Kase, let me give one piece of advice on this one: don't. Yamada was nervous only because the dude is a celebrity she admires, she has no feelings for him. Do not be jealous because your girlfriend is hanging out with other people.
Man, is it just me or is the mangaka adding characters to make both of them jealous? First the roommate and now this dude. The moment I saw him, I knew there's gone be some jealousy. Thanks for the translation.
For the love of god I hope Kase recognizes that the dude is a celebrity from TV and understands that Yamada is just spilling her spaghetti because she can put two and two together.
Wait Yamada thought "Wait, i know him" "I know who that is". Does she mean "know that hes a Celebrity" or is it someone she knows personally and/or somebody who maybe even appeared somewhere in the Manga before?
@Der_Typ then she added that he's just like he is on TV, so i believe it was just her excitement from meeting a celebrity, not an actual acquaintance. @1idd0kun then it will develop into a carnival of jealousy, with them being jealous in turns. This wicked cycle should be broken, because this story is already mostly driven by jealousy and misunderstanding, time for something new.