The Holy Grail of Eris - Vol. 3 Ch. 10 - Honesty's True Face

Dex-chan lover
Oct 24, 2018
Yeah her father's logic doesn't make any sense, he'll help out other people at the cost of his own family and community then claim it's the honest way. It would be honest to just admit you can't help someone and not pitifully try and hold up a facade of a good guy. Does he even care about what his family thinks or what they go though, it's not very honest to let's someone suffer so you can keep looking good in the eyes of the public or friends
Nov 27, 2018
When I started this, I never expected it to be such a dark and grim story, it's giving me goosebumps.

It's great, just completely different from what I expected
Dex-chan lover
May 14, 2018
I never thought about it before, but I suddenly realized, that I needed anime adaptation of this.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 12, 2018
Evidently a drug business going on that has big shots of the country involved.

The fool has nobody to tell him when to stop and that probably is because leaving him to be that way makes him more easy to manipulate.
Constant has learned and by comparison more mature than her own father (and mother).

The best part is she learned this on her own instead of Scarlet telling her her father is dumb.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 21, 2018
I think Constance is missing something here. You can be a good, nice and honest person; but you also need to temper that benevolence with willpower, strength and guile to avoid being used, which is what is happening to her father. He's honestly a good and upstanding man (I personally see him that way), but his niceness is blinding him to the needs of his own people and the posibility that his friends get into those messes because they know he's going to be there to get them out at his own expense.

I want to believe that Constance will eventually see this, but with that state of the nobility and the influence of Scarlet...
Dex-chan lover
Dec 20, 2019
@Korvalus I think that interpretation is utterly missing the point. Her father isn't being honest, he's being an altruist. He's pissing away the family's wealth and going into debt to "help others." Sure, that may mean he is being used, but that's doesn't make him a good or benevolent person, it makes him an idiot. The point of this chapter was to show that he is not blinded to the needs of his people, he just puts his dedication to his interpretation of the family creed above the needs of his own people and even his own family, because he's not a good person, he's a terrible person by trying to live up to his own impossible principles. This makes him a liar because he can't admit this to himself, or at least he doesn't admit it to the world if he does admit it to himself.

And that is the exact juxtaposition that Constance is grappling with. She understands that her father's version of "honesty" is idealistic and getting people hurt. She also understands that her actions to save herself and others have directly lead to horrible things happening to others, and that she has to come to terms with the world not being black and white if she wants to survive. If she wants to truly be a good person, she has to first decide what that is on her own terms, and then work towards that, and not blindly follow a blatantly contradictory creed from ages long past. Sometimes, being a good person means doing bad things. Sometimes, being a good person means telling somebody looking for help to get lost.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 31, 2018
Yep. Actually he he is far be worse because at least shounen protagonists use their tragic backstory for character development and eventually become a good person. He is just blindly "honest" using his own warped interpretation of the word's meaning. Is it honest for a grown man and women to literally sneak out of their own home hiding from their kids? Is it honest to not warn the kids about potential people who could/will cause them harm? Is it honest for a noble family head to neglect his own responsibilities because some random unrelated person asked for money? No. If anything, it is very dishonest, cowardly, and negligent.

This man literally values his own interpretation of what honesty means over his own children. What a piece of shit. This guy reminds me of Shou Tucker from FMA. Not the dog/girl thing, but his mentality. He is willing to sacrifice anything, even those close to him, for his goal (in this case upholding his public image as being "honest"). This guy does not know what honesty means. He is just using a word to describe his obsessive compulsion to serve others who he thinks need help.

To me, if I had to look at the Father's character, I would say that he has a big mental illness which needs to be, but likely never will be addressed. He has crippling selflessness (altruism?). I truly don't think he cant bring himself to stop helping every person he meets, who he thinks has an issue or problem, so he forces himself to at least not lie about his doings, just so that he does not completely destroy his self pride. And that he is too much of a coward to admit he has a problem, and to say no when he knows he cant afford to or physically can't do something. He is also too afraid to give something/someone close to him priority over another unrelated thing/person because he likely feels guilty for picking a side he has ties to. It to him, isn't fair to pick his family, because not everyone can be a part of his family, and he has responsibilities to his territory too. He also likely reasons that his family will not blame his choices, but cant bring himself to ask them, because he is scared they will not agree. His thought process where if anyone is to suffer, it should be me, extends to include his family as well it seems.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 12, 2018
Good thing everyone universally agreed Constance's father is an awful parent and human being with a facade.
Now both Constance and Scarlet share something
both of their fathers are huge pieces of shit.
That's what Scarlet told happened, why would she lie with her personality? 🙃
Dex-chan lover
Sep 21, 2018
@AnonymousWeeaboo: That was partially my point, but I see what you mean. He's so obsessed with what he thinks is "the right thing" that he doesn't see anything else. A Stupid Good in my dictionary. Even if he means well, he's more detreimental than anything else. He's failing in doing good? Big time. But he thinks he's trying and doing what's right which is what I meant.

I agree in your opinion on Constance's current issue. She sees that the ideals of his father are no good, specially in that corrupted environment; so she tries to find her own way. The problem I saw, is that she doesn't see herself as a good person anymore and that would lead her to doing really nasty things for the sake of her family.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 12, 2018
Can he even be called good anymore?
He engaged his daughter to a merchant to pay off someone else debt.
But, when his daughter got done dirty he refused any form of compensation/palimony that would have solved the previous issue, instead he supposedly wanted a duel to clean his daughter's honour, a duel he was well aware wasn't going to happen and he knew couldn't win.
Double-page supporter
Jun 28, 2019
For this manga, i think we all can agree that we always want more! God, the story line, i really like it 💕 Thanks for translating this!
Aggregator gang
Oct 2, 2018
Being righteous isn't the same as being good. Neither is naivety. He's just a fool, who believes he holds the moral high ground.
Jan 18, 2018
@Korvalus It's okay that Constance feels like she's not going to be a good person anymore because then she can consider what she thinks a good person will do in a given situation. Even if it hurts her self-esteem, it'll stop her from going too far and help her tie up loss ends.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 9, 2018
It's like the mangaka is good at drawing female character faces but not as good at drawing men. I am seeing the same faces issues with the male characters.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 24, 2020
For 40-ish page per chapter...., it went by too fast!!
NEED MOAAAR! *breaths fire*
Just why this manga have to be monthly? 😭
Regardless, thanks for the chapter

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