The Strongest Savior's Second Chance

Dec 16, 2018
(read up to ch19) surprisingly comfy. A likeable protagonist, which is honestly quite rare for isekai. Eric's predicament puts a nice spin on the usual isekai "overpowered main character" setup by making his priority the very vulnerable people around him. As a result there's actual tension during fights which somehow stays consistent with the main character having the entire script in his head, as things diverge more and more from the timeline. It's not scared of being edgy, but it doesn't oversell things and end up becoming a caricature of itself like certain other "dark" isekai I've seen. It also keeps the Fantasy Warcrimes to a minimum, but that's a complaint that only really applies to someone that immerses themselves in the isekai pigpen like I do. Shouts to the tireless efforts of WN authors to ensure that I never look at an Orc or Goblin the same way again. Thanks WN authors.

Don't think too hard while reading this, and if you see the scanlator trying to point out a plot hole or whatever, this story is absolutely not deep enough to warrant such analysis. That's a good thing, by the way. The author doesn't overextend themselves on having to write yet another completely arbitrary system of magic that nobody cares about or bother with yet another RPG skill/stats system that everyone ignores except when Number Big, it's just action. The part with the 5 year old and 3 year old explaining abstract concepts to each other for exposition was the shakiest part of this but they grew up pretty quickly after that so I'm only noting it for the record. Also, very happy that he isn't dealing with the incredibly monotonous "I'm From Japan And What Is This" monologue that WN authors sometimes like to mix up with "Wow Japanese Food" and "Wow It's Just Like Japan", I've long gone past the point of tolerance for that shit in a western fantasy setting.

The only potential warning sign at this point is the harem tag on novelupdates, but it's not my first time around this particular rodeo. If it ends up being trash, at least there's the good chapters I can enjoy. If it's what I expect and the harem comes from the dreaded Second Arc Syndrome endemic to those who write on Syoetsu, then I'm pretty much good since that's the clear demarcation point for when the author ran out of ideas but didn't want to lose their publishing deal for the LN. Oh well! I don't actually know, and who knows if we'll even get to that point? At least we have THE POWER OF FRIENDSHIP!!!!

Mod Note: Please use spoiler tags when talking about chapter-specific or future events.


Dex-chan lover
Aug 10, 2019
@kappamikeyfan69 is on point here. Honestly this is fiction and if I need a harem tag to have the childhood friend not be emotionally destroyed I'm all for it, but jokes aside, some people here are talking like this is a 2/10, which is definitely not. At worst I would say this is a 6/10, there's some plot holes here and there but the story is clearly meant to be a ride that we jump into it and just enjoy, it's not a SnK type of history in which every detail is crucial to the whole plot.

If u want an isekai/fantasy that doesn't have the typical "i need some fucking rice" anime character you might enjoy this
Fed-Kun's army
Sep 27, 2018
I just gave it a read, my rec is to skip this. The start is identical to another manga idk the name (the one were a magical soldier reincarnates from a baby and after he joins the military you discover that he had a deal with some kind of magic stone demon that followed him back in time) in the first chapters the story is already riddled with plotholes. The super cringy part is the newborn doing squats and becoming strong instead of a cripple. The author draws a 3 yo like an 8, a 6 yo like a 13, and so on. If you like to shut down your brain and just look at the pretty pictures, this is good for you.
Jan 11, 2020
I've read it a couple times cause chapters update slowly so I re-read it to make sure I don't miss things, and my rec is to completely disregard anyone who says to skip it. This manga is pretty short and takes literally 30 minutes to read while being entertaining throughout all of it. Just read a bit and see if you like it, then decide. Anyone who suggests you to "skip something" (unless it's a manga like one piece with close to thousands of chapters) is ignorant. Give it a try and see if you like it yourself.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 22, 2018
This mediocre not that great tbh mangadex has way to many scrubs giving 10 ratings you can really tell people have shit taste
Dex-chan lover
Feb 17, 2018

The Mod obviously read ahead and comfirmed your theory and by modding your comment he has unwittingly revealed that its true!!! XD
Dex-chan lover
Jul 30, 2018
This garbage has been going for a solid year and finished its first arc
Thats amazing

@Teddy yeah the mods are super small brain sometimes
happened a few times that i made a random prediction on what will happen next on the most up to date chapter and weeks later a mod would edit it for spoilers
like "i bet shes working for the bad guy" turns out to be true months later and the mod is like "please use spoiler tags" lmaoo

Also how the fuck is what @Tumtum said a spoiler?
Aug 3, 2020
Monthly manga with a basic plot and weekly manga chapter length despite being a monthly release. The pacing is also not that amazing.
Group Leader
Apr 7, 2019
@DogWiler looking at the raw release dates, I think it's a fortnightly release (every 2 weeks) with some breaks. Raw is up to Chapter 24 (on original publisher) now. Having read two volumes of the LN, the manga art is so good in comparison, despite some questionable changes.
Group Leader
May 20, 2020
Cringy as fuck(people that have reached chapter 18 will understand what i'm talking about), i can't read this anymore.
May 8, 2018
'When Eric wakes up, he finds himself in a baby’s body. Realizing he has been reincarnated, he quickly wonders what is going on before he gets another shocker: the man and woman who are raising him are in fact his previous life’s parents!

That’s right - Eric was reincarnated, but as himself. No alternate worlds, no skill trees, just his memories sent back to the moment he popped out of his mother.'
WTH...he reincarnated but as himself....are you kidding me...there's no reincarnation here's just return to the past time travel....the discription pretty much gives an idea what to expect from this boring piece...!
Dex-chan lover
Dec 13, 2019
I'm kinda starting to look forward to this manga, nice.
The translation got pretty bad around chapter 14 but after that it became okay again... Wish the current group would retranslate them

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