The Politics Megathread

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Dex-chan lover
Sep 1, 2019
In the midst of all this, Twitter decided that they had the right to suspend the President of the United States from speaking in the middle of a public crisis on their platform and deleted two of his twitters, which is against the ruling of the Supreme Court that said that the public has to be able to access the word of the president for record purposes.

How long until we'll ruled by our Technocrat overlords and everything is suppressed by big brother?
Jan 18, 2018
As a low-level technocrat, the answer to the first one is soon. But they'll still be subjected to the whims of the guys on top because, at the end of the day, they/we're just technocrats.
As for the second, direct supression is so last-century. Why force supression when, through social engineering, you can have the unenlightened masses themselves wanting it?
Feb 5, 2019
Fuck me...these "politics experts" have invaded mangadex...can't u talk about these enough in social medias? Why bring it in a manga website? U dont get enough attention in there?
Most powerful member of the GFG
Super Moderator
Feb 16, 2020
Why force supression when, through social engineering, you can have the unenlightened masses themselves wanting it?
The unenlightened masses
they cannot make the judgement call
give up free will forever
their voices won't be heard at all

Display obedience
while never stepping out of line
and gladly swear allegiance
let your country control your mind.

Sorry, I had to, but there is some truth to the song
Jan 18, 2018
At the risk of sounding like a snob, this is the one thread named "The Politics Megathread" of the General sub-forum of the Discussion forum of the entire site. What were you expecting to find? Virtual youtubers? Because I can include them and many other characters if you want.

Collective consciousness controlled, as you'll see.
Jan 19, 2018
What were you expecting to find? Virtual youtubers? Because I can include them and many other characters if you want.
Honestly, a discussion on Virtual YouTubers would be nice to watch (you just have to somehow make it political).
Jan 18, 2018
Not that I mind, but just in case.
The site which shall not be named has like 8 generals about vtubers across 3 boards.
EDIT: Forgot to mention, at least in one of the boards, you'll get run out if you try to bring politics into the fold.
Jan 18, 2018
Sadly, it isn't. While tragic, her death doesn't make the protest violent. It adds a new dimension to it, as a death on any side does, but it's still not violent on part of the protestors.
EDIT: Just in case it's not clear, a death doesn't make a protest violent on any side. It may have been an accident or intentional, but it didn't fan any flames at the moment, so it doesn't make it violent. The protestors and the police were actually very civil for what I'm used to see when people say "protest".
Aug 18, 2020
Lol. And here I thought pro-Trump cucks have no balls.
It's funny to see how BLM supporting degenerates rage on about this whole situation. They literally accusing Trump-cucks in everything they did themselves a few month ago. Such delicious hypocrisy is really american style.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 1, 2019
@Halo I believe that's how it started, however, because it means the press has to be able to access his words indiscriminately and because it is in the interest of the American citizenry, as twitter "is a designated public forum."

Twitter deleting his tweets or banning him is a violation of that principle, and it also has some implications on twitter's ability to suppress people it doesn't like.

My mistake was it wasn't a supreme court decision, but it still was appealed to them.


I'm finding conflicting reporting on that case on who she was and who shot her, or if she insinuated it or not. The best thing to do would be to wait for more information to come out, as some sources say she was a protestor would could mean she was apart of the protest or that she could have aggravated the police to do so.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 15, 2019
I really hope nobody here is glorifying these people.

Right or wrong, this not the way to go about it.

