Also, quick minor details to the ramen chef. Each new challenge dish she makes has an outcome. The hot as hell, sweaty. The steamy-as-hell, assault to the eyes. Tough-as-hell, chipped tooth. Messy-as-hell, sauce all over her.
I'm confused though. Why did she gave up? With that kind of order and they keep coming, the place will make BANK and will probably be the biggest place in the area.
I love that everyone actually loved the taste of the ramen, so the woman was genuinely talented at cooking, she was just too obsessed with the challenge to take advantage of that
Whenever I see a "super spicy ramen" chapter like this in a manga, I always think "Okay, but how spicy is this really?" The Japanese are quite famously very intolerant of spice. They think freaking wasabi is spicy.