The NPCs in This Village Sim Game Must Be Real! - Vol. 6 Ch. 28

Dex-chan lover
Jan 26, 2020
his coworker came to his home, threatening MC to stop defending the village. Because his coworker already fail so many time to raid and if he fail this time, it will be game over. MC got help by the Lizard, the coworker game over, and if it game over it will wipe the player memory regarding the game. And MC villager are all dead. Because MC AFK (encounter with his coworker).

So when MC check the PC (before the screen turn black), MC saw all the NPC dead. But one person is missing. The girl Carol. Its turn out, when evil god attack, her mother drugged her, and put her in the altar. So the girl came to MC house. So we got a stories about Carol life in Japan Instead. It is bullshit.

Then turns out theres many other players out there and they can also use miracles in real life. So it becomes a real life guerilla warfare of losers trying to sabotage / blackmail eachother life.
Ok, maybe not. What the hell? Do we get miracles to restore the NPCs? This is sort of nonsensical!
Dex-chan lover
May 27, 2018
his coworker came to his home, threatening MC to stop defending the village. Because his coworker already fail so many time to raid and if he fail this time, it will be game over. MC got help by the Lizard, the coworker game over, and if it game over it will wipe the player memory regarding the game. And MC villager are all dead. Because MC AFK (encounter with his coworker).

So when MC check the PC (before the screen turn black), MC saw all the NPC dead. But one person is missing. The girl Carol. Its turn out, when evil god attack, her mother drugged her, and put her in the altar. So the girl came to MC house. So we got a stories about Carol life in Japan Instead. It is bullshit.

Then turns out theres many other players out there and they can also use miracles in real life. So it becomes a real life guerilla warfare of losers trying to sabotage / blackmail eachother life.
this cant be real, holy shit what the fuck
Dex-chan lover
Jan 5, 2019
I really hope the coworker isn't brainwashed. Mind control is such a copout reason for characters to act evil. Characters can just be bad people, not everyone needs to be redeemable.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 5, 2019
his coworker came to his home, threatening MC to stop defending the village. Because his coworker already fail so many time to raid and if he fail this time, it will be game over. MC got help by the Lizard, the coworker game over, and if it game over it will wipe the player memory regarding the game. And MC villager are all dead. Because MC AFK (encounter with his coworker).

So when MC check the PC (before the screen turn black), MC saw all the NPC dead. But one person is missing. The girl Carol. Its turn out, when evil god attack, her mother drugged her, and put her in the altar. So the girl came to MC house. So we got a stories about Carol life in Japan Instead. It is bullshit.

Then turns out theres many other players out there and they can also use miracles in real life. So it becomes a real life guerilla warfare of losers trying to sabotage / blackmail eachother life.
Can anyone else confirm this? Cuz if it's true... well, maybe it's for the best this got axed.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 26, 2018
I was going to be mad at the author trying to make me feel the slightest bit sorry for this jerk, but then whoops that's a twist.
What, so he got brainwashed into burglary now?

Yes, in the novel we don´t see the other evil god players until much later however.
( at least 2 arcs )
The other guy was used as a pawn to get to the MC by some other evil gods.
But in the novel you do not get told this until much later.

And this new guy is going to be a major pain in the ass for a long while
(but he is actually one of the "nicer" evil gods as he is 100% true neutral. )

MC even recruits him to fight against another evil god that becomes the BBEG of the novel later on.

Spoil me what happened in the next 3 arc?
OK !
Here is most of what i remember from reading the novel from 2 years back...
I forgot alot and there are huge gaps in what i remember.
It was a long time ago, so some of this info might be a little off.

Don´t read if you are alergic to bad grammar and spelling.

This is the end of the first big arc.
I forgotten ALOT because it was a long time ago.

After this, the MC continues to grow his village.
He keeps getting attacked by other monsters for a few months.
But they are less organized as they are wild once as not as dangerous.
He also starts going on "dates" with his Seika and it becomes the start of a relationship.
And his relationship with his family is slowly getting better thanks to Destiny.
Seika is still scared of Destiny tho as she is super afraid of lizards.
So Everything's overall pretty good for the MC.

Next Arc

Seika is then moved to a new job because her old company was bought up by a bigger company.
And Seika starts acting weird,and other weird things happens.

The reason for her strange action is that another evil player who is the CEO of the big company that is trying to brainwash her into loving him.
He also learns that there are ways to use a few godly powers in the real world, but does not know how yet.
There are however some very big limitations to them.

The CEO also uses normal people to abuse some game mechanics in the evil god game to more or less make all of the employees into "servants" who can play the game for him without breaking the rules.

This is why he is so rich and also super strong in the game.
MC goes undercover as a janitor in the company and finds out alot about the godly war of good and evil in the next few arcs.
But he learns alot about the evil side from spying on the employees playing the game.
He manages to break Seika out of the mind controlling, but in the possess is discovered by the CEO.
CEO basically swears revenge and that is the end of that arc.

