Tsuki ga Michibiku Isekai Douchuu - Vol. 13 Ch. 86 - Ten More Minutes

Dex-chan lover
Mar 30, 2023
Makoto is only passive when he needs to be. When he’s facing a situation that pisses him off he’s not remotely passive. Usually has to do with Tomoe and Mio.
I know he can be like that, but situations like that aren't presenting themselves in a long while. I guess the school arc put MCs in the backseat and is just boring the hell out of me.

when Makoto ends up going to the empire for an errand, for a character we meet later, he meets with Trashmoki. Trash is quite disrespectful and tells him that he wants Makoto to give Tomoe to him and he’ll give him money and women in return. Makoto is quite enraged about this and proceeds to strengthen and soundproof the room and beats the ever living shite out of Trash till he’s a bloody pulp. Makoto then uses his healing magic to restore Trash to the way he was before and Trash is now mentally scarred by Makoto and fears him. Makoto gives him a single warning to not go anywhere near Tomoe otherwise he would do unspeakable things to him. Only reason why he didn’t kill trash there is because of the promise he made to Tsuki-bro.
That aggressive enough for you?
... Alriiiight, you got my attention, I'll be patient. puts it back into reading status
Dex-chan lover
Aug 15, 2020
Root is an immortal dragon that can change sex at will, they have many partner in the past both male and female. The current guild system was created based on video game since Root's husband was isekai'ed from earth.
I know that, but that's still a spoiler that should be avoided.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 21, 2023
I know he can be like that, but situations like that aren't presenting themselves in a long while. I guess the school arc put MCs in the backseat and is just boring the hell out of me.

... Alriiiight, you got my attention, I'll be patient. puts it back into reading status
If you can’t wait then I’d suggest reading the series on Reigkai’s site. The WN is really really far ahead of where we are in the manga so it might be good for you to read that.

I would recommend reading the LN but there’s no English version out there for it. From what I remember, The company that owns the rights for it won’t allow it to be translated into English

The school arc is mainly here as set up for later stuff. It introduces more characters that will be in stuff later down the series. Reason why it seems slow is because they’re taking their time properly setting up the events that will take place later and meeting people that are either vital to later events or keys to meeting big named players later on.

For instance through Ronia Makoto will meet
the demon king and his generals and kids. Through the library girl Makoto will find out about his parents homeland and conquer it and force the sisters to run the place since they’re nobles originally from that country. Through Root we meet the other dragons during said errands. Through the upcoming tournament Makoto will meet the leader of a country that has a ton of people from earth there and we find out Makoto’s true nature
Lots of important stuff for later in the series will be set up here.
Dex-chan lover
May 16, 2019
Wait, which is the not fun part? The parents' backstory?
It's too far away from here, so if you're curious try read WN around chapter 300+ Not quite remember the actual number but it's overbearing imo
Dex-chan lover
May 20, 2023
So they don't know who that is. It isn't Lancer, since they would recognize him. The eyes say it's probably a dragon, so the Myriad Color dragon?
Dex-chan lover
Jan 14, 2019
Thank you for the translation! I always enjoy seeing this one her updated.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 15, 2023
edit: mc actually said it himself that he "just relied to other people for everything" after re-reading it lmao. it's good that he's somewhat self-aware but it's not like there's gonna be a change even after this goes on to chapter 100
It's the Carried by Underlings trope. (Not any official name, AFAIK.) MC has something, typically some massive source of power, which (somehow) results in large numbers of completely loyal underlings, who actually do most of the thinking and take most of the initiative. It equates "I'm the god-like figure but without actually having the competence or drive to have earned that." Frequently is a "nice guy".

Goes to the target audience.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 28, 2019
It's the Carried by Underlings trope. (Not any official name, AFAIK.) MC has something, typically some massive source of power, which (somehow) results in large numbers of completely loyal underlings, who actually do most of the thinking and take most of the initiative. It equates "I'm the god-like figure but without actually having the competence or drive to have earned that." Frequently is a "nice guy".

Goes to the target audience.
overlord is somewhat like this but not to this extreme since we can still see that ainz is still somewhat competent by being "infinitely wise" or the mc here that legit defies event plausibility so they're still fun to read since they're not that passive like makoto smh. i liked the chaotic composition of spider, dragon, and him but author be like "maybe we should limit their interactions so it's not fun to read anymore" ASKJDHASKJDHAS:angery::aquadrink::qq:
Dex-chan lover
May 19, 2020
I would recommend reading the LN but there’s no English version out there for it. From what I remember, The company that owns the rights for it won’t allow it to be translated into English
Wait, do you mean that the company won't let any company get the license to release it in English or that the company aggressively reports fan translations of the LN for copyright infringement?
Dex-chan lover
Mar 15, 2023
overlord is somewhat like this but not to this extreme since we can still see that ainz is still somewhat competent by being "infinitely wise" or the mc here that legit defies event plausibility so they're still fun to read since they're not that passive like makoto smh. i liked the chaotic composition of spider, dragon, and him but author be like "maybe we should limit their interactions so it's not fun to read anymore" ASKJDHASKJDHAS:angery::aquadrink::qq:
First rule is always: If you don't enjoy it, don't read it. Others may or may not agree with you. Or they may like it for exactly the reasons that you dislike it.

