This is some of the most poignant satire on the modern corporate culture I've read, at least considering manga and comics. Taking someone from our modern cutlure and throwing him into one of the most bloody conflicts of recent times, giving him the chance and power to change things and then - then actually showing that by applying todays standards of corporations he is capable of inflicting even more suffering and cruelty than the people from that era. It goes to show just how dehumanizing corporate work and contemporary society can be.
This is juxtaposed by the high tension and great visual implementation of the action scenes; which are often followed by exactly that cruelty, leading to a rift between the exhilaration they create and the dread that follows. This is rounded out by the era appropriate caricatures of the nations and their peoples as specific animals, which gives this otherwise fantastic setting a sense of authenticity.
Of course this is simply my interpretation, but I believe that it would really be a shame if the author truly believed that among other atrocities, performing war crimes or treating humans as expendable resources (including your direct subordinates) is somehow positive or an advancement for society. It's pretty clear when it comes to the excessive brownnosing that the main character brings over from the modern world - on the other hand the atrocities are depicted as "necessary" or lead to "victory". This makes me sometimes doubt the authors intentions, which, frankly speaking, would make this quite a waste of mostly quality artwork.