Well, if you don’t play Crusader Kings or video games, you have no idea what I’m talking about at all and no that isn’t the point I was making at all.
The “Morality” in CK3, which is a real world 8th-14th century simulator which lets you play as real world leaders and the extensive systems and simulations provide a top down overview perspective of the world.
Your Religion mandate how your society reacts to your actions. The farther removed from your ideology, the more acceptable it is to murder them, steal whatever you want, and it’s literally that simple. “Oh you’re a different ideology, you’re evil and must be stopped before becoming a threat”.
Shame anyone who used Social Media with personalized content will naturally start gaining that mindset just by the inherent nature of limiting what you interact with, to the point it naturally becomes an ideology in everything but name. We try and differentiate between the pastor standing in front of crowds preaching their truths and social media influencers with millions of people believing their every word… but it’s the same thing at the end of the day.
It's not even remotely close the same thing. People who follow influencers and use social media still have their own sense of values and self, religions and other people around them to show them different paths and call them out, they are actual people that are actively reacting to things happening in the world.
They have empathy and can change their minds or have their minds changed and have the tools to do it too.
It's not equal at all to a lil guy in CK3 who doesn't care if you genocide the next country over because they're another religion than yours, in CK3 your "religion mandate" is their entire world, it's everything your society knows. Similarly to a period like the middle ages where people wouldn't have access to other worldviews easily but here in the internet there are so many more spaces that can intersect, clash and interact that stuff like that usually doesn't stay unchallenged for very long.
We're kinda living on the internet bubble here anyways, we see this "Influencer" shit on the daily, so we don't even know how many people are actually zealous followers of crap like that, for all we know people in real life spaces do realize how stupid and vapid a lot of that shit is, I know most of my friends do.
And no, kids don't count, they are usually stupid anyways, that's what they're supposed to be, even I had some dumb cringy phase, they just need actual people around them to call them out, help them and show them better paths.