To think all this time Rentarou was this world’s savior, a true fairy tale hero!
Hakari don’t go putting weird thoughts in Mei’s head, teaching her about the warm fuzzies you get when rubbing yourself against a table… Code Geass style.
Nano would see talking animals in a fairy tale as absurdist humor, she seemed pretty confident and a little smug in her revelation, how cute. The story she was told about the two people and the apples, was realistic enough that she understood the value of fairy tales, though had the person who carried the other been made hungry in the end only to be fed by the person they helped, it would have had a moral to it. Just a slight adjustment, and it would be conveyed better.
Hakari don’t go turning wholesome moral fairy tales into your personal naughty fantasy. Both the Hanazonos have the same fantasies of them being princesses, you’d think Hahari would envision herself as a queen, but maybe she doesn’t want to think about her age (I mean what, she’s no older than 30 right?) I just thought about it. Also Momoha is too sloshed to know what’s going on right now.