The Magical Revolution of the Reincarnated Princess and the Genius Young Lady - Ch. 41


Dex-chan lover
Oct 5, 2020
Kiss her you coward, you'll figure out that spirit contractor thing later I'm sure it's not that important
Dex-chan lover
Mar 22, 2018
It definitely isn't an easy choice as it means long outliving the one person she wishes to be beside
hmm but isnt anis kind of almost half dragon? maybe that'll extend her lifespan somehow?
My thoughts exactly. The girls got a dragon magic tattoo and the dragon even said she’d be a dragon some day. I have to imagine that’ll give her at least a few centuries of living. Or she’ll figure out another way to keep going. The girl s a genius with a Future queen as her lover (?) so she’ll have all the resources she’ll ever need. Im sure she could figure out immortality

LN reader here: Here are the answers if you are curious

Will Euphie go through with this decision? And what results from this?
Yes, she will. However this decision does have her and Anis fight it out once for the throne. In the end, Anis does lose. Euphie becomes adopted by the royal family, becomes the next queen with Anis supporting her. The nobles are happy with this result actually. Since Spirit Contractors are revered part of their culture and since Euphie became one and is going to be queen, this is a good thing for them. Euphie will take over as queen and she begins to change how the kingdom is slowly, still respecting the past and advocating for change for their future while integrating Anis's magic tools as carefully as possible. Since even just some random invention of Anis could make a major splash. Example, a magical typewriter that helps with paperwork. Euphie's father and his efficiency at paperwork skyrocketed, much to the dismay of Anis's parents.

Is Anis still human or a half-dragon? Her dragon tattoo? Does she become a dragon?
Anis is still completely human with a normal lifespan at this point, the dragon tattoo doesn't make her one yet. With the dragon's knowledge etch into her soul, she's able to make use of magicite used for the tattoo but she did not become one YET. It's not until LN volume 6 for Anis to become a dragon due to a certain confrontation with a powerful antagonist. Euphie by that point has been worried about outliving Anis since Euphie became queen and a spirit contractor. During the confrontation, in a bid to save Anis, they end up creating a dragon's magicite in Anis's chest via the dragon tattoo, thus making Anis a dragon. However it is also hinted there is another factor too.
Anis almost became a vampire during the confrontation, with the creation of the dragon magicite in her, there's a bit of a vampire factor too. And Anis is excited to test out what her magicite will do. I also believe that due to her magicite she's able to finally use magic.

Anis and Euphie, future relationship
Yes they become lovers. Euphie makes the bold announcement when she is crowned queen, much to the embarrassment of Anis. A kiss in public at the coronation ceremony. Anis's parents also are sorta just speechless about it. Euphie develops a bit of a teasing imp thing against Anis as Euphie feeds off of Anis's magical energy, usually via kissing. After Anis becomes a dragon, Anis is able to do the same thing to Euphie and finally understands why Euphie does a lot of teasing in their relationship. Anis later has to think of a diet of sorts that'll help deal with the magical energy bit since they both need it.

By the time LN Volume 6 happens, despite them living their lives, Euphie was extremely worried that she'll outlive Anis, it's only after a hard battle that Anis finally becomes a dragon, and becomes pretty much immortal like Euphie. Prior to this, neither Euphie or Anis had any ideas about what to do about, at the time, Anis's normal lifespan and how to deal with it.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 5, 2019
OR. And hear me out.

Euphie makes thebcontract, Anis becomes a dragon... and they burn this whole stupid kingdom down.

I'm sorry but why the fuck would you put someone so wishy washy in charge? Twice?

Of course the kingdom is corrupt and fucked with ludite quacks.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 5, 2018
Becoming a spirit contractor
+Will shut up the nobility
+Will let the love of your life live freely from royal obligations
=Does not prevent having lesbian sex with dragons
-Will make you outlive mortals

Additional factor to consider, the love of your life is going to become a dragon, and is thus seemingly on a potential path to immortality. I can see why she would make the same choice every single time, the math is with her on this.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 28, 2023
I'm not even a burger but i hope last page isn't what i think it is. If so, yikes, since thats quite a delusional reach. Also don't insert your shit where it doesn't belong
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Dex-chan lover
Feb 25, 2019
So her only choice to take the throne and save our adorable mc is to become an ageless and immortal super wizard. Not saying that’d be an easy choice but I’d certainly take it
That's not as much major issue as other hint of "You can't back out of it". It's just a hint and full story that Lumi told is really tragic and that's the main consequence of being Spirit contractor.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 12, 2018
Nah that sounds like a terrible idea. I've read up on the Dark Sun D&D setting, that's a whole world full of immortal sorcerer-kings and it sucks to live in.
That is why you build magic guillotines, simple as.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 17, 2023
Shout out to Young king Grantz and his edward-daikon hands. Loved farming for radishes, never appears without one. "I just want to travel with my friends, but I have Daikons for hands!"

Now he's a king, no Daikons, and his children are fucked up wierdos. Man should have only ever given birth to more daikons.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 8, 2020
I...still don't know what a Spirit Contractor is, they didn't explain it at all. Unless it was explained sometime in an earlier chapter, which means I'll have to re-read this one again.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 3, 2023
Each passing month, we're drawing closer and closer to those moments. I do hope for the Manga that it could be told in more detail cause I can't shake the feeling that the Anime rushed it by quite a lot
Dec 29, 2018
idgi what are they referring to
Well, the comment right after yours may give you a hint, but it was
Donald Trump raising his fist while dragged offstage and his zealots fans chanting "U.S.A." after the recent assassination attempt on him as if it was a sports event and someone hadn't just died a violent death.
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Dex-chan lover
Jan 8, 2023
How is this compared to the LN? Is it basically the same thing or is one better than the other?
For me the LN is better because the story can focus on the details and the LN has more room to breathe. Manga has to shorten stuff and cut corners here and there but it's good too. If you're already a reader than I'd pick up the LNs. Plus LN #7 comes out in 8 days so you could catch up just in time.

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