We Shall Now Begin Ethics. - Vol. 4 Ch. 20 - Necktie and Me

Dec 11, 2020
@theo1996 they seem to genuinely enjoy things that are considered feminine and just dislike neckties because of their dad. if it was just to rebel then everything they just stated would also have to be things that their father does/hates but doesn’t seem like the scenario. plus you’re acting as if because people are now accepting gay and trans people as human beings that their no longer mistreated which just isn’t true, there being laws or someone in power protecting them doesn’t mean they no longer face hardships, you can even see this in history like with nazi germany (look up this is long enough)
Apr 19, 2018
>the manga part
the whole fucking chapter is about him hating his father and doing things to rebel/spite him, how is that not the scenario????
>the rest of your comment
bruh.......... if you gonna act like a mentally ill patient everyone is gonna treat you like one, whats so hard to understand, you know who faces "harship"? people working for 2$/hour, people suffering because their government doesnt give a shit if you have enough money to create a family or feed yourself, people starving and being enslaved chink commie factories(to make that iMac you posted from) till they off themselves or die on the job. Noone is mistreating anyone stop making shit up go out and talk to people ,face reality. DEHUMANIZE YOURSELF AND FACE TO BLOODSHED. Ask me how I know you had amerimutt education.
Dec 11, 2020
@theo1996 wow a long comment full of insults and no point! The only details we get about this kids is that he 1) has no friends 2) wears makeup 3) doesn't wear neckties because he dislikes his father. So if everything that he does is to spite his father than he would have no friends and wear make up because his father either hates or does these things. Now I don't see his father wearing makeup or saying that he hates it, there's no mention about the father having lots of friends. So how do you see this chapter being anything more than a kid hating his father because he's emotionally absent? I don't know because it's not shown anywhere in this chapter. If you're homophobic/transphobic just say that. Also imagine thinking the only way to feel pain is by bleeding or being poor, humans are crazy creatures that are able to feel pain on different levels from different things, that's the interesting part!
Apr 19, 2018
@megaglamgirl ,sub 80 IQ detected, stop moving the goalpost, just because you cant accept reality,last reply you get from me btw, even though what he does is because he hates his father and I have provided you all the evidence for it you still deny it for some retarded reason, you said that all the mentally ill people are "suffering" because normal people are baddies who call out their mental illness and you think thats that somehow worse than all the real physical/mental suffering that I listed?You are comparing a teens edgy need to be edgy and gay with people being denied some basic levels of existence(food,security etc).
Dec 11, 2020
@theo1996 all insults, no point. cant blame me for that kiddo. also i never said that what this kid is going through is worse, i said that you can feel pain from different things on different levels. that’s EXACTLY what i said, you need to improve your comprehension skills cause first it’s the chapter that you don’t get and then it’s that direct statement?! jeez
Dec 11, 2020
@theo1996you don’t choose sexuality, if you tell me you chose to be straight then you’re not. in order for them to be considered mentally ill you have to prove that they chose to be gay, this proves they are different because they were able to choose (their brain distorts the way the take in info). until you prove this, you have no point :/. A mental illness is something you can treat, almost every mental illness in the DSM 5 is treatable (not fixable), people have tried using different methods to convert gay people to being straight and none of them have been proven to work.
Oct 5, 2018
When you see the comment count higher than the average of the other chapters you know it's gonna have some spicy content.
Jul 24, 2020
Talking the whole chapter about how it's his dad's fault why he's queer, but when the mom agrees with him he gets angry? Rebel moment...
Fed-Kun's army
Dec 31, 2020
bros inner femboy leaking out, hes just doing what we all thinking

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