Warui ga Watashi wa Yuri ja nai - Vol. 5 Ch. 28 - Ookado Tsubasa (3)

Dex-chan lover
Apr 14, 2023
That was old school mochi. Kinda surprised to see it in this story, to be honest. Thank you for the translation, nonetheless!
Feb 23, 2021
i mean, in the context of the real world, yes, that's 100% what that was
but in the utterly bonkers world that the characters in this manga inhabit, i don't think it's as clear-cut as that
believe me, im 110% against sexual liations between teacher and student, im a high school teacher myself
but the world that mocchi au lait has created in this manga has many weird things being glossed over like nothing happened
the main cast are fresh from a Battle Royale scenario where the outcome would decide whether Toudou-san will be sold into sex slavery or not
but the main cast are cool with that now, it hasn't really even been mentioned
in a realistic manga, a sexual assault such as was presented in this chapter could be the focus of an entire story arc
in this one, it will likely leave no lasting impressions other than to give sporty spice a sexual outlet
TL;DR its just a gag manga
The issue is this wasn't played for wacky, this was played straight. This was a pretty real issues chapter. And it didn't need to be an adult doing the hands-on instruction.
Replace a trusted adult with the health club president, who's in the same age range, most of the issues with the set up are resolved right there and doesn't change the narrative effect.
What's causing the fuss is the fact an adult is taking advantage of a very confused girl she's supposed responsible for, even in fiction, even given the love potion set up... and I honestly don't know what the hell to tell you if you can't understand why people are taking issue.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 13, 2018
Just wanted to come back and read the car crashes here but I’m not even surprised by the amount of weirdos just making up other issues and fake culture war arguments instead of just reading why some people find this chapter uncomfortable.

Like guys, it doesn’t mean shit if you enjoyed the chapter or not, the only problem is when you’re so desperate to win a fake debate that you end up unironically trying to rationalize Pedophilia as if it need defending. (Happened more than once so far)

This “gag” was just your run-of-the-mill horny hentai plotline but skipping all the sexy parts and keeping only the realistic ones, cumbrained people thinking anything like this is remotely justifiable by any moral standards just self-reports on you being deluded.

Again, it’s not that deep, just move on if all you want is to rile yourself up.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 26, 2023
So, by your own logic, you are here consuming child pornography and rape media, gotcha. That’s a totally reasonable take and makes 100% sense, Mr. Sane Person.

Or maybe what happens in the manga doesn’t matter at all, just a guess.
Man you really are a nightmare weeb huh
Dex-chan lover
Mar 19, 2020
She just so happened to offer some very direct help to a student who wanted some guidance.
That's a very specific interpretation of her being a benevolent nurse who's also a klutz who does not know how to behave around minors. Not saying you're wrong, future chapters may prove your right, but so far, there was no detail given supporting this theory. No detail at all, in fact
take Banryuu for instance
She's a yakuza princess. Yakuza stereotypically are all about submission powerplays, outward sadism and homoeroticism. The first chapter she was introduced in makes her personality clear, then there's a volume-worth of chapters dedicated to fleshing out her character, but even without that, a stereotype is a good starting point. As opposed to that, I have not heard of of nurses being stereotypical child molesters
So? Let people speculate then.
In abscence of any exploration, the speculations might be less about in-manga fanfictions and more about questioning the author's intent. For example, my speculations are a) The author is completely out of touch about what is an approprite way for adults to act around kids b) It was supposed to be a joke which fell flat on its vagina c) The author was in hentai-writing mode, except this is not a hentai d) Some combination of the above. The kind of speculations that makes you question if this is worth reading at all. Not saying I am anywhere near the point of dropping the manga, it was consistently enjoyable so far, but now I am doubting the author's writing ability slightly more.
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Fed-Kun's army
Nov 27, 2018
I just wanted to say that escalated quickly, but...

So many butthurt people.
First, it's fiction.
Second, the whole plot of the manga is about a girl drugging other girls to make them fall in love with her and do the dirty (and not always with all people involved doing it willingly). So, the nurse giving hands-on instruction is where you draw the line?

