@Kllick I can't do it from Google since it's not yet available in Croatia (Google Books I guess) which I presume could sort with VPN unless they can figure that out and still block me because of country because of card. Paypay should sort that as well I guess. Anyway, never tried Google Books nor do I want to use it. If I could, I wouldn't use any of Google's products but that raises a few issues. And I don't know how useable that app is for reading manga anyway.
Amazon Kindle is shit on my phone, at least for manga, and I do not want to support that.
At some point, I'll probably buy Kindle version. Maybe. But physical copy is and will always be my medium of choice and that comes first.
All in all, I really fucking hate DRM and if I could get archieved version of a volume, I'd buy it in the instant. But I can't, so I'll wait.