My thoughts in general:
  • If the MC is super OP, then to make it interesting the author will need to focus a lot on the side characters. (One Punch man is probably the epitome of this.) Here, I do think that the side characters have interesting and fun stories.
  • Matoko is not on A Man With a Dream; if he were solo, his goals would probably be "Survive. And if doing well enough go track down my parents history." But because of his power, he ends up collecting several very powerful followers, who then add their own followers (or act to add more followers for Makoto), so he ends up as head of a kingdom by chance.
  • And to be fair, he doesn't whine something like "I didn't want this!", nor does he go nutso with power. Instead, he rules in pretty minimal way, setting basic rules, and a few goals, and letting his followers act on their own within those fairly lose rules.
  • He's also not an idiot or a loser. He trains (though we don't see it often.) And he keeps an eye on his lieutenants and overall realm. But he's naive and not a super-cunning strategist. So he leaves that to his expert lieutenants. (Well, Tomoe mostly.)
  • His own power is definitely his. (Vs. e.g. Rimuru, where 3/4 of his really awesome stuff is actually done by his sage ability.)
  • There is a little bit of harem vibe, but it's not over the top.
  • The intrigue of the world is interesting.
  • It's kind of a pastiche. Which would be fine, but it gets overly random at times. E.g. Rembrandt with a very dark backstory, but then he turns into a clueless doting daddy.
Having said that, and thinking again about Carried by Underlings trope, I would have to say that it's not too bad, because 1) his power does outrank the underlings; 2) he's naive, but not an idiot, and remains reasonably aware of what his minions are up to; and 3) will crack the whip if they get out of line.
Fed-Kun's army
Jul 30, 2018
I.. think I'm done with this. Which is a shame, because I really loved the anime which is about 50 chapters of the manga, but that's the main thing that pushed me this far into the manga. Barely anything interesting happened in the last 30 chapters, —- […]
It’s been slow but I think the pace is supposed to pick up again very soon and will maintain a higher amount of ‘stuff happening’ for awhile. Just giving you this info to take into consideration.
Active member
Jan 20, 2018
The sisters got beauty, the brother got magic power rivalling a deity. I'd say the brother was the real winner.
iirc they'll touch on it in a bit but Makoto got most of his starting magic from Tsukomi otherwise his mana was worthless, he was the ugly duckling in everything.
His real stupid power comes from almost constantly killing himself which allows his vessel to hold more mana. The stupid joke of "zen erase yourself and your senses from the world" training you see martial arts was beat into him by his bow instructor and as it turns out is actually erasing him partially from the world literally nearly killing himself without realizing it. Tomoe explains this to him panic crying as she through he was killing himself.
Active member
Jan 20, 2018
First rule is always: If you don't enjoy it, don't read it. Others may or may not agree with you. Or they may like it for exactly the reasons that you dislike it.

My thoughts in general:

You touch a lot of the fun of the series most people complain about but don't realize the author specifically did write Makato that way. It's mentioned not once or twice to Makato though others and by his own followers he's very laissez faire because like you mentioned he has no goal. He neither wants to be in this world nor does he particularly hate it at this point which is an odd choice for a character in an isekai. In fact the only major emotional things we've seen from him aside from his entry into the world is the death of demi-humans under his watch causing him to feel responsible while significantly upset and when he was ambushed by the goddess to be a battlefield bomb.
I will mention that while he is hard carried in the business and emotional matters side currently by his followers he does actually do little things here and there to help benefit the lives of those who serve him like solving the climate shifts in the mist town, undertake taming the mist town and it's expanding world borders, as well as enriching the knowledge of the craftsmen, farmers, and other general people by giving them information on food, equipment, and entertainment from his memories that Tomoe helps gather and clarify what he cannot remember in significant detail. It's just boring stuff but it shows he's not super passive indifferent just interested in spreading his home countries culture to others.
As a side note Rembrandt is a hard character to understand, he starts of depressing then get's a superdark back story about being a young asshole before becoming a doting father but we only see letters currently to the MC which ofc are the doting father letters but once MC returns author does remind us Rembrandt is a giga merchant who regularly kicks the shit in for anyone brave enough to go toe to toe and he just has a bias to MC which is why he's acts overly kind.