Meanwhile all of this happens the village is expanding and is becoming a pretty big hamlet.
There are some new notable NPC´s that helps out with the village.
(For example a few survivors from the elf village that belonged to another good god player that lost)
But for the overarching story they are not super important.
What is important however is that the MC gets to the next level and unlocks "The god forum"
Where other good god players can chat with each other.
The chat is however censured by a players level, so he can´t get too much info other then tips and tricks for the game.
Also both good and evil gods have their own forum, but can´t talk to the other side.

This forum is pretty important in the next few arcs, but for now MC does not use it much right now.

Just know that it is a way for the MC to learn new things that other gods of his level should known.
If he asks questions about evil gods, or things above his level then the forum is going to hide the posts to everyone who does qualify for the secret information.

Next Arc

Then suddenly the difficulty of the attack waves every month spikes alot, and the village is about to be destroyed.
This causes the villagers to "sacrifices" the little girl with his holy bible to his statue.
In the hope that she can be saved by their god ( The MC ) as they are all going to die.
They then grab some dynamite that one of the new NPC`s made and blow themselves up.

Then everything cuts to black and the village is destroyed and everyone dies ! DUN DUN DUN ! )

MC´s app also stops working and only shows a black screen.
We later in this arc learns that this is the CEO fault, as he have recruited some of his "servants" to attack the MC.
( But the CEO himself is super far away from the MC, so he cant attack him directly yet become of this. )

This also causes the little girl and the holy bible to be shipped in a mailbox to the MC´s house like all the other sacrifices.
He makes up a bunch of lies about him being a servant to the god ( himself )
And takes the girl on a trip around "the god realm" with her while trying to figure out what the fuck to do.

She is flipping out because :
1, everything she has ever known is burnt to dust.
2, she got saved her god and got sent to what is basically "heaven" WITH A PERSONAL SERVANT/ANGEL OF HER GOD.

The evil gods finds out his holy book is in the real world and they start to attack him in the real world to steal it.
Some by hiring thugs or and a few go after him themselves.

The MC learns that with the help of the book, he can use his god powers in the real world as the book is the focus point of his
"godly vision" in the game app.
After he gets the book he can view the real world in the game app and use points to make miracles in the real world.
( Still can´t use his god powers without the book like the evil gods however )

After the evil gods attack him he takes a vacation and sets out on a road trip to another part of the country where the "god game" packages comes from to visit the game company's HQ.
The road trip is kind of a story arc in itself, but its a whole lot of god lore and new evil god player characters.
MC also learns alot more about the evil side from his attackers.

After a long journey to the west * coff *
i mean to the game company address.
He is told that he was expected and is invited by one of the developers.
It turns out that all of the god and evil gods are game devs in this company and the one inviting the MC is the god he is playing as in the game.

insert a fuck ton of god lore here that the MC learns and is not really important yet
The gods off both side use the game as a platform for a great war that has being going on for a LOOOONG time.

MC then wants to return the book, and his god,being the great troll that SHE IS ( yes its a goddess for some reason ?)
Says "lol how about no ?" and teleports the MC into the game WITH THE GIRL AND THE BOOK.( and also Destiny IIRC)


MC wakes up in his own village with the book and the girl and everyone is super suspicious about him.
He finds out that the village survived by blowing up a a ton of dynamite and managed by luck to find a old dwarf cave that they fortified and managed to fight off the invasion in.
They are sus about him as they find him strange, but when the little girl wakes up she "explains" everything.
MC starts doing MC things while living in the village which goes terrible as he is not exactly the strongest character ever.

But become he is a envoy of their god they help and take care of him and let him join the village.
Life goes on and the attacks keep coming but they can fight it off.
MC still has the book and uses it to do magic tricks like usual while acting like a godly envoy.
Stuff happens, and i forgot ALOT ALOT ALOT about it, but he eventually gets teleported back home again. ( without the book )

MC´s village gets a visit from some dark elves from another god goods village ( and one of them has the other gods book ).
MC has a few normal elves who flips a lid over this, but MC stops from from fighting.
MC does some shenanigans and invites the dark elves into his village, which makes him able to read their status.
( can´t read status of people who does not belong to the village )

MC does a bunch of stuff and finds out a few things like :
this is a very elf/human populated area, and the dark elves lives on the other side of the forest
( remember this whole Manga takes place inside a " evil " forest where almost nobody have managed to settle. )

the elves belong to another player who is also under attack from the CEO ( he kind of becomes the big bad )

MC uses revelations to give the other god a "secret code that only a god would understand "
( It was his phone number )

The other god good is a young kid in the same country as the MC.
He is also a god of nature, so he can do nature shit unless the MC who is "fate" and can fuck with probability.

