so she isnt really tall even, i mean sure above avg especially for japanese women but its below mens avg
and i girls mature (and stop growing) way sooner so i dont think she'll grow any more
Waaaaitaminute. You'd have to be at least feeling unwell in order to be admitted in the school infirmary right? And Yamada doesn't even appear to be feeling down under anything, 🤔🤔🤔
@CommieJohnTeh I think the nurse is just really laid back. She might even understand she likes him because she seemed to be enjoying their antics (or letting it happen).
@sixfish11@TwilightOwl@Tamerlane She isn't 5'6" her height is closer to 5'8", and she's a fricking japanese middle school girl, she's gigantic. @remiska I'd like to ask you where a 5'8" middle school girl won't be considered to be tall as fuck.
@Darklight99 ive known a girl in primary school (13? 14?) who was 168cm (5'6") you might not have paid attention but i have a lot younger brother and when i sometimes went to get him at school id notice how tall girls can be, they really can get fully physically developed by the age of 14/15