- On page 8, Yamada's first line in the Japanese is just "niteru" ("similar"), without saying who her dad is similar to. She's most likely thinking that he's similar to Ichi but hesitating to say it, considering that he concludes she's trying to say that he's similar to Yamada and she starts to correct him before Yamama barges in. Translating her first line as "he looks like me" breaks it both in that it defines who she's saying her dad is similar to and how they're similar when the original line doesn't specify either of those things.
-The inner monologue in the last two pages is screwed up. The "I'm never gonna come here again" line is shifted from the last box of page 13 to the last box of page 12, where what's there in the Japanese is a line about how Yamama is different from what he expected, then the "a titan?" box is completely empty and it and the following line are in the last two boxes. This both completely obliviates what's actually in the last box on 12 (a line about Yamama being different from what he expected her to be like) and also kinda ruins the joke of him saying to himself that he's never coming back while agreeing to come back someday in his LINE conversation with Yamada.