As for the women who died, allegedly she ignored warnings from police /secret service agents/whatever to get back. The twitter link has the video of it happening as well as a image from a different angle in the chain. From what I can piece together there were security on the other side and she alone decide to ignore the warnings and aimed gun(s) and climb through the broken window. (WARNING CONTENT MAY NOT BE SUITABLE FOR VIEWING)

Sad? Yes. surprising? decide.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 17, 2018

Nothing to see here. Just police officers doing their job by removing violent rioters from the streets. Or so I've been told last summer.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 11, 2019

You're spreading misinformation. The woman that was murdered was unarmed, with empty hands. Even if she was not obeying orders to get back, she was on the other side of a barricade. There was absolutely zero justification for use of force, let alone lethal force.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 10, 2020
Is it bad that I always had fun seeing people mock and glorify both Trump and Biden? It's like hey, you know they are both bad people, why not just overthrow both and make a new government? Idk, perhaps split the country, exchange lands to be on the same political side?
I'm sure only peace will follow.
I mean, aren't civil wars always done peacefully?
Dex-chan lover
Oct 11, 2019
Washington, DC just banned "gatherings" for the next 15 days. In other words they are banning all assemblies and protests until after the inauguration, in direct violation to the Constitution.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 1, 2019
When you corner an animal, villainize, demonize, and antagonize them for the last half decade, then you put tons of social pressure on them, threaten to deprive them of the their rights, their ability to find a job, and call them every label under the sun, and then, once they have exhausted every means to find justice and retribution through official channels, which have stonewalled them, rejected them outright and operated against them with extreme prejudice, it is no wonder that those people will eventually explode.

There's enough rot within the swamps of Washington that it can be smelled across the country, yet we put up for it because we've been shouted at by a tainted media that one side is unjustifiably evil. It was only a matter of time that a Caesar would arise to cross the Rubicon if the people's will would not be heard. It is that fear that causes dictators to rise to power, and that fear which causes the senate to stab the so-called villain in the back, only for more thirsting and hungry figures to arise in the seeking of power. We all wish to restore the republic and the constitution, but both sides fear the other is the one who is violating it, and so must take more extreme actions to make sure they are heard. In such times of corruption, polarization, division, and the fracturing of shared truths and values, that it is inevitable that principled men and women will come to blows.

There's been a pressure valve building in America, if not the world, for the last few decades as we've pitted the left and the right against each other over trivial issues of little consequence, yet when someone calls out the machine at work, they are lambasted with everything that can be thrown at them.

Above all, I wish for peace, but only if peace will bring it liberty and justice. I wish for peace, but only if that peace enshrines the US's autonomy. I wish for peace, but only if that peace means that our constitutional rights are not violated by neither a corrupt government, a slanderous media, or a big tech industry that has grown into an uncontrollable behemoth.

It was the founding fathers who revolted against the British almost 250 years ago. They tried repeatedly through Olive Branch Treaties, legal processes, and protests to get what they wanted, and when peace could not be broached with the King nor Parliament, the framers fought a war for independence. I fear that if the needs of the people are not placated and if such a large majority of America has created a division by which they cannot tolerate the other side, then we have come to the point at which we will begin to mimic the movements of our forefathers, for good or for ill. And, if by some chance we do end up breaking into civil war, I can only imagine that the US will never be the same to how it once was, and whether that means the system is gutted of its corruption to start a new, or if the foul stink in Washington continued and the constitution becomes naught but scrap from a forgone era.

I do not advocate for violence, and I wish for peace, but those who have knowledge of history means that the future echoes the past, and the past has only spelt ruin and revolution on our once fair country. I pray I am wrong.
Group Leader
Apr 20, 2019
@Ceildric @EOTFOFYL From what I can see in the video, it didn't seem like any of them were armed. Now, perhaps we should wait for more information to be released. Maybe there were cameras in the area and they captured the situation better than what we have now.
However, Twitter comments, as always, make me want to puke. The so-called love and tolerant leftist warriors didn't show any sympathy and even laughed at her death. Imagine if maybe her skin was darker? Or maybe this happened at a BLM riot instead? Has there been any rioting or looting or any buildings being set on fire since her death?

Wonder if that ban applies for everyone or just for people from a certain side?

@IdanaHamz What I am hoping for is that the crazy libtards and conservatards will kill each other and once they die off, libertarians will take over.

I think I might get banned for saying this...

@Tamerlane If civil war breaks out, the poor will die off the most. The rich will send their children overseas, move elsewhere, while our politicians sip on wine and enjoy the show from their safe space.
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