We Shall Now Begin Ethics - Vol. 4 Ch. 20 - Necktie and Me

Feb 9, 2018
damn nigga why i just want a productive comment section about the manga why are you guys talking about trans right this globohomo that. you either sound like a conspiracy theorist or person who uses social media too much. id prefer the latter yeah but id also prefer if none of you shit up this place.
but good job to those who do their best to articulate thoughts. it's always a joy to read differing perspectives and discovering new points that i missed on first reading. hope i see you guys again!
Jan 20, 2018
well, but wearing 'associated' gender clothes =/= being the gender themselves. The root of problems is always the assigning something to specific gender that ended up being a norm (exception for stuffs that are biologically needed like pads and bras). Aside from that, I think the queer character at least had a clarity whether their queerness is their true identity or just an escapism from their father. Nothing wrong with either, however it'd be good to heal the trauma. Interesting and mind-boggling topic.
Mar 7, 2019
people unironically complaining about a "globohomo" agenda (lmaoooo) need to log off and step outside every now and then. social media is skewing your judgement of how 'progressive' society really is. if you want to talk to someone about how much you hate gay people, just spark up a conversation at a bar lol.
Apr 19, 2018
Another mentally ill person and his daddy issues lmao, "durr i am gonna rebel against my daddy by becoming a homo! that will show him!Down with neck ties and suits!"
@wireself Yeah dude totally, no agenda all natural 100% evolution
Mar 7, 2019
@theo1996 again in all sincerity, go outside because you will find out that this boogieman you're losing sleep over is hardly as widespread as social media propaganda machines would want you to believe, for better or for worse.
Apr 19, 2018
@wireself I agree with you but it really depends on where you live, thank god the boogeyman doesnt exist in my area, but in america its widepsread in workplaces, colleges and schools. On the global scale its still very small but noticable, for example in my country this shit has made its way to the parliament as laws being voted years ago .
May 1, 2020
If they don't like neckties (or even looking like your average man in general) for the sake of getting back at their dad, that is something they must really get someone to look into it professionally and fix it (no one wants to be controlled by their own desire to go against what they despise, after all), but they seem to enjoy appearing androgynous, so in general, I don't see anything wrong with what they're doing. Their own perceived gender or sexual orientation isn't even the topic, so it's strange seeing many people in these comments talking about trans people and homosexuality when that's not what the chapter is trying to say at all. Sorry about the ramblings.
Active member
Oct 16, 2020
@Ariamcon Do you agree that mental illness as we know it exists in the first place? Do you agree that regardless of the precision of whatever measurement tools we may or may not have, we can still tell if a person is "dumb" or "smart", "weak" or "strong", "well" or "unwell"? If so, do you agree that to be genderqueer slides towards "mentally ill" than "mentally fit"?
Apr 23, 2020
@Nessen well if you are trying to tell a person whether they are "dumb" or "smart", I'd say you can't since there isn't any CLEAR indicator about what makes a person "dumb" or "smart". Then, lets make one, let us say the indicator is IQ, and IQ below 80 is considered dumb (please, just for the sake of the argument, I don't even know what the average is). That way, we can now clearly tell the person whether they are "dumb" or "smart" based on the IQ they have.

Now, apply that kind of logic to "mentally ill" and the opposite of it.

also, I think it is kind of ignorant to say something like "mental illness exists in the first place, no?" when there is a branch of science called psychology, which (probably a fair amount of it, dunno) covers topic as mental illness.
Active member
Oct 16, 2020
@samuelshen01 I'm not sure if I've fully understood you, but it basically sounds like you agree with me, just that you deem it necessary for there to be a test of some sort to determine whether someone is mentally ill or not, and therefore it seems you would agree with me that being genderqueer is a mental illness, unless you think the tests say that being genderqueer is mentally sound.
Jan 10, 2020
Reminder to everyone that if something doesn’t clearly affect you specifically and personally you can sod off. I don’t give a fuck what your gender is, just give me some time to get the pronoun right. That’s it.

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