Yojouhan Isekai Kouryuuki - Vol. 4 Ch. 14 - Lust Unleashed Upon the 4 ½ Tatami Room

Jun 10, 2019
what a completely fucking unnecessary thing top do to a perfectly good manga.

like making a blackforest cake then taking a shit in it.

fucks sake
Fed-Kun's army
Sep 27, 2019

I'm honestly confused as to why people are complaining about a 'tonal shift'.

Because it makes the manga that much worse. It went from an ecchi comedy to a full on rape out of nowhere.

You're basically saying, there can't be a funny use of these topics (but mistaken rape, homosexuality, polygamy, violence, public indecency, brainwashing, stalking, infringement of citizen rights, etc, etc, are all ok, says something about you people huh).

What exactly is wrong with homosexuality? Or even polygamy? Also, you can't possibly equate public indecency and stalking with rape.

It's pretty ironic to read comments of people who get so worked up over a a fiction in a fiction depiction of something they consider degenerate, when others would have already called this series (and the people who read it) degenerate from even the earliest chapters.

Because there's "normal" degeneracy and then there's these last two chapters.
Jan 24, 2018
Coming from this author, the bait and switch barely surprises me, it's just that I tough we had our bait and switch at chapter 12 with the dream about the seeds people not bait and rape, but oh well.

There are quite alot of things to consider.

First I'm not convinced yet that the barely conscious body (in the hospital/clinic) is actually the salary-man, Why ? Because Main Body mentioned things "coming back to him" or like he gained knowledge from the body (this is assuming main body isn't MC with fucked personality) so it could potentially be something similar but when you are in a barely conscious state these things could get mixed up. Also this could be author using this as an easy bait to just accept the dad's theories.

Assuming that dad 1st theory is correct (the classic body swap) would make sense, but there is also the fact that apart from when he gets the flashback to where salary man gets saved by MC , he barely references his salary man life's (throughout chapt 13-14) and alot are based around the 1st flashback and assumption/conjecture he made from this. He stays vague when he reference the salary-man condition to Fairy girls, despite feeling very passionate about it.

Which leads to the dad last theory, which would make the most sense with the current info we have. One of the girl could have controller with magic/power/seeds/whatever (or even the succubus from a couple of chapters ago) the salary-man to drive him to suicide while leading MC to the accident spot, which could have be used as a trigger to "change" in personalities with the implanted stuff. This one wouldn't surprise me from this author but would still need to explain a couple of plot points, I also personally think that it's too "easy" for a Yamaguchi twist, especially if it's revealed that early.

The other theory (pulling this one out of my ass) would be that the salary-man personality get split, one in the comatose body, one in MC body, the one in comatose body is still struggling to get a grasp on the situation after his suicide attempt, while the one is MC body is living the high-life without a care in the world, which would beg the question, where is "MC" ? Is he gone completely ? Dormant ? if yes in which body ?
Yet again this last one brings more question than answer.

With more info "figuring out the puzzle" might be possible. This author works alot like this, where he gives you hints and potential solutions but it's usually something else and a bit more convoluted.

These are just my thoughts/opinion and also "laying" the info we have(prob missing a bunch). I don't have an Idea nor want to start assuming things too early, especially with this author.
To however pulls through and have some other ideas/noticed I missed things feel free to add onto this. Yamaguchi twist are usually either "layered" or with an obvious solution that's just an obvious "trap".
I will have to wait and see

Edit: also blonde elf notice he was using "Magic", MC has been referenced by his dad as being "special" but they never explicitly said he could use Magic, and it seems (from the 1st arc) that very few are capable of doing magic, might be something else entirely

Edit2: Alot of people seems to take the 2nd dad theory at face value and not considering any other possibilities, which, coming from this author could be a big 'ol bait.
Despite being known for "Gun X Clover", "DEAD Tube" and "Game of Familia" don't forget that he also wrote stuff like "Tomodachi Game" and "Mayonaka no X Giten" which has tons of stuff that are purposefully misleading to the reader until the reveal.