Yes, yes, IRL it would be really bad.
But people, stop being stupid, you need to realize fiction is NOT real life.
Fed-Kun's army
Apr 7, 2023
Girl went full goblin mode

How do I get my husband to stop going ‘Goblin Mode’ during sex?

TLDR; My husband says ‘Goblin Mode activated’ when we start to have sex, growls and acts like a caveman, and then says ‘Goblin Mode off’ when we stop, and then pretends not to remember afterward.

I really love my husband and he’s always been great in bed. But recently he’s been acting really weird. So, a couple of days ago, my son went on a rampage through our house and said he was in ‘Goblin Mode’. We didn’t really know what to do with him, so we sent him to live with my parents so he can go to a special needs school. My husband a really great relationship with our son and loved him more than anything. Naturally, he was upset when he had to leave. He’s an incredibly tough man, but this was the first time I’ve ever seen him cry. I think since then, he’s been a little emotionally unwell. I’ve heard him muttering, ‘Goblin’ repeatedly when he didn’t notice me, staring blankly into his food, and just going alone by himself to do who knows what. I feel awful for him, but we both agreed that this was for the best. Last night, the day after our son went away, we decided to have sex to relieve our stress. However, my husband said ‘Goblin Mode activated’, starting growling, and went wild having sex with me. Admittedly, it was some of the best and most experimental sex I’ve ever had, but I’m worried that something might be going on with my husband. Any advice?

Edit: The problem isn’t the ‘Goblin Mode’, it’s that he could be ill
Dex-chan lover
Aug 13, 2018
The ones riling themselves up are people trying to apply real world "moral standarts" to it.
I think you’re missing the point. It depends, it’s alright to say you dislike it, none of them are forcing anyone to do or think anything. But the amount of people just wanting to make the same exact argument in response to them as if it makes any difference is the issue. Pretending this is the same as “violence in videogames” or “people being butthurt” when all that was said is that the scene was jarring. Ironically the ones bringing real world politics are the ones reacting to people who didn’t enjoy the chapter.

Most of the responses have been people pretending the complaints are some sort of cancellation of Mochi, when literally nobody made any value-judgment on them. Terminally online people are just too into making themselves angry at others to understand the nuance.

Mind you this isn’t a judgment on you, just trying to clarify stuff.


Dex-chan lover
Jun 25, 2018
Yes, Yes, YES!

Since the moment she appeared on panel with basically a fusion of sakurako outfit with Koharu's sex line, both from blue archive, I was expecting sex to happen, I'm so glad something close to it happened.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 14, 2019
That's a very specific interpretation of her being a benevolent nurse who's also a klutz who does not know how to behave around minors.
That's your interpretation. I said nothing about her being a klutz. You're way too hyperfixed on this brief moment of inappropriateness. Which comes back to my initial point: we're being more critical of Yamamura because she's an adult, but find ways to justify or forgive Toudou's inappropriateness. It's a double standard that ought to be acknowledged.

Not saying you're wrong, future chapters may prove your right, but so far, there was no detail given supporting this theory. No detail at all, in fact
Look at pg 19-20. Yamamura offers to listen to Ookado, who's clearly troubled about her sexuality, and validates her feelings. You don't think that's an important detail? Besides, if she didn't know how to behave herself around minors how would she even have a job here to begin with? She's clearly not a new hire, and I'm sure administion would have her fired if enough of the students find her conduct inappropriate.

She's a yakuza princess. Yakuza stereotypically are all about submission powerplays, outward sadism and homoeroticism. The first chapter she was introduced in makes her personality clear, then there's a volume-worth of chapters dedicated to fleshing out her character, but even without that, a stereotype is a good starting point. As opposed to that, I have not heard of of nurses being stereotypical child molesters
It's not much different from the stereotypical hot female teacher (Ookado does refer to Yamamura with the "sensei" honorific). And something like that is prominent in the doujin scene, even warranting it's own tag.

