The way the author tries to justify the MC getting the girl that idolized him killed... knowing exactly what would happen...
Then MC gets "Revenge" saying "she can rest in peace"... like what bullshit, he is just as guilty.
He took all her families money knowing what would happen, and did nothing to help her.
So how can author even believe she would rest in peace, when the one that caused her death is MC. And he lives off happily barely caring. (he didn't kill the one who actually did her in either btw).
And then author tries to pretend MC has good morales.... pathetic, either stick with MC having a code, or ditch it altogether, the double-standard bullshit of where he justifies his crimes that break his own code is some primary school cringe ass shit.
The premise is good, the writing wasn't particularly bad, but the consistency is utter trash. Author decided to ditch self-awareness and accountability in regards to MC, despite those two things being the most important traits for his goal.
If this story was realistic, MC would end up dead in a ditch, with someone else taking his place, because he is blinded to himself, and thus would easily get himself killed. (Given how "smart" he is supposedly, he would have been able to pre-empt the whole arc the moment he took the money, and deal with it before albert even knew his name, but author only makes him smart when it is convenient to do so, making MC weak while being supposedly strong).