There is also a sub plot in the last 2 arcs where MC´s luck is revealed to be his "godly power" in the real world.
And he have learned to make himself lucky.
But if abused its eventually going to balance out and make him super unlucky for a short time.

MC and the nature god starts plotting revenge against the CEO, and their first step is to save the nature gods village.
The reason he sent out the village chiefs dauther( the one with the book )
Was to look for help to fight off the evil gods who are attacking him.


MC sends out the dream team that destroyed the friendly janitors evil god army to help the other good god.
He also recruits the evil god who mind controlled the other evil god in this chapter to fight against the CEO as a inside agent.

Shenanigans happens and they defeat a CEO evil god camp, but the village is basically destroyed.
The other good god moves his entire village and moves in next to the MC, so they start working as a team.
Again, the other god is a kid, so they look up to the MC who saved him.

This basically evolves MC´s village into a small city and he becomes a level 4 god around this point
(this unlocks more features on the forum and new godly miracles with his book if you forgot about it )

And this is where i took a break from reading the novel as i ran out of chapter.
And i never picked it up again in 2+ years as i started reading more Manga then novels.
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Dex-chan lover
Apr 4, 2023
his coworker came to his home, threatening MC to stop defending the village. Because his coworker already fail so many time to raid and if he fail this time, it will be game over. MC got help by the Lizard, the coworker game over, and if it game over it will wipe the player memory regarding the game. And MC villager are all dead. Because MC AFK (encounter with his coworker).

So when MC check the PC (before the screen turn black), MC saw all the NPC dead. But one person is missing. The girl Carol. Its turn out, when evil god attack, her mother drugged her, and put her in the altar. So the girl came to MC house. So we got a stories about Carol life in Japan Instead. It is bullshit.

Then turns out theres many other players out there and they can also use miracles in real life. So it becomes a real life guerilla warfare of losers trying to sabotage / blackmail eachother life.
So that's why it's got axed. The story become shit
Dex-chan lover
Oct 13, 2019
his coworker came to his home, threatening MC to stop defending the village. Because his coworker already fail so many time to raid and if he fail this time, it will be game over. MC got help by the Lizard, the coworker game over, and if it game over it will wipe the player memory regarding the game. And MC villager are all dead. Because MC AFK (encounter with his coworker).

So when MC check the PC (before the screen turn black), MC saw all the NPC dead. But one person is missing. The girl Carol. Its turn out, when evil god attack, her mother drugged her, and put her in the altar. So the girl came to MC house. So we got a stories about Carol life in Japan Instead. It is bullshit.

Then turns out theres many other players out there and they can also use miracles in real life. So it becomes a real life guerilla warfare of losers trying to sabotage / blackmail eachother life.
:question: the faq? What was the author thinking?
Dex-chan lover
Jan 5, 2019
Yes, in the novel we don´t see the other evil god players until much later however.
( at least 2 arcs )
The other guy was used as a pawn to get to the MC by some other evil gods.
But in the novel you do not get told this until much later.

And this new guy is going to be a major pain in the ass for a long while
(but he is actually one of the "nicer" evil gods as he is 100% true neutral. )

MC even recruits him to fight against another evil god that becomes the BBEG of the novel later on.

OK !
Here is most of what i remember from reading the novel from 2 years back...
I forgot alot and there are huge gaps in what i remember.
It was a long time ago, so some of this info might be a little off.

Don´t read if you are alergic to bad grammar and spelling.

This is the end of the first big arc.
I forgotten ALOT because it was a long time ago.

After this, the MC continues to grow his village.
He keeps getting attacked by other monsters for a few months.
But they are less organized as they are wild once as not as dangerous.
He also starts going on "dates" with his Seika and it becomes the start of a relationship.
And his relationship with his family is slowly getting better thanks to Destiny.
Seika is still scared of Destiny tho as she is super afraid of lizards.
So Everything's overall pretty good for the MC.

Next Arc

Seika is then moved to a new job because her old company was bought up by a bigger company.
And Seika starts acting weird,and other weird things happens.

The reason for her strange action is that another evil player who is the CEO of the big company that is trying to brainwash her into loving him.
He also learns that there are ways to use a few godly powers in the real world, but does not know how yet.
There are however some very big limitations to them.

The CEO also uses normal people to abuse some game mechanics in the evil god game to more or less make all of the employees into "servants" who can play the game for him without breaking the rules.

This is why he is so rich and also super strong in the game.
MC goes undercover as a janitor in the company and finds out alot about the godly war of good and evil in the next few arcs.
But he learns alot about the evil side from spying on the employees playing the game.
He manages to break Seika out of the mind controlling, but in the possess is discovered by the CEO.
CEO basically swears revenge and that is the end of that arc.

