Tensei Shite High Elf ni Narimashitaga, Slow Life wa 120-nen de Akimashita - Ch. 32

Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2018
Concerning the matter of half-bloods, it seems like they only crop up because humans can't keep it in their pants. I see no mention of half-bird, half-fish here, nor did we hear about half-elf, half-dwarf back home. I swear, humanity's greatest strength seems to be looking at something and going "I'd fuck it".
Dex-chan lover
Jun 25, 2020
Concerning the matter of half-bloods, it seems like they only crop up because humans can't keep it in their pants. I see no mention of half-bird, half-fish here, nor did we hear about half-elf, half-dwarf back home. I swear, humanity's greatest strength seems to be looking at something and going "I'd fuck it".
Humanity has 3 advantages
  • average stats, we might not be the strongest, fastest or more durable, but we're not bad at it either, so we can dabble at everything, which also gives us better stamina consuption
  • average intelligence, we're smart enough to be able to adapt, but not too smart to be like those damn knife ears look at elves and vulcans with righteous anger
  • we'll bang anything and everything, independent if it's organinic or not, alive or not, it has a hole or not, even if it's not sapient or sentient, and I do mean literally anything and everything, sometimes without consent
When we finally meet aliens the risk isn't violence, but some dangerous alien std :dogkek:
Either that or earth will be quarentined by the rest of the universe because we're freaks in the sheets :wtf:

Dex-chan lover
Aug 30, 2018
Even if they live in the shallows, being a half-mermaid sounds like a terrible existence. Having to live in the water, but not being able to breathe it, would suck. Obviously there are irl mammals in the same boat, but those have evolved to be able to hold their breath for fairly long periods, rather than being first-generation hybrids that aren't ready to deal with the sea.
Jan 24, 2018
Oh God is that Sacred Blacksmith?

That story left me disturbed when I found out that the barn rape attempt scene of that red head girl actually went all the way in the original novels. :fml:
With the fact that it aired coming on 15 years ago, I don't even remember if I watched it in its entirety. This shot is the only thing that has been able to persist in my memories.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 12, 2020
With the fact that it aired coming on 15 years ago, I don't even remember if I watched it in its entirety. This shot is the only thing that has been able to persist in my memories.
She did not get fully raped in the anime version, she instead had her clothes ripped off and got mental scars from it.

Then there was a whole arc about her recovering from the trauma. I remember being confused why she was acting as if she had been fully raped. Then I found it was cause she DID get raped originally, but that scene got retconned cause of huge fan backlash.
Jan 24, 2018
She did not get fully raped in the anime version, she instead had her clothes ripped off and got mental scars from it.

Then there was a whole arc about her recovering from the trauma. I remember being confused why she was acting as if she had been fully raped. Then I found it was cause she DID get raped originally, but that scene got retconned cause of huge fan backlash.
Manglobe picking up the dish that Miura-sensei cooked...
Dex-chan lover
Aug 28, 2019
While I still do enjoy this manga a lot, people have become a little too comfortable with disrespecting Frieren by needlessly comparing this manga to it. Guys, both of them are trying to accomplish separate things with their respective stories. That being said, Frieren will always be the golden standard.
I'm going to disagree with you on that one. Maybe at first I'd have considered Freiren the gold standard, but this manga has far surpassed it when it comes to a story about how long-lived races experience the passage of time. While still good, Freiren got itself too bogged down in just being a regular fantasy series for me to call it the gold standard.

This series has meanwhile maintained it's focus on how differently Aesir experiences time. As Tsuranuki pointed out, we've already had 75 years pass in this series, and had to see multiple characters we connected with fall to the ravages of time. Meanwhile Freiren has had only 11 years pass (she meets Fern 20 years after Himmel's passing, and chapter 124 says that 31 years have passed since Himmel's passing) so we only experience the passing of time via the (increasingly rare) flashbacks to the previous journey. And flashbacks just don't have the same impact.
Aggregator gang
Jul 9, 2024
Aesir is so oblivious to the flow of time that no one at the school will remember him as anything more than a bedtime story of the elf that the matriarch loved. Even the dwarf will likely be gone and it will be his children/grandchildren running things. I wish he would be a little more self aware of those he considers friends and the limitations of their lifespans.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 28, 2020
thanks for the chapter
so i guess his Master will be long gone, when he finaly gets back there
Dex-chan lover
Aug 29, 2018
Concerning the matter of half-bloods, it seems like they only crop up because humans can't keep it in their pants. I see no mention of half-bird, half-fish here, nor did we hear about half-elf, half-dwarf back home. I swear, humanity's greatest strength seems to be looking at something and going "I'd fuck it".
No, it's simply because of how the various races were created.
Human is sort of a "basic template" with no notable trait except high adaptability, then from them the gods added more features to create other races. That adaptability is why having a half-human child is more common.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 23, 2018
...why do i have the sneaking suspicion that the dwarf'll've kicked it before he returns?
well he still live and
in the latest vol of the ln i read he start to get old yes and it still far away

with that out of the way now for the LORE of the world (so read on your on risk and i probably make a mistake because it was too long and the information was spread in some of the ln so feel free to correct me)

so it was establishe in the latest translated ln that basically creator create 5 race starting with spirit that basically created the world then high elf that comunicated with the spirit to balanced the world, then come the giant which record the world then he created phoenix to bridge the high elf and giant then dragon to protect the world and lastly before he go to sleep he created one last race that has the role which to awake the creator when a great calamity struck upon the world.
now the last race which later known as gods become bored and because they are born last they basically want to see creator make the world so they start to make replica of the other 4 race but because they can't use the power of chaos which the creator use and can only use mana they creation become unperfect and because of that a distorted power is born whenever the replica of the race died because of this power monster was created and dragon end up burn the world.
of course at first the dragon want to burn it along the replica but the gods see them as their own child and protect them and opinion was split in to three
the dragon want to punish the gods and destroy every single replica, the phoenix which is ok with only replica destroyed lastly the giant which grown interest in replica that want to save them
so in the end high elf decided that the gods will not be punish until the creator awake while the dragon will burn the world and giant will protect the replica
now then the giant which become interest in replica start to teach them alot of things (which is why the world only has one language) and they experiment in how to make replica stronger so they can face the monster which result in failure because the result is they become the mystic which ironacly has almost the same power as the gods but more versatile than them but they can't reproduce so the giant think of it as a failure
one of the experiment is to take in the distorted power to make replica stronger so they can take the monster but this turn failure to because the replica become the one who known today as demon just like monster many of the replica become violent when taking the distorted power except for few rare case
lastly the reason the oni manage to go to the island because they want to protect the demon race too from being extinct because of their impulse
even now the giant still debating in the clouds (sometimes helping) on how to make the replica strong so the dragon don't have to burn the world from being over populated by monster

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