Tell us, what's bothering you ?

Sep 9, 2020
Cheating is fun in some way, but it's depending on the game.

if it's like Genshin Impact (open world), sometimes it's bad, and sometimes it isn't
Group Leader
Apr 20, 2019
Gave BoA another call today to see why they took so long. Was told that my claim was denied, but no email or letter was sent to inform me of anything (wtf!?). The claim department is closed so I have to call them early tomorrow.

Sep 4, 2019
1) I need to shut up, just shut up! why sometime i could not just do that? even when i know it's a trap. even when they show me it's a trap. even when they're saying loook! it's a trap! SHUT UP! it's a curse, argh.
2) google that puts an inescapable overlay popoup asking for "consent" every time and with extra pages just to make you click "agree" without unchecking:
3) and youtube as well:

4) my mouse wheel that's almost dead
5) firefox that every update it's like saying: just surrender, download another browser, come on man, just stop using me. it's almost like google is paying firefox devs to get their users.
6) mangadex that after the image reduction "improvement", now, imgs dont load at all most of the time for mangas that i check out to see if they are good when they pop up in the home page. Yeah, maybe it's because most of the time I'm not logged in for that "feature" to be disabled (thing is that even when i set original imgs in the viewer setting, they still don't load). oh well, it is what it is.
Fed-Kun's army
Dec 17, 2018
Recently my little brother has been singing alexander hamilton and thinking he's cool for singing that. The problem is not the song, is that he's singing it with his flat tune and it pisses me off(that i started to think should i fucking deck him?).

Is this the same feeling that togashi yuta feel when he's being a straight man?
Dex-chan lover
Mar 24, 2019
I feel like there's a time where I want to scream at the top of my lung sometimes. Can't really explain why exactly.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 22, 2020
When does the "consent popup" show up? When you're logging in, or simply when you open the sites? Do you have an adblocker? (curious cuz I've never seen that)
And for the mangadex image loading issue, maybe try turning off MDatHome, I think it solved some other people's problems.
Dec 31, 2019
What you should do is record your brother's off-key singing and play it back for him. 100% guaranteed to make him stop for awhile.
Fed-Kun's army
Dec 17, 2018
That's evil. I was singing in my room when my big sister did that to me and share it with her friends. since then i never want a good sibling relationship with her. fuck her.
Dec 31, 2019
Fight fire with fire. (But leave out the "sharing with others" bit. No need to spread his embarrassment/shame any further.)
Sep 4, 2019
every time i visit google or youtube.
Yes I do have adblocker, but i don't want to make a filter. maybe it is a "region" thing idk.
for the MDatHome thing, like i said, when i'm not logged in, i can't turn that off. i can only go in the viewer's setting and turn original images instead of compressed, but that doesn't change anything for me, still loading and error. no biggie though, it's just for some chapters, if i want to check out the art/feel the story, most of the time, if i can't access a chapter, the next is ok. If i like it thou, having more missing chs could be irritating.
Mar 8, 2020
My sleep schedule has been an absolute mess for the past few months, that's probably the one thing that's been bothering me the most. I've been pulling countless all-nighters trying to find somewhere to work but all the places in walking distance aren't hiring or I don't fit the criteria, I'd hate to bother people for a ride and I can't afford to take an Uber everyday for work anywhere outside of walking distance.

Also, thank you for making this thread so people can vent out their frustrations.
Sep 4, 2019
find a job first and worry about how to get there later.
You could ask your employer, maybe they have "ways" for employees. Maybe there is a colleague in your "walking distance", with a car, that your boss can introduce you to.
How about renting your home and paying a rent yourself in a more "walking distance" friendly apartment? You could take a room with other tenants, maybe even colleagues or people that works in the same zone. just until you are settled with something that suits your needs, it doesn't need to be permanent.
is a Reindeer
Jan 24, 2018
@imcrazy Sounds like if chapters are failing that often for you, whatever you're getting internet from is blocking SSL ports(ex: 44300) that aren't the standard (443) which is somewhat typical at workplaces
Sep 4, 2019
that's the fun part, some chapters with :44300 hosted imgs don't have problems, that's why i thought it was odd, and it's not even specific to that port for what i could see, well now it's being a minute from last i checked so idk. Maybe it's my isp playing games and it's a temporary thing or maybe Im having bad luck with some nodes (or maybe there were too few at that moment or too far away), i don't really know how it works MD@Home, i just read that it was a p2p thing. Anyway, if the site is using a non standard port, it would be a good thing to make a notice in the front page for new users, it's not that uncommon in 2020 being under a firewall that blocks everything but 80,443. thanks anyway.

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