Meanwhile all of this happens the village is expanding and is becoming a pretty big hamlet.
There are some new notable NPC´s that helps out with the village.
(For example a few survivors from the elf village that belonged to another good god player that lost)
But for the overarching story they are not super important.
What is important however is that the MC gets to the next level and unlocks "The god forum"
Where other good god players can chat with each other.
The chat is however censured by a players level, so he can´t get too much info other then tips and tricks for the game.
Also both good and evil gods have their own forum, but can´t talk to the other side.

This forum is pretty important in the next few arcs, but for now MC does not use it much right now.

Just know that it is a way for the MC to learn new things that other gods of his level should known.
If he asks questions about evil gods, or things above his level then the forum is going to hide the posts to everyone who does qualify for the secret information.

Next Arc

Then suddenly the difficulty of the attack waves every month spikes alot, and the village is about to be destroyed.
This causes the villagers to "sacrifices" the little girl with his holy bible to his statue.
In the hope that she can be saved by their god ( The MC ) as they are all going to die.
They then grab some dynamite that one of the new NPC`s made and blow themselves up.

Then everything cuts to black and the village is destroyed and everyone dies ! DUN DUN DUN ! )

MC´s app also stops working and only shows a black screen.
We later in this arc learns that this is the CEO fault, as he have recruited some of his "servants" to attack the MC.
( But the CEO himself is super far away from the MC, so he cant attack him directly yet become of this. )

This also causes the little girl and the holy bible to be shipped in a mailbox to the MC´s house like all the other sacrifices.
He makes up a bunch of lies about him being a servant to the god ( himself )
And takes the girl on a trip around "the god realm" with her while trying to figure out what the fuck to do.

She is flipping out because :
1, everything she has ever known is burnt to dust.
2, she got saved her god and got sent to what is basically "heaven" WITH A PERSONAL SERVANT/ANGEL OF HER GOD.

The evil gods finds out his holy book is in the real world and they start to attack him in the real world to steal it.
Some by hiring thugs or and a few go after him themselves.

The MC learns that with the help of the book, he can use his god powers in the real world as the book is the focus point of his
"godly vision" in the game app.
After he gets the book he can view the real world in the game app and use points to make miracles in the real world.
( Still can´t use his god powers without the book like the evil gods however )

After the evil gods attack him he takes a vacation and sets out on a road trip to another part of the country where the "god game" packages comes from to visit the game company's HQ.
The road trip is kind of a story arc in itself, but its a whole lot of god lore and new evil god player characters.
MC also learns alot more about the evil side from his attackers.

After a long journey to the west * coff *
i mean to the game company address.
He is told that he was expected and is invited by one of the developers.
It turns out that all of the god and evil gods are game devs in this company and the one inviting the MC is the god he is playing as in the game.

insert a fuck ton of god lore here that the MC learns and is not really important yet
The gods off both side use the game as a platform for a great war that has being going on for a LOOOONG time.

MC then wants to return the book, and his god,being the great troll that SHE IS ( yes its a goddess for some reason ?)
Says "lol how about no ?" and teleports the MC into the game WITH THE GIRL AND THE BOOK.( and also Destiny IIRC)


MC wakes up in his own village with the book and the girl and everyone is super suspicious about him.
He finds out that the village survived by blowing up a a ton of dynamite and managed by luck to find a old dwarf cave that they fortified and managed to fight off the invasion in.
They are sus about him as they find him strange, but when the little girl wakes up she "explains" everything.
MC starts doing MC things while living in the village which goes terrible as he is not exactly the strongest character ever.

But become he is a envoy of their god they help and take care of him and let him join the village.
Life goes on and the attacks keep coming but they can fight it off.
MC still has the book and uses it to do magic tricks like usual while acting like a godly envoy.
Stuff happens, and i forgot ALOT ALOT ALOT about it, but he eventually gets teleported back home again. ( without the book )

MC´s village gets a visit from some dark elves from another god goods village ( and one of them has the other gods book ).
MC has a few normal elves who flips a lid over this, but MC stops from from fighting.
MC does some shenanigans and invites the dark elves into his village, which makes him able to read their status.
( can´t read status of people who does not belong to the village )

MC does a bunch of stuff and finds out a few things like :
this is a very elf/human populated area, and the dark elves lives on the other side of the forest
( remember this whole Manga takes place inside a " evil " forest where almost nobody have managed to settle. )

the elves belong to another player who is also under attack from the CEO ( he kind of becomes the big bad )

MC uses revelations to give the other god a "secret code that only a god would understand "
( It was his phone number )

The other god good is a young kid in the same country as the MC.
He is also a god of nature, so he can do nature shit unless the MC who is "fate" and can fuck with probability.

There is also a sub plot in the last 2 arcs where MC´s luck is revealed to be his "godly power" in the real world.
And he have learned to make himself lucky.
But if abused its eventually going to balance out and make him super unlucky for a short time.

