The Politics Megathread

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Dex-chan lover
Sep 1, 2019
That's the most we can ever really ask for. Plus considering the state of online censorship, I'm happy if I'm just allowed to speak at this point in my little corner of the internet.


Maybe that means we're not all blocked by her? That may give us some false hope she may eventually see the light, though that's unlikely.

I would say not to attack people personally, but I don't know who's blocked and who's not. Still, might not want to be so invective, because I tend to want to go after ideas more than people.


Please don't use legaleagle as a source for anything, that man makes even lawyers look bad, which is saying something. I lost all respect for him after that Captain Marvel video where he said that it's justifiable self defense to assault someone-one who tapped your paper and asked you to smile by then using your superpowers to rob them.

At least Johnnie Cochran won his trial, god damn.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 26, 2021
PETA and other animal rights groups back David Daleiden, the pro-life activist who outed PP for organ harvesting, facing multimillion dollar lawsuit

PETA for one brief moment of its existence deciding not to be stupid or fucking evil. maybe next they can cut down on the animal murder and become a normal animal rights org? a man can hope

in other news twitter is trying to have section 230 cover CHILD PORN. because thats a thing
Active member
Feb 10, 2021

It only works if there are no ifs and or buts attached to it. As soon as it becomes, meritocracy, but we need the representation of X group, it stops working.
Group Leader
Jul 15, 2019
Twitter have a child porn? Huh, no wonder it has 18+ rating on the playstore.

Facebook is the shit for shitposting. Hidup facebook...
Active member
Feb 10, 2021

True, hardly my job to gatekeep, which I'm not. It's just getting silly how serious people here are taking themselves and their positions. Maybe I just have an old-fashioned view of the internet and would rather call someone a gay reta rd and call it a day, but it gets pretty gay seeing people take themselves so seriously on a manga website.

Don't get me wrong, I love seeing people argue and yell at each other and I have no intention to silence people, but it gets pretty cringe. I know me and you might differ on the specifics and morality, but I can't take this thread seriously. I get it that there are some crazy and plain wrong opinions and facts being thrown around, but jeesus.
Fed-Kun's army
Feb 13, 2021
@readingsit ;
No, see: it's not just criminals - everybody be shooting, with legally obtained guns (usually). The piece of paper is important, but the problem is that people want to abuse it way too much in the name of freedom, in my opinion; yeah, you could find a way into the black market and get your own weapons that way but thar implies you wouldn't be able to get one because of your background check anyways - which is another issue: no prior history? Good to go, have fun.
On another note, the way you worded it makes it sound like the only reason that Declaration is still important is because of the 2nd Amendment - but while it's a main issue at hand, we're talking about being unable to trust anyone in our own neighbourhoods so everyone wants a lethal firearm for the sake of self-defence; you telling me a regular melee or using blanks wouldn't do any good to prevent crime? Or even tasers?
Dex-chan lover
Jun 3, 2020

if i hated people for their ideas i would be saying i hate everyone here then. no i just specifically hate cherokee princess for them taking my obvious goddamn joke and turning into another way to hawk their ideas.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 26, 2021
everybody be shooting, with legally obtained guns (usually)
according to the department of justice: 90% of gun crimes are committed with weapons acquired illegally

only reason that Declaration is still important is because of the 2nd Amendment
to the government yes. if the government didnt have a heavily armed populace ready to end them if they threw out our founding documents they would do just that. thats why instead the left tries to call the constitution a 'living document' so they can corrupt its meaning instead of throw it out wholesale

we're talking about being unable to trust anyone in our own neighbourhoods so everyone wants a lethal firearm for the sake of self-defence
no, thats not what im talking about. using a gun to defend against your fellow man is a valid option, as well as one that should be legal, but not the intended purpose of gun rights. its to protect against the government deciding that some people should be in reeducation camps. venezuala is probably wishing they had a second amendment right now, would have probably helped them before the whole rise of socialism thing
Dex-chan lover
Sep 1, 2019

Oh, I didn't say you hated people for their ideas, just it would be preferable to go after them instead of getting invective towards a specific person, because I don't want unrestrained hostility to overtake the thread.

