I still don't get all the Trump hate. He doesn't act presidential? If Bush,Clinton,Bush, Obama, were the definition of Presidential, I'll take a self assured patriot that still believes in the Don't Tread On Me motto, and comes across as a actual human being any day!
He's a businessman instead of a politician.
He actually knows how to run a multinational empire.
He's actually doing what he said he'd do, versus just talk in useless presidential babble that get's nothing done.
He's not of the swamp creature class that's fighting tooth and nail to maintain the quagmire he's valiantly trying to drain.
He's actually believes America is equal to foreign nations, versus caving, bowing, apologizing for existing, kissing ass, and living according to the globalist precedent that we somehow deserve the status of the floormat of the modern world.
He believes trade deals should be reciprocal.
He believes nations should do their part to fulfill their obligations, and then if that's not enough we will step in.
Unlike the previous Presidential seat warmers he actually bypassed the whiny brats of the Middle East and negotiate actual peace deals between the adults in the arab nations, and Israel! (So let's consider the mystery, if the Abraham accords happen and American media ignores it, did it actually happen?) ( He got 3 Nobel peace prize nominations for his work to normalize relations between Serbia, and Kosovo, as well as Between Israel, UAE, and Bahrain, with more nations in line to sign up in the future.)
Rather then act a fool and incite panic over the COVID-19 he put up a optimistic front, restricted travel from the hot zones, removed bureaucratic red tape BS, and mobilized America's potential to the fullest, to get available supplies distributed, and secure new sources of required assets when the globalist's supply chains fell flat! Then he backed the push for rapid testing, and development of therapeutics, and a vaccine that could be put into distribution in the near future, without the world having to sit on it's collective ass in quarantine for 4 years waiting for the virus to go away!
Personally I think a down to earth working man as President who believes the bear has been poked one time too many by the Socialist Globalists & Demo-rats, and it's time to bite, claw, and put them in their place because the American Tea Party, and the forgotten man has had enough of their 💩, makes him the best thing that could ever happen to this country. 😤