MC and the nature god starts plotting revenge against the CEO, and their first step is to save the nature gods village.
The reason he sent out the village chiefs dauther( the one with the book )
Was to look for help to fight off the evil gods who are attacking him.


MC sends out the dream team that destroyed the friendly janitors evil god army to help the other good god.
He also recruits the evil god who mind controlled the other evil god in this chapter to fight against the CEO as a inside agent.

Shenanigans happens and they defeat a CEO evil god camp, but the village is basically destroyed.
The other good god moves his entire village and moves in next to the MC, so they start working as a team.
Again, the other god is a kid, so they look up to the MC who saved him.

This basically evolves MC´s village into a small city and he becomes a level 4 god around this point
(this unlocks more features on the forum and new godly miracles with his book if you forgot about it )

And this is where i took a break from reading the novel as i ran out of chapter.
And i never picked it up again in 2+ years as i started reading more Manga then novels.
This genuinely sounds terrible. It sounds like what it becomes is just a drama and battle series.

I came here to watch a man learn that he can still do things that matter, getting resocialized and reforming himself by watching other people improve themselves and helping them out in return.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 9, 2023
Yes, in the novel we don´t see the other evil god players until much later however.
( at least 2 arcs )
The other guy was used as a pawn to get to the MC by some other evil gods.
But in the novel you do not get told this until much later.

And this new guy is going to be a major pain in the ass for a long while
(but he is actually one of the "nicer" evil gods as he is 100% true neutral. )

MC even recruits him to fight against another evil god that becomes the BBEG of the novel later on.

OK !
Here is most of what i remember from reading the novel from 2 years back...
I forgot alot and there are huge gaps in what i remember.
It was a long time ago, so some of this info might be a little off.

Don´t read if you are alergic to bad grammar and spelling.

This is the end of the first big arc.
I forgotten ALOT because it was a long time ago.

After this, the MC continues to grow his village.
He keeps getting attacked by other monsters for a few months.
But they are less organized as they are wild once as not as dangerous.
He also starts going on "dates" with his Seika and it becomes the start of a relationship.
And his relationship with his family is slowly getting better thanks to Destiny.
Seika is still scared of Destiny tho as she is super afraid of lizards.
So Everything's overall pretty good for the MC.

Next Arc

Seika is then moved to a new job because her old company was bought up by a bigger company.
And Seika starts acting weird,and other weird things happens.

The reason for her strange action is that another evil player who is the CEO of the big company that is trying to brainwash her into loving him.
He also learns that there are ways to use a few godly powers in the real world, but does not know how yet.
There are however some very big limitations to them.

The CEO also uses normal people to abuse some game mechanics in the evil god game to more or less make all of the employees into "servants" who can play the game for him without breaking the rules.

This is why he is so rich and also super strong in the game.
MC goes undercover as a janitor in the company and finds out alot about the godly war of good and evil in the next few arcs.
But he learns alot about the evil side from spying on the employees playing the game.
He manages to break Seika out of the mind controlling, but in the possess is discovered by the CEO.
CEO basically swears revenge and that is the end of that arc.

Meanwhile all of this happens the village is expanding and is becoming a pretty big hamlet.
There are some new notable NPC´s that helps out with the village.
(For example a few survivors from the elf village that belonged to another good god player that lost)
But for the overarching story they are not super important.
What is important however is that the MC gets to the next level and unlocks "The god forum"
Where other good god players can chat with each other.
The chat is however censured by a players level, so he can´t get too much info other then tips and tricks for the game.
Also both good and evil gods have their own forum, but can´t talk to the other side.

This forum is pretty important in the next few arcs, but for now MC does not use it much right now.

Just know that it is a way for the MC to learn new things that other gods of his level should known.
If he asks questions about evil gods, or things above his level then the forum is going to hide the posts to everyone who does qualify for the secret information.

Next Arc

Then suddenly the difficulty of the attack waves every month spikes alot, and the village is about to be destroyed.
This causes the villagers to "sacrifices" the little girl with his holy bible to his statue.
In the hope that she can be saved by their god ( The MC ) as they are all going to die.
They then grab some dynamite that one of the new NPC`s made and blow themselves up.

Then everything cuts to black and the village is destroyed and everyone dies ! DUN DUN DUN ! )

MC´s app also stops working and only shows a black screen.
We later in this arc learns that this is the CEO fault, as he have recruited some of his "servants" to attack the MC.
( But the CEO himself is super far away from the MC, so he cant attack him directly yet become of this. )

This also causes the little girl and the holy bible to be shipped in a mailbox to the MC´s house like all the other sacrifices.
He makes up a bunch of lies about him being a servant to the god ( himself )
And takes the girl on a trip around "the god realm" with her while trying to figure out what the fuck to do.

She is flipping out because :
1, everything she has ever known is burnt to dust.
2, she got saved her god and got sent to what is basically "heaven" WITH A PERSONAL SERVANT/ANGEL OF HER GOD.

