The Answer for what Magic Tool Euphie will receive...! drumroll
A special sword! The 'unfinished' sword on the wall is a Mana Sword. It's very effective against all elements and is capable of cutting magic spells to block them, but it's bad at actually blocking physical attacks because it needs more energy that way and causes the Spirit Stones to break.
Euphie gets a normal sword with multiple spirit stones embedded that lets her use all elements of mana blade, while it still having a physical blade. Think the Flame Tongue sword for D&D, but you choose the elements. It's very powerful in Euphie's hands since she can turn it on in order to block magic and swap elements or even combine them, then turn it off to use it as a normal sword. Essentially letting her not waste Spirit Stones since blocking physical attacks damage the stones, then augment her physical attacks or defense.
And as OP as Euphie is, Anise is actually more OP when she wants to go into combat.
...what kinda "unfinished sword" is that...? it's just a short knife blade mounted onto a sword hilt. Is it supposed to grow like a plant or something?
I love when a group of characters is lively and nuanced enough to make me actually like reading exposition. Sure wish the idiots writing another adventurer guild rank explanation were as talented.