Edit3: the dad's 2nd theory seems to be the more correct one, when he wakes up he knows MC full name despite the girls only calling his first name, if it's not this then it would be a plot hole
Dex-chan lover
May 1, 2018
@Aezeryel Do your realize your whole reply is basically emphasizing the irony that I was pointing out? You countered by trying to apply standards that you personally believe in. It's exactly what I was talking about.
Aug 30, 2020
@DLRevan I'm confused what point you're trying to make. Are you implying that personal standards are irrelevant and things like homosexuality, polygamy, stalking, etc are equivalent to rape and pseudo NTR story tone wise, and that you should expect something like the latter if a story has the former? This is a question btw, not an accusation, I'm just confused.
Fed-Kun's army
Sep 27, 2019

Umm what? How is it my standards? Manga getting worse because of the last two chapters is something that has nothing to do with standards, it's essentially factual. This is simply what happened in the story, not how people interpret something that happened. You haven't answered why homosexuality is bad either, which you clearly implied in your original comment, and equating public indecency with rape again has nothing to do with standards. Well, actually, it kind of does, but it just means your standards are completely fucked up if you think those two can be compared.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 22, 2018
So what's up with author Yamaguchi Mikoto? Lets see here... Game of Familia, ok... Dead Tube, Oh. Oh shit. I promised myself I would always check authors previous works after the last one of these I ran into. I let my guard down with this one.
Jan 27, 2021
My hate is growing, luckly the rape was mostly skipped over, but our mc got cucked before he even had a chance
for people looking at this, and care for the relationships between characters, just, just don't read this chapter.
Dec 9, 2018
Good chapter, finally something fresh and interesting going on, unlike all of these copy paste trope boring works out there
Dex-chan lover
May 1, 2018
@Agent_of_Maine That's a contradiction don't you think? If I take a stance where standards are not relevant, or rather that one's position is neutral, then you can't equate one action to another or make a comparison.

If you take a neutral view, then there is no "tone" involved, so none of them are "tonally" like the others. I'm not implying rape and NTR are as good/bad as the rest. I'm making a point that based upon different people's standards the other things could also be considered "bad". Which is why I don't feel the need to explain why say homosexuality is bad to the other poster who still insists on arguing based on personal standards....it's not that I think so, but some people do. Everyone has different standards, yet it shouldn't matter because of my next point on expectation.

Everything in this series has been satire. Everything...EVERYTHING..has been so. Since chapter 1, with the MC being a collosal fetishist. So what's my expectation every time I see a new "trope"? That it's just another humorous, exaggerated parody. Even if it takes more than one chapter to bear out. That's my expectation. And that's why nothing has changed in my view in terms of the so called "tone" of the series. The MC could be strangling children, poisoning the oceans, overthrowing god or taking candy from a baby. Who cares, as long as the author is able to use that trope and turn it around for comedic (and presumably impermanent) purpose?

If you really want to dig much deeper, then this series already started fairly "degenerate" and steadily "got worse". It was headed here, or at least for something of this level of "degeneracy". So why the surprise?

Want to get EVEN more real? The story just before this had strong suggestions of both rape and murder/body horror. So why wasn't there as big of an outlash? Why, because the one doing the raping was a woman? Because it was just one chapter and was shown to be a "dream" and immediately you thought well nobody actually got killed off, no harm done? I think people should think on that. They're projecting their standards onto other readers and this series, thinking their own standards "universal", and so iron-clad a stand that it can't even be allowed to be satriczied. TLDR can't take a joke.
Aug 30, 2020
@DLRevan Thanks for the respectful response, I understand what you mean now. I guess the gist of it is how the manga "presents" all of these different things, and due to that presentation, expectations and standards are made, or changed. If anything, I believe the issue many people have stems from the fact that the presentation of Chapters 1-11 is vastly different to Chapter 12 and the now infamous Chapters 13-14. Yes, there have been many "degenerate" things in earlier chapters, but they were presented in a vastly more lighthearted or comedic manner.