The evil gods finds out his holy book is in the real world and they start to attack him in the real world to steal it.
Some by hiring thugs or and a few go after him themselves.

The MC learns that with the help of the book, he can use his god powers in the real world as the book is the focus point of his
"godly vision" in the game app.
After he gets the book he can view the real world in the game app and use points to make miracles in the real world.
( Still can´t use his god powers without the book like the evil gods however )

After the evil gods attack him he takes a vacation and sets out on a road trip to another part of the country where the "god game" packages comes from to visit the game company's HQ.
The road trip is kind of a story arc in itself, but its a whole lot of god lore and new evil god player characters.
MC also learns alot more about the evil side from his attackers.

After a long journey to the west * coff *
i mean to the game company address.
He is told that he was expected and is invited by one of the developers.
It turns out that all of the god and evil gods are game devs in this company and the one inviting the MC is the god he is playing as in the game.

insert a fuck ton of god lore here that the MC learns and is not really important yet
The gods off both side use the game as a platform for a great war that has being going on for a LOOOONG time.

MC then wants to return the book, and his god,being the great troll that SHE IS ( yes its a goddess for some reason ?)
Says "lol how about no ?" and teleports the MC into the game WITH THE GIRL AND THE BOOK.( and also Destiny IIRC)


MC wakes up in his own village with the book and the girl and everyone is super suspicious about him.
He finds out that the village survived by blowing up a a ton of dynamite and managed by luck to find a old dwarf cave that they fortified and managed to fight off the invasion in.
They are sus about him as they find him strange, but when the little girl wakes up she "explains" everything.
MC starts doing MC things while living in the village which goes terrible as he is not exactly the strongest character ever.

But become he is a envoy of their god they help and take care of him and let him join the village.
Life goes on and the attacks keep coming but they can fight it off.
MC still has the book and uses it to do magic tricks like usual while acting like a godly envoy.
Stuff happens, and i forgot ALOT ALOT ALOT about it, but he eventually gets teleported back home again. ( without the book )

MC´s village gets a visit from some dark elves from another god goods village ( and one of them has the other gods book ).
MC has a few normal elves who flips a lid over this, but MC stops from from fighting.
MC does some shenanigans and invites the dark elves into his village, which makes him able to read their status.
( can´t read status of people who does not belong to the village )

MC does a bunch of stuff and finds out a few things like :
this is a very elf/human populated area, and the dark elves lives on the other side of the forest
( remember this whole Manga takes place inside a " evil " forest where almost nobody have managed to settle. )

the elves belong to another player who is also under attack from the CEO ( he kind of becomes the big bad )

MC uses revelations to give the other god a "secret code that only a god would understand "
( It was his phone number )

The other god good is a young kid in the same country as the MC.
He is also a god of nature, so he can do nature shit unless the MC who is "fate" and can fuck with probability.

There is also a sub plot in the last 2 arcs where MC´s luck is revealed to be his "godly power" in the real world.
And he have learned to make himself lucky.
But if abused its eventually going to balance out and make him super unlucky for a short time.

MC and the nature god starts plotting revenge against the CEO, and their first step is to save the nature gods village.
The reason he sent out the village chiefs dauther( the one with the book )
Was to look for help to fight off the evil gods who are attacking him.


MC sends out the dream team that destroyed the friendly janitors evil god army to help the other good god.
He also recruits the evil god who mind controlled the other evil god in this chapter to fight against the CEO as a inside agent.

Shenanigans happens and they defeat a CEO evil god camp, but the village is basically destroyed.
The other good god moves his entire village and moves in next to the MC, so they start working as a team.
Again, the other god is a kid, so they look up to the MC who saved him.

This basically evolves MC´s village into a small city and he becomes a level 4 god around this point
(this unlocks more features on the forum and new godly miracles with his book if you forgot about it )

And this is where i took a break from reading the novel as i ran out of chapter.
And i never picked it up again in 2+ years as i started reading more Manga then novels.
The story still seens somewhat interesting. I can understand why it would make some readers upset though since it changes the premise pretty drasticlly.
Group Leader
Jan 26, 2018
Yes, in the novel we don´t see the other evil god players until much later however.
( at least 2 arcs )
The other guy was used as a pawn to get to the MC by some other evil gods.
But in the novel you do not get told this until much later.

And this new guy is going to be a major pain in the ass for a long while
(but he is actually one of the "nicer" evil gods as he is 100% true neutral. )

MC even recruits him to fight against another evil god that becomes the BBEG of the novel later on.

OK !
Here is most of what i remember from reading the novel from 2 years back...
I forgot alot and there are huge gaps in what i remember.
It was a long time ago, so some of this info might be a little off.

Don´t read if you are alergic to bad grammar and spelling.

This is the end of the first big arc.
I forgotten ALOT because it was a long time ago.

