yeah, I was honestly rooting with him when he was committed to getting his certifications and paying for his daughter's school only for her dismiss it, but his previous choices gave reason for doubt, and he then proceeded to make the worst choices on how to deal with it. I mean, I get it. I come from a family with a genetic predisposition to depression. I've seen and proven to others that, no matter how much you try or how much effort THEY put in, you can't just make someone feel what you think they should, especially if they're dead inside.Not true; the dad was kinda a victim, but in the end, he himself didn't properly talk to his wife about his issues....
He instead chose to cheat.....
Yes, he had issues.... but did he actually try to communicate with her? Did he try to go to therapy together???
He himself chose the wrong choice.... and even the other girl who gave him a chance to have a new life, he just abandoned her and their new daughter....
Anyway, in the end he failed fully commit or follow through on anything. Makes me want to rethink my own life watching him waffle. Need to work on some certifications myself. Tried coasting off my degree but there were mass layoffs and haven't been able to get work in my field for a year. Ending up with a little job at a food factory like he did and was content just paying my bills. Fortunately, don't have anyone to drag down with me (in person, I have emotional barriers around me strong enough to deliver crushing force to anyone in my vicinity) so I won't get lost wondering if my doing it for someone else. Really reminded me how easy indecision can fuck up a life.