In contrast, Chapter 12, and to an even more drastic extent, Chapters 13-14, are presented completely differently. The body horror rape thing from Chapter 12 was played a bit for laughs at the end with it just being a dream sequence, but even then it was still pretty uncomfortable and to be honest I didn't like that chapter anyway much like how I don't like the last two. As for Chapters 13 and 14, the presentation was even far more drastically changed. The lighthearted comedic aspect is practically gone, hence the claims of a "tone change" by fans, and for two whole chapters we have this very significant uncomfortable feeling as the MC goes evil and rapes half the main cast through blackmail and manipulation. It isn't portrayed as this "haha funni" thing which the rest of the series has done. It instead feels like something out of Redo of Healer.

Perhaps if the story was presented differently by the author, fans would've been fine with it, but right now it just appears to many as a formerly lighthearted comedy manga switching to a weirdly serious situation. The series has very clearly been satire from the start, yes, but satire/parody is still subject to differences of presentation, and the satire of this manga has always been presented in a pretty lighthearted manner. But the recent developments in Chapters 13-14 have instead been presented as this dramatic plot twist where things have gone bad, just look at evil MC's facial expressions on some pages. They focus on that and portray it as some dramatic negative event, where's the satirical jokes?

How will the author possibly conclude this arc in a way which suits the "overall tone" of the series you speak of? I can't see how it'll just end with the MC and the girls having a laugh like always. You say that it's fine as long as the author can "use that trope and turn it around for comedic (and presumably impermanent) purpose", but the issue for many people is, how can he possibly do that? The story tropes of NTR (or pseudo NTR in this case) and rape are being presented as a significant story issue here, with some characters being raped against their will and a potential war, it's not some inconsequential filler arc which can just be joked about at the end. Some characters are freaking out about evil MC like he's the main antagonist now. It's gone full serious.

To be honest, my thoughts on this arc will depend on how it ends. If the author manages to do a 200IQ play and somehow conclude it in a way which suits the "overall satirical parody tone", then it might be acceptable, but so far the presentation of the arc has been pretty drastically different from the rest of the story, something which has alienated many readers as seen in the rest of the comments.

At least, that's my take on it. Readers will always have standards so it shouldn't be surprising when they react based on those standards.
Dex-chan lover
May 1, 2018
@Agent_of_Maine If the author drops the ball and doesn't resolve it comedically like they have every previous story then sure. It would represent a much different change, and in don't think I'll like it either. I would argue that the...intensity? Has also been ramping up, accounting for chapter 12's presentation as well as it's content. To me, it's been a fairly gradual and predictable increase, but I'll grant you there that different people may see it differently.

Regarding the plot seemingly becoming unresolvable, I think the author is simply owed some patience. This series wouldn't be so fun if it the resolutions to every story was so predictable.

Maybe you are right that I shouldn't be surprised. If that's the case then I'll still maintain that lambasting it for this is kind of against the apparent spirit of the series. That being it's willing to go anywhere for the gag, and I wish more people could see that. Especially when I see certain...names in the comments from older chapters applauding the series for being unique or unrestrained...but suddenly they've turned on it for doing exactly that because it's somewhere THEY don't want to go (even if it's like everything else presumably satrical). That's hypocritical, especially when we haven't even seen the conclusion.
Feb 10, 2018
Nope, didn't get a boner at all. Glad I read the fucking disclaimer unlike most people.
Sep 25, 2018
So, since it isnt him, is MC still a virgin?
HOLY SHIT half the people here legit dont read manga i guess???? Hello, guys??? Either read the chapter properly or just DO NOT COMMENT
Active member
Aug 5, 2019
Jan 6, 2021
These last few chapters seems unnecessary and confusing to the story. From the looks of it someone in the apartment complex may have used that accident as a means to replace the MC’s consciousness with that of an altar ego thinking they are kichi yamagawa to ruin relations with the other world beings. Well it’s good to see the MC isn’t being NTR’d by another person, it’s just an altar ego.

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