After this, the MC continues to grow his village.
He keeps getting attacked by other monsters for a few months.
But they are less organized as they are wild once as not as dangerous.
He also starts going on "dates" with his Seika and it becomes the start of a relationship.
And his relationship with his family is slowly getting better thanks to Destiny.
Seika is still scared of Destiny tho as she is super afraid of lizards.
So Everything's overall pretty good for the MC.

Next Arc

Seika is then moved to a new job because her old company was bought up by a bigger company.
And Seika starts acting weird,and other weird things happens.

The reason for her strange action is that another evil player who is the CEO of the big company that is trying to brainwash her into loving him.
He also learns that there are ways to use a few godly powers in the real world, but does not know how yet.
There are however some very big limitations to them.

The CEO also uses normal people to abuse some game mechanics in the evil god game to more or less make all of the employees into "servants" who can play the game for him without breaking the rules.

This is why he is so rich and also super strong in the game.
MC goes undercover as a janitor in the company and finds out alot about the godly war of good and evil in the next few arcs.
But he learns alot about the evil side from spying on the employees playing the game.
He manages to break Seika out of the mind controlling, but in the possess is discovered by the CEO.
CEO basically swears revenge and that is the end of that arc.

Meanwhile all of this happens the village is expanding and is becoming a pretty big hamlet.
There are some new notable NPC´s that helps out with the village.
(For example a few survivors from the elf village that belonged to another good god player that lost)
But for the overarching story they are not super important.
What is important however is that the MC gets to the next level and unlocks "The god forum"
Where other good god players can chat with each other.
The chat is however censured by a players level, so he can´t get too much info other then tips and tricks for the game.
Also both good and evil gods have their own forum, but can´t talk to the other side.

This forum is pretty important in the next few arcs, but for now MC does not use it much right now.

Just know that it is a way for the MC to learn new things that other gods of his level should known.
If he asks questions about evil gods, or things above his level then the forum is going to hide the posts to everyone who does qualify for the secret information.

Next Arc

Then suddenly the difficulty of the attack waves every month spikes alot, and the village is about to be destroyed.
This causes the villagers to "sacrifices" the little girl with his holy bible to his statue.
In the hope that she can be saved by their god ( The MC ) as they are all going to die.
They then grab some dynamite that one of the new NPC`s made and blow themselves up.

Then everything cuts to black and the village is destroyed and everyone dies ! DUN DUN DUN ! )

MC´s app also stops working and only shows a black screen.
We later in this arc learns that this is the CEO fault, as he have recruited some of his "servants" to attack the MC.
( But the CEO himself is super far away from the MC, so he cant attack him directly yet become of this. )

This also causes the little girl and the holy bible to be shipped in a mailbox to the MC´s house like all the other sacrifices.
He makes up a bunch of lies about him being a servant to the god ( himself )
And takes the girl on a trip around "the god realm" with her while trying to figure out what the fuck to do.

She is flipping out because :
1, everything she has ever known is burnt to dust.
2, she got saved her god and got sent to what is basically "heaven" WITH A PERSONAL SERVANT/ANGEL OF HER GOD.

The evil gods finds out his holy book is in the real world and they start to attack him in the real world to steal it.
Some by hiring thugs or and a few go after him themselves.

The MC learns that with the help of the book, he can use his god powers in the real world as the book is the focus point of his
"godly vision" in the game app.
After he gets the book he can view the real world in the game app and use points to make miracles in the real world.
( Still can´t use his god powers without the book like the evil gods however )

After the evil gods attack him he takes a vacation and sets out on a road trip to another part of the country where the "god game" packages comes from to visit the game company's HQ.
The road trip is kind of a story arc in itself, but its a whole lot of god lore and new evil god player characters.
MC also learns alot more about the evil side from his attackers.

After a long journey to the west * coff *
i mean to the game company address.
He is told that he was expected and is invited by one of the developers.
It turns out that all of the god and evil gods are game devs in this company and the one inviting the MC is the god he is playing as in the game.

insert a fuck ton of god lore here that the MC learns and is not really important yet
The gods off both side use the game as a platform for a great war that has being going on for a LOOOONG time.

MC then wants to return the book, and his god,being the great troll that SHE IS ( yes its a goddess for some reason ?)
Says "lol how about no ?" and teleports the MC into the game WITH THE GIRL AND THE BOOK.( and also Destiny IIRC)


MC wakes up in his own village with the book and the girl and everyone is super suspicious about him.
He finds out that the village survived by blowing up a a ton of dynamite and managed by luck to find a old dwarf cave that they fortified and managed to fight off the invasion in.
They are sus about him as they find him strange, but when the little girl wakes up she "explains" everything.
MC starts doing MC things while living in the village which goes terrible as he is not exactly the strongest character ever.