Still, you actually engage with people, which means you're probably blocked
Fed-Kun's army
Feb 13, 2021
@readingsit ;
Not to be that kind of peerson, but...
according to the department of justice
I want to believe in this, but at the same time seeing what was going on with the previous administration, I'd be more inclined to believe in 75-80% rather than 90%
instead the left tries to call the constitution a "living document"
So that means that it changes on a regular basis instead of written proof, rather than adding addendums and exceptions and special cases? Not that we need more of those - blablabla excessive force and police brutality, self-defence and feeling threatened, etc etc
using a gun to defend against your fellow man is a valid option, as well as one that should be legal, but not the intended purpose of gun rights. its to protect against the government deciding that some people should be in reeducation camps
I thought the right to bear arms was included because of internal threats like animals and bandits back in the day - or more likely because people were much more physically stronger back then, so they needed something faster and ranged to deal with criminals; but sounds legit, though this is less about people needing re-education and more about how mentally unstable people have been becoming in recent times.
I personally feel like I can't even walk a mile outside of my own house to work without hearing someone yelling at someone else because "the McDonald's down the street took a whole minute to get then their food." Entitled people, I swear...
Dex-chan lover
Jan 26, 2021
I want to believe in this, but at the same time seeing what was going on with the previous administration, I'd be more inclined to believe in 75-80% rather than 90%
i mean, sure? 75-80% is still most firearm crime.

So that means that it changes on a regular basis instead of written proof, rather than adding addendums and exceptions and special cases?

nono a 'living document' is essentially "what it says is however im feeling at the given moment" if leftists are in control of the supreme court then when the constitution says
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
what it REALLY means is that congress can outlaw or mandate common religious practice, ban people from tea party rallies, allows hate speech laws, and declare petitions to be harassment. after all "its 2021 we should read it in a way that benefits people today instead of strait old white men 200 years ago" -the people who back 'living document' arguments
and by people they mean them

'addendums and exceptions and special cases' are handled with passed laws. for example it is illegal to have a full auto weapon without a specialized licence and good luck getting one of those. however if that law wasnt written a judge interpreting the constitution would be out of their mind to say that the 2nd amendment doesnt cover that when the founders said it covers enough canons to militarize a trading ship.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 1, 2019

I know most gun death statistics also include suicides, which account for the majority of gun deaths.

Know your statistics so you can't be manipulated.
Jun 7, 2018
To be honest, Im fine with how things are now, no reason for me to complain, things could be better on a social front though.

Maybe a monthly stimulus would be neat, but I can live without it.

So what are people complaining about? Just wondering.

Also what happened to the guy that said trump was a centrist? That was a hilarious opinion.
May 11, 2020
Hahahaha I didn't know there was a politics thread on fucking mangadex. There is bound to be some quality autism in here imma get my popcorn.
Fed-Kun's army
Dec 15, 2019
Also what happened to the guy that said trump was a centrist?
Uppity Europoors say this because they're jealous of America having the spotlight 24/7.

From the European POV, everyone who isn't the most overly progressive, overly liberal Northern Europoor is a hardcore conservative. So in most Europeans mind Trump is a centrist because American progressive is European conservative. If you can't see the fault in this logic, then please for the sake of humanity's average intelligence, become a neckropemancer.

Europe tends to be highly progressive because its where naively idealistic idiots and sheltered man/womanchildren live. So when their superior nephew, The US, is more sane than them, they get upset and decide to try demonizing the words 'centrist' or 'moderate' because having standards or refusing to be an extremist/reactionary is apparently a bad thing.

So what are people complaining about? Just wondering.
Ethnic minorities (hint: black people) in the US are constantly complaining about the fact that minorities aren't the majority. So they band together to try making the majority seem like normalcy and then go to great lengths to demonize being "normal," "well-adapted," or being born better off than others due to luck of the draw.

Some people have the brain capacity to see through this, but obviously stay quiet due to the ongoing Marxism, and some unfortunately fall for the underdog nonsense and either start hating themselves or fetishize skin color to a point where it becomes farcical.

You can predominately see this with African Americans and how much they hate European Americans. African Americans are also now targeting Asian Americans and Latino Americans (I'm sure there's a better word for this but cállate) with how much more successful they are compared to African Americans despite being minorities.

tldr: Poor people are stupid and are poor for a reason.
Group Leader
Apr 20, 2019
Europe tends to be highly progressive because its where naively idealistic idiots and sheltered man/womanchildren live. So when their superior nephew, The US, is more sane than them, they get upset and decide to try demonizing the words 'centrist' or 'moderate' because having standards or refusing to be an extremist/reactionary is apparently a bad thing.

Jun 7, 2018

I disagree, and honestly think you're kinda crazy (Like seriously “ongoing marixsm”…..huh, and that isn’t even the most questionable thing you said) but i’m not getting into a argument.

So peace, I thought someone would respond telling me stuff the normal american would understand but….. yeah I didn’t get half of what you were saying….. I can confidently say the stuff you were talking about, don’t effect me.
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