Also to say the entirety of the Cops and Robbers arc was "dedicated to fleshing out her character" is an exaggeration. We learn more about her, but she certainly wasn't the main focus and had to share limited screentime between Toudou and co.

In abscence of any exploration, the speculations might be less about in-manga fanfictions and more about questioning the author's intent. For example, my speculations are a) The author is completely out of touch about what is an approprite way for adults to act around kids b) It was supposed to be a joke which fell flat on its vagina c) The author was in hentai-writing mode, except this is not a hentai d) Some combination of the above. The kind of speculations that makes you question if this is worth reading at all. Not saying I am anywhere near the point of dropping the manga, it was consistently enjoyable so far, but now I am doubting the author's writing ability slightly more.
Again feel free to speculate, but, like I said before, they don't matter. I'm familiar with a lot of Mochi's previous works and I can say that this isn't some radical departure, even in her works that aren't considered hentai.

And in regards to that a) point, you don't trust the author to not condone such behavior? I'm sure Mochi knows how adults should interact with minors. And it would be an insult to the audience's intelligence for her to waste time telling us how inappropriate something is. This point feels as though it comes from a failure to separate reality from fiction. Just because an author puts something in their story doesn't mean they are a proponent or advocate of it. There are plenty of isekai stories that feature slavery in some fashion, but I'm not questioning if the authors of those stories support slavery. That be ridiculous.
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Dex-chan lover
Jan 9, 2023
WTF? That’s not okay.

Btw, does the japanese actually say ‘full goblin mode’? If so, that’s hilarious
I think it's a case of the original Japanese using a lot of slang and the translator is trying to keep the spirit by using (mostly american) english slang, though, that's always done at the risk of over localizing the dialogue.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 19, 2020
That's your interpretation. I said nothing about her being a klutz.
That's what can be inferred from your statements, especially given you still haven't said why did she have to chose such a method to "help" a student, as opposed to doing anything else, and why doing something that could potentially leave lasting negative impact on the student's psyche is something "benevolent"
You're way too hyperfixed on this brief moment of inappropriateness
Suuuure, "brief moment of inappropriateness", lets call it that, it is also basically how the character was introduced, the most prominent of the three tidbits that we were shown about her
Which comes back to my initial point:
It literally does not. I haven't argued that Toudou's actions are excusable, and neither is anyone in the thread as far as I can see. Besides, your point boils down to "let's rank them on their offensiveness and excuse those under certain threshold", instead of judging each transgression on its own.
Look at pg 19-20. Yamamura offers to listen to Ookado, who's clearly troubled about her sexuality, and validates her feelings. You don't think that's an important detail?
That's baseline responsibilities of a nurse, and we already know she's a nurse, but sure, I'll write down "does minimun of what is required of her" as one of her positive traits
Besides, if she didn't know how to behave herself around minors how would she even have a job here to begin with?
She literally fingered a student this very chapter, she does not behave herself around minors while being employed as a nurse. I don't need to look for any auxilary signs like "but she was not fired yet" to know she's a sex offender, we witness her being a sex offender.
And something like that is prominent in the doujin scene, even warranting it's own tag.
This is not a doujinshi however, those are written for a specific purpose and are meant to be read using a different head. Most of the doujinshi work on the principle of "what if we abolish any consequences and plot consistency", you can forget about their plot right after culmination. Not here however, there is a story with expectances of continuity
(Ookado does refer to Yamamura with the "sensei" honorific).
Just fyi, but doctors are also refered to as "sensei" in Japan.
Just because an author puts something in their story doesn't mean they are a proponent or advocate of it.
If an author portrays that "something" positively in their story, this tends to make readers question the author's stance on that "something". Maybe Mochi really thinks that getting more physical with students or patients might be excusable under certain circumstances and if it is for their benefit? Some isekai writers certainly would not mind having a sex slave or a dozen, though the majority most likely write stories like that for escapistic hentai-like reasons. As for Mochi, I personally lean towards mix of b) and c), that is, it being a bad joke transplanted from hentai where the dissonative shock factor of a role-inappropriate behaviour was supposed to be the punchline

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