But become he is a envoy of their god they help and take care of him and let him join the village.
Life goes on and the attacks keep coming but they can fight it off.
MC still has the book and uses it to do magic tricks like usual while acting like a godly envoy.
Stuff happens, and i forgot ALOT ALOT ALOT about it, but he eventually gets teleported back home again. ( without the book )

MC´s village gets a visit from some dark elves from another god goods village ( and one of them has the other gods book ).
MC has a few normal elves who flips a lid over this, but MC stops from from fighting.
MC does some shenanigans and invites the dark elves into his village, which makes him able to read their status.
( can´t read status of people who does not belong to the village )

MC does a bunch of stuff and finds out a few things like :
this is a very elf/human populated area, and the dark elves lives on the other side of the forest
( remember this whole Manga takes place inside a " evil " forest where almost nobody have managed to settle. )

the elves belong to another player who is also under attack from the CEO ( he kind of becomes the big bad )

MC uses revelations to give the other god a "secret code that only a god would understand "
( It was his phone number )

The other god good is a young kid in the same country as the MC.
He is also a god of nature, so he can do nature shit unless the MC who is "fate" and can fuck with probability.

There is also a sub plot in the last 2 arcs where MC´s luck is revealed to be his "godly power" in the real world.
And he have learned to make himself lucky.
But if abused its eventually going to balance out and make him super unlucky for a short time.

MC and the nature god starts plotting revenge against the CEO, and their first step is to save the nature gods village.
The reason he sent out the village chiefs dauther( the one with the book )
Was to look for help to fight off the evil gods who are attacking him.


MC sends out the dream team that destroyed the friendly janitors evil god army to help the other good god.
He also recruits the evil god who mind controlled the other evil god in this chapter to fight against the CEO as a inside agent.

Shenanigans happens and they defeat a CEO evil god camp, but the village is basically destroyed.
The other good god moves his entire village and moves in next to the MC, so they start working as a team.
Again, the other god is a kid, so they look up to the MC who saved him.

This basically evolves MC´s village into a small city and he becomes a level 4 god around this point
(this unlocks more features on the forum and new godly miracles with his book if you forgot about it )

And this is where i took a break from reading the novel as i ran out of chapter.
And i never picked it up again in 2+ years as i started reading more Manga then novels.

I'll take over from here for the final arc.

Couple of months later. MC is doing well with the game. He is now LV. 4 and considered to be one of the high rank players in the game. He has access to the player forums and his town is thriving.

One day, there's a online rumor going around about some abandoned village in a remote island. A video of a bunch missing irl streamers was uploaded, showing the village and some monsters. MC got a call from her goddess to investigate. With the help of other players, he went to the island.

Meanwhile inside the game, the villagers are also investigating rampant monsters, so they went investigating.

As you can guess, those two events are connected. An evil god open a rift between dimensions in that island connecting both worlds for the evulz. MC meets the villagers again (along with the missing irl streamers) and defeats the evil god (think epic anime final battle scenario).

After the boss raid, MC reaches Lv 5,the highest level in the game. And the goddess of fate gave him two choices, he can quit the game (with thr village ownership goes to a noob player), or continue playing. You can pretty much guess which option he picked as the epic gamer.

Time skip to a couple of years later. MC quit his job and opens a restaurant (Destiny is the restaurant's mascot) and got married to childhood friend.

Also forgot to mention during volume 3
Volume 3 differs a bit in LN ver and WN.
In WN version, he didn't get to meet with the goddess of fate. All interactions with her are through phone call only iirc. After reaching the game company, he got immediately teleported to the game village

In LN version, he actually got to stay in the company for a couple of days, meeting with other gods, and doing chores around the office. It was then he realizes both the good gods and evil gods shares one building. Also, all the gods dotes on the village girl.

It's a good thing the LN only goes as far as the 3rd volume because MC's character arc finishes then. MC pretty much content with his life by this point, so there's no further character development. Even the author themselves acknowledge that. They said that the story supposed to end at volume 3. Further arcs just feel like an epilogue to me, or an movie tie-in. So it's a shame that the manga got axed before we reached the actual conclusion to the story.
Double-page supporter
Jan 27, 2018
his coworker came to his home, threatening MC to stop defending the village. Because his coworker already fail so many time to raid and if he fail this time, it will be game over. MC got help by the Lizard, the coworker game over, and if it game over it will wipe the player memory regarding the game. And MC villager are all dead. Because MC AFK (encounter with his coworker).

So when MC check the PC (before the screen turn black), MC saw all the NPC dead. But one person is missing. The girl Carol. Its turn out, when evil god attack, her mother drugged her, and put her in the altar. So the girl came to MC house. So we got a stories about Carol life in Japan Instead. It is bullshit.

Then turns out theres many other players out there and they can also use miracles in real life. So it becomes a real life guerilla warfare of losers trying to sabotage / blackmail eachother life.

what the fuck is this shit

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