Tsumi to Batsu no Spica - Ch. 8 - The Last Job (5)

Dex-chan lover
Nov 20, 2023
What I want to see is the morality of someone that made such a mistake that doesn't come across as defining their entire character, like the last two culprits have. Like with the Sensei; the story depicted him as someone troubled by the death of his student, and how that affected his decision to lie for Tsumugi. It was interesting all the way up until we "see his true colors". Then it became banal😒. It'd be more interesting if we see Tsumugi bearing the burden of delivering justice to people who are naturally good, but just had a terrible moment, and how that would burden her(if she isn't a sociopath herself) versus someone who is 'unredeemably deserving of death'. I also want to see someone who doesn't fold in the very chapter they are introduced; someone to actually give her a "fight". So I'll keep reading, but I won't be as excited going forward(for now at least =0v).
She did mention a “3 strike rule” so i imagine at that point none of the targets she chose would feel as guilty anymore, not sure if the idol did more arson before/after that unless Spica counted the wife and kids as 3 total strikes instead of one but it is pretty extreme

(and I guess for sensei it’d only be that first girl from way back and then the other student he attacked tho I guess the “third” was attempting to poison Spica herself before she switched out the coffee)
Dex-chan lover
Jul 16, 2019
Her motivation was slightly better than the teacher, that murdered his student just because she'd be a slight inconvenience and almost another one. And killed his cat to test out the acid, don't forget his cat.
That silly mopey-looking cat probably had few wants in the world. Unforgivable.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 13, 2018
People seem to be ignoring the fact that she not only killed those kids, but also killed the fully capable mom, in broad daylight, without noise and all while being a 15 year old.

Wheeew suspension of disbelief has its limits especially if the story doesn’t do anything narratively to attempt to justify itself.

This Arc was a total miss, I’ll read the next Arc to see if they can do something interesting or if it’s just a series being carried by a fun initial twist.
Aggregator gang
Jun 27, 2023
So yeah, sadly this wasn't a particularly satisfying conclusion. The chekov's gun is the reveal without much in the way of building to it. The reasoning is pretty weak. Motivations come out a bit childish when its not explored beyond the reveal itself.

This is the type of story to get the creative juices flowing, though. Cause there's pieces here to build a compelling narrative. So I start thinking about what kind of tweaks id make to a story. Main thing I think it needed is just to spend more time with the killer. If we actually got to know this idol a bit and learn about their character traits reveals could hit a little. You could even hint subtly towards their dislike of noise.

You can say this isn't a mystery but a fantasy of a girl with psychic powers being a vigilante, but all our time is spent on the mysteries not Spica's characterization or struggles. In fact Spica thus far has acted completely as a force of nature. Infallible and destructive. I think we need a little more spice, either with intrigue or conflict with Spica, or to make more satisfying mysteries. Maybe they could have a rival out to stop Spica or something. At current things are just kinda happening. We got potential but its not currently living up to it.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 15, 2023
I hate it that this manga is not giving us "Yes, I did something evil, but I have a sad backstory, so don't kill me!" story #10,459.

And it's awful that the MC, having found out their sociopathic, murderous nature, actually executes the sociopathic murderer! That's just wrong! MC should be showing a little sympathy and compassion!


New flash: There are horrible, murderous, sociopathic people in the world. They don't give a shit about their victim or about you. They murder, rape, torture people, have fun doing that, and then go to sleep without a care in the world.

It's also true that a lot of people get away with crimes with no one ever being the wiser.

So, I'm going to enjoy a rare story about murderous sociopaths being murderous sociopaths with no "Poor, pitiful me" story, and with those murderous sociopaths getting found out and then executed for their crimes.

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