My first (commissioned) survey involved tracking and taking pictures of the coat patterns of every single feral goat (or as many as I could find over two months) present in a small, isolated valley.
By the survey's end I'd managed to carve out a pretty comfortable living situation for myself. I'd made arrangements with a local retiree/glorified hermit who lived in the middle of said valley to be able to sleep in their greenhouse, as anything was preferable to camping out and getting devoured by midges. I was never at risk of starving, but halfway in my diet was almost entirely canned soups/beans/veggies, with the occasional pasta for dinner. I had no car, so every few weeks I'd take a break from chasing goats and go on long round trips to the nearest local farmsteads and buy eggs and jam off them. Just to switch things up a little.
I'd even brought a small work laptop with me, and was pleasantly surprised to find the entirety of Gundam 0079 and Zeta buried amongst all my spreadsheets and photos. At night or on days with bad-enough weather I could snuggle with some of the owner's cats (she must have had at least six of them) and marathon those anime for hours.
Overall, probably some of the best time I've ever had.