Tsuki ga Michibiku Isekai Douchuu - Ch. 57 - Blue Light

Double-page supporter
Feb 12, 2020
How to fuck up a manga
Make the part where he releases his power really lame. The past couple chapter have been garbage, solely because he couldn't gauge the enemies strength, and he fought back like a pussy. He got his hands fucked up because he didn't release his power, he blushes during a fight even though his curse didn't allow him to be attracted to those that human-like. The more I read, the more lame this virgin, dog looking ass MC becomes.
Mar 20, 2019
@themanj ok so tldr, his power is too big that it also spills to his own dimension then?
Thanks for the explanation!
Dex-chan lover
Mar 3, 2019
@iceaco: Actually, its either a translation error, or there was already an error with the dialog in the raws, because we can see on page 21 that there are around 7 Rings around the Arrow that Makoto shoots.

@XNovalX: Aka, the same as the source Novel material. This series is actually quite old, and is one of the earlier written series before the Isekai genre boon. Proof being that the LN volume which covered this chapter was released back in 2014, so the base WN chapter was released even before that. So, its nothing to surprising about how the MC is acting since at that time we had a lot of similar type MC's in other series.

Also, what do people really expect for a amateur in battle to do in a situation like this especially a teenager who haven't really been in any relationship.
Aggregator gang
Apr 18, 2018
they are adapting it very poorly, this should have been one of the best fights he had.
It left a lot to wish.
Double-page supporter
Jul 24, 2018
MC needs to "git gud". He is totally amateur.
This event leads him to the same conclusion, and he does "git gud".
Am I the only one who is irritated with how pathetic MC behaves despite how OP he is?
He hasn't really experienced much for real battle, so what do you expect? Also his thinking is colored by blood loss while bearing the pain of lost fingers. I don't really no what you're expecting... besides things that make no sense.
Maybe because I'm too tired of seeing too many Isekai OP Beta MCs. He is just an average OP Beta MC.
HAHAHAHAHAHA you know nothing of MANkoto to come. Really he goes perhaps too far in the other direction, to the point of barely maintaining his humanity at points.
And in some alternate futures shown by another god, he did things like - Turning an entire nation into sand on a whim, "microwaving" Hibiki's companion in front of her for his amusement. Where you'd say he stayed his "best self" by meeting whom he met and following that path.

So not only he failed to kill those two assholes who didn't care to listen, but he caused enought destruction in his other dimension that killed Tomoe's off shot again? Talk about a shit outcome when he could have just killed the two assholes on the spot for trying to kill him. Really disapointing.
No the destruction was far greater - far greater than he imagined it would be even. The manga really undersold and under-explained what just occurred. Read this chapter.
Yes they survived... barely. Lancer is a Superior Dragon of the water element. Feeling the mana of the large attack and following Lancer's instincts - they used a precious one-use item that would grant them the full assistance of the great water spirit. Using all of that for defense, and putting the barrier only over themselves rather than the whole army. In theory that should have completely nullified the damage they'd take... it didn't. Sophia's armor was totally destroyed leaving her naked and barely able to move. Lancer lost a leg. This wasn't even a direct hit, and they're totally wrecked.

The 2 armies? Reduced to frozen dust before forming a lake. What's really disappointing is the manga depiction of this scene. Justice was not done at all. But it could yet be amazing in the anime.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 5, 2018
Seeing this drawn is far better than what I imagined when I read the novel, it's just a shame that they didn't do the whole "releasing his power" any justice

(Edit: accidentally posted it)
Dex-chan lover
Mar 3, 2019
@conscript117: I won't say it should have been the best fights and the adaptation was bad, because at this point Makoto was still an amateur in real battle, so it isn't that different compared to the WN.

What i am more sad about is the low focus of the impact of Makoto's last attack which i think should have been showcased in a double-page spread.
Jun 7, 2019
@ Loli_Omamoritai no I was pretty pissed off at the end cuz of how pussy shit he was. Nice that he nuked them tho but still.
Apr 23, 2020
@Morose oh good observation. I noticed p13-14 also showed him not wearing any rings. I guess it was just missing detail in the manga flow.

Guess I shouldn't be thinking too much lol
Fed-Kun's army
Apr 26, 2020
What? I expected shin to interfere or maybe a peaceful tealk for this chapter, i didnt pick up what is happening other than he wrecked the enemy and stuff
Apr 23, 2020
@mangosuper It was pretty random too in the novel. Makoto was teleporting. Goddess grabbed n suddenly tossed in battlefield. Makoto almost ded. Tries to figure out wtf is going on. Sudden battle. Drop nuke and then run away again.

Literally was a 'hi, bye, boom' thing
Active member
Sep 10, 2018
@Morose Couldn't agree more.

On the WN, it was showcased almost as a nuclear bomb, devastating a large amount of the terrain. The manga did ok, but I was expecting a bit more.
Active member
Jan 14, 2019
Hopefully we get a better image of the destruction next chapter because scale wise its a bit hard to tell. Dont know if the scans are lower rez or wif its the actual manga pages but everything felt a bit blurry/messy. Anyhow I do like how mc just doesnt fucking care and is sick of being toyed with. Look forwad to seeing next chapter.
Mar 5, 2019
Tnx for new chapter translate...
Reader's talking about the destruction.
But me asking on what happened to hero girl and her companion?
Group Leader
Jul 19, 2018
I hate these stupid "manga misunderstandings"...
In a real bnattle they wuld have let him talk and explain himself, they wouldn't have just started trying to kill some random dude. He didn't even look offensive... that's just plain stupid.
Now if they were war maniacs or something, sure. But they don't seem like they are!!!!

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