggressive posts on socials to expose him without actually telling his name?
why don't you make a post about bullies in college or work places and how those people are toxic for communities? (obviously making sure him, his friends and all the people that can help you, see it)
record him. every. time. then when you have more than a "few" episodes, you report him saying that "you are here to study, and you're paying for that, not to educate children. if you were in another environment you wouldn't have endured his shit this long".
Sep 9, 2020
If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.
- Sun Tzu
Sep 4, 2019
well.. he's not your brother, and it's not like you are destroying him, so...
have you tried doing the same thing that he does to you ?
are you sure you aren't overstating a tad the situation?
you can confront him even without being physical. you know, mad, angry, but no punching. just "what the hell did say, uh?" "don't talk to me or my children about me ever again" you know.. spit out everything.. if he'll hit you you win. i would still record it though.
Nov 23, 2018
I have confronted him once without being physical. He just shrugged it off saying, "we're friends, right?" So I told him that I clearly don't see him as a friend and that he's not just pulling my leg at this point, it's just blatant insults. To which he said, "Alright, screw you then." He left but he still kept up him antics just not to my face but in my presence where I can clearly hear him. Passive-aggressive basically. Now his sidekicks are getting a little aggressive.
Whenever I try to wish somone or just write anything on my class' group, they start sending 🐍 - meaning traitor and then delete it off in 5 seconds.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 19, 2018
@ZerbosG To me they're just emojis, but maybe they mean more in your culture? If they're doing this instead of physically confronting you I'd say the tradeoff is worth it.
Group Leader
Apr 20, 2019
I keep dozing off at work... Needs something to keep me awake... Lolipops? Energy drinks in the morning? Something spicy, but convenient to eat...?

I wonder if my boss saw me sleeping just now, or just a dream...
Sep 9, 2020
coffe ?


some cigg while working.
Sep 4, 2019
something doesn't add up.
it's the same as entering into a class and every time, somebody makes a sound or tells something. (like if you are fat and every time they grunt like a pig)
well, you need to make them fight.
now they are bonding because they are targeting you. You need to change that.
It's the same thing as when a country finds an "enemy" and unite their citizens diverging the public opinion from their faults/flaws.
You need a mole in their group. Not somebody to defend you, but somebody to expose their flaws while talking casually. he doesn't need to target somebody, he needs to create chaos.
Just as @ColorfulSoy said, you need to know them.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 19, 2018
@imcrazy I dunno, getting called a snake hasn't been a serious insult since, like, the 50's where I'm from.
Sep 4, 2019
@BestBoy it's not a matter of adj or emojis, it's the way they are being used to make someone unconformable.

it's strange though, like i said, something doesn't add up.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 17, 2019
This is my final advice (until my next final advice). The extent to which you follow it is up to you of course, but it's worth considering.

1. Treat him as politely as you would a stranger, but not a stranger you are actively attempting to get to know (as in, don't initiate dialogue).

2. Don't fall for his bait. Just like on the internet (or the other way around rather), people say and do rude/harmful things in order to elicit responses.

3. If a direct confrontation occurs, act as if you are mentally over the situation. Just saying things like "yeah, I don't really mind anymore" or "I realized it's not that important" do wonders in showing that you're not bothered by his present or past actions.

As with anything in life: if you don't let something bother you, it won't. And when other people are involved, the next best thing is to act like it doesn't bother you, even if it really does.
That's not intended to sound unsympathetic, it's merely how it is. We've all had things that have bothered us to varying degrees. Your feelings are very real and I can empathize with them, but venting them outside of your bully's sight, as you're doing now, is better than venting them in front of him.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 19, 2018
@imcrazy I mean, it really shouldn't bother him that someone he befriended and later found out is an asshole is calling him a traitor or w/e. Being a traitor to an asshole is a compliment in my book. As long as the snake emoji is a replacement for physical confrontations, he really shouldn't let it get to him since he's completely in the right here. Definitely needs to make new friends on campus for some moral support, though, since it sounds like these assholes are on everyone's radar.
Group Leader
Apr 1, 2019
people trying to seek validation from strangers on the internet instead of seeking professional help

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