The author even writes it best when Makoto does meet Hibiki after conversing from a time she thinks privately that Makoto smells to much like Japan because he's avoided putting roots down into anything unintentionally which makes him a wildcard.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 28, 2019
First rule is always: If you don't enjoy it, don't read it. Others may or may not agree with you. Or they may like it for exactly the reasons that you dislike it.
very true, but i saw some spoilers that mc will be able to utilize his true strength in the near future and will bury the guy that cut his fingers so i might stick for a while lol
My thoughts in general:
  • If the MC is super OP
as i said, he is strong enough not to die. like before he was kicked in the ass hard by the midget and the amazon. and it's good that he's already strong enough to have an intense sparring match against shiki but it's a shame that there's no exhibition chapter to showcase and benchmark how strong he actually is now
then to make it interesting the author will need to focus a lot on the side characters. (One Punch man is probably the epitome of this.) Here, I do think that the side characters have interesting and fun stories.
ofc, i like how lime has the capacity to be a protagonist of his own side story lmao but side characters like the other two heroes legit pissed me off especially when the war actually took more than 2 chapters(like their introduction, their life before getting summoned, their life after getting summoned, and the actual war fucking hell wasn't even entertaining even one single mf bit)
  • Matoko is not on A Man With a Dream; if he were solo, his goals would probably be "Survive. And if doing well enough go track down my parents history." But because of his power, he ends up collecting several very powerful followers, who then add their own followers (or act to add more followers for Makoto), so he ends up as head of a kingdom by chance.
  • And to be fair, he doesn't whine something like "I didn't want this!", nor does he go nutso with power. Instead, he rules in pretty minimal way, setting basic rules, and a few goals, and letting his followers act on their own within those fairly lose rules.
him having a slow life is fine with me, but if more than several chapter is about someone not even closely relevant to him like the shiny eye hero getting more screen time than he deserves is not that fucking great considering this is a monthly release and that's one of the things that grinds my gears
  • He's also not an idiot or a loser. He trains (though we don't see it often.) And he keeps an eye on his lieutenants and overall realm. But he's naive and not a super-cunning strategist. So he leaves that to his expert lieutenants. (Well, Tomoe mostly.)
yeah he's a pretty average guy, i get that, and that's fine but his screen time is almost nonexistent to some chapters(like heroes introduction) and that pisses me off since i read this solely for him.
the shit part is that his training, which is btw the most important info, gets brushed off easily and we only saw the result which is when shiki and him does an intense sparring for learning purposes of his student. like we see him previously getting tutored by shiki about magic theory and then BAM intense sparring lmao
  • His own power is definitely his. (Vs. e.g. Rimuru, where 3/4 of his really awesome stuff is actually done by his sage ability.)
not really a big deal for me even if he needs to use a device or hard drugs as long as it's fun to read lmao
  • There is a little bit of harem vibe, but it's not over the top.
that's great since i'm not a fan of harem at all and that's also the reason i cling to this series
Having said that, and thinking again about Carried by Underlings trope, I would have to say that it's not too bad
true but i guess the pivotal point of my irritation is that really him lacking of screen time in every chapter. like we know he's doing something but it'll just get summarized in a few words and that's what irks me. i just wanna see my man doing stuff and not some irrelevant world building that will only be acknowledge as a side comment in later chapters smh lmao

like how about the shiny eye hero get a summarized one and not a WHOLE FUCKING CHAPTER BY HIM JUST GETTING MANIPULATED
Jun 27, 2023
Toa and her sister arent really one of his workers and he’s fine with being their acquaintances. It’s more the people that would be working directly for him. Lime is also exempt because he technically works for Tomoe not him

I’m blanking on who the twin assassins are
The carpenter that make the bowl that he likes. Just remember that he didn't know that tomoe recruit them (i think)
Double-page supporter
Jul 24, 2018
Troublesome opponent my ass MC can surely just one hit him lmao
MC is stronger, but before MC came there, this was the #2 strongest person in that world, after the goddess. The multicolored dragon, Root. It would take a lot more than one hit.
Apr 1, 2023
Hope EVA can finally realised that Makoto would be her upper lord and bow down before him and align herself to him with all of hers.

You will never persuade me to drop this series!!! I like Tsukimichi, so there!!!
Power Uploader
Aug 11, 2020
Good art wasted on garbage writing. Some people should really be beaten up for not knowing one of the basics of storytelling. How has it been 86 chapters yet MC is the same person he was in chapter 1?
Dex-chan lover
Mar 15, 2023
true but i guess the pivotal point of my irritation is that really him lacking of screen time in every chapter. like we know he's doing something but it'll just get summarized in a few words and that's what irks me. i just wanna see my man doing stuff and not some irrelevant world building that will only be acknowledge as a side comment in later chapters smh lmao

like how about the shiny eye hero get a summarized one and not a WHOLE FUCKING CHAPTER BY HIM JUST GETTING MANIPULATED
Okay, I get what you're looking for, but I expect that you'll continue to be frustrated. I have no knowledge of what's ahead other than the hints and few spoilers that I've read here, but I expect that the formula will remain the same.... Mostly ensemble and side stories, with Makoto only occasionally taking center stage. (Though upcoming chapter may be one of those occasions.)

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