You don't get to decide that for people you do not know.you were likely a bully like any other
I can. I don't go out of my way to intentionally try and harm others. On the other hand you can't make assertions about me, since you do not know me.I'm just saying, you can't say that you're one of the normal ones that don't bully
You can't be bullying "unknowingly", since the definition of bullying requires intentional actions. Also the "vast majority" of "normal" people are not bullies. See the recent academic publications on the subject, the % is way below 50.when in fact the vast majority of normal people have been unknowingly bullies in one way or another.
Depends on what "messing around" includes. Also you do not single out one person, you deal with all of them, even if separately one at a time. And that doesn't apply only when you are the victim. If you are a bystander you should also remind them that this is unacceptable behaviour. The best deterrent to bullying is the bully understanding that this is not acceptable behaviour, and that there are repercussions for it.Group of kids messing around with you, so you single one out and then fight them to make them stop.
I never implied that you should beat up people over jokes. You're simply taking the worst interpretation of what I wrote.Who's to say that from another perspective, you don't just look like some kid who overreacted and resorted to violence over a harmless joke?
If the authority figures that are supposed to deal with this do not do their job, then no, there's no better alternative. Ignoring bullying doesn't make it better. Violence doesn't always beget more violence either - revenge does. You need to make sure that the person being punished understands why he's being punished. This will serve as a deterrent the next time he thinks of engaging into anti-social behaviour.And even if they are beating down on you to begin with, is there literally no other way to handle it? Violence begets more violence.
It's possible, but unlikely, especially if you punished them enough the first time, and especially if they are in a group usually.Who's to say they won't just gang up on you later and beat the shit out of you as a group and even worse the next time?