I get this inkling this might have been how Senpai got conceived, but what do I know. Like Father like son, or like mother like daughter if you read Akutsu-san.
My expectation: We get blueballed for now, but since Uzaki has given her explicit agreement, I'm musing we are getting "Senpai unchained" sooner rather than later.
Imagine some rumble rumble noises with a faceless Senpai rising - Uzaki just going - "Senpai? Senpaaaai????" "Sen~~~~mhhynny".
- Black panel, senpai wakes up feeling super refreshed (panel only showing his face).
Next page he is topless in bed with Uzaki lying next to him.
It's somewhat cliche for romcoms in the last 15 years, but i'll take it.