When author decides to make a turn of events like this, where the whole mood/tone in the story changes, is a huge bet, whether the readers like it or not. Since this manga has been fairly decent, light hearted, and funny, I think this change was totally needles risk, since I think there's more to lose than gain, when you kick out the formula that works, and take a gamble w/ something totally different.
My first thoughts were, that my heart bleeds for all the japanese guys, who used their own money and time to buy this manga's physical copy, and by the end of this chapter, just basically thought that "fuck I hate this garbage so much, screw you author"..
I haven't paid a cent/yen to read this, so I've only lost my time on this. (which is on it self more valuable than money, depending how you think about it).
My main thoughts after reading these later few chapters honestly are, that this art style is wasted on this writing.
This author at his best, is an average story creator, and on his worst, a really bad one. That's just my opinion, but that's how I felt.