Zenbu Kimi no Sei - Vol. 6 Ch. 32 - Case.32

Dex-chan lover
Feb 2, 2023
I think she might already know about bisexuality/pansexuality and knows that she’s strictly a lesbian since she emphasizes that she’s only attracted to women. Which is different from most manga where lesbian characters will just say they’re attracted to women and think that implies that they’re not attracted to men.

Also, it’s very common for lesbians (at least in the US) to worry that they’re “faking it” and that they’re actually bi (or pan), so I think it’s fairly likely that she’s already grappled with that problem and reached the conclusion that she is in fact a lesbian, not bi or pan.
Yeah, I probably shouldnt have even said that really. Sorry.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 31, 2018
Honestly a very interesting situation that real queer people do find themselves in sometimes.

what do you do if you're attracted to a specific gender and then the person you're attracted to turns out to be trans and their gender which played a big part in seeing them as someone to be attracted to to begin with isn't actually what it turned out to be.
It's a tricky situation indeed. On one hand, there is some merit to being against dating a specific gender because you know you are only attracted to that gender. While on the other hand, you really did like that person, who then changed genders, so while the individual's personality likely is the same, who they identify as has changed.

It would be both wrong and insulting to expect them to revert back to their prior gender, just for your own comfort. However, in this case, I think this is entirely her own issue to deal with. But I think she already knows the answer.

She can't accept him as her lover and be happy. But the fact that their love is/was mutual makes it really painful. A lot of self blaming, since she will likely see herself as the one with "the problem", is likely to come from it, even though it isn't really anyone's fault that things worked out like this.

In this situation, my suggestion would always be to just try it. Gender is just one aspect of love. And while usually it does play a pretty significant role, it sometimes isn't everything. If you can just be happy with the other person, then that is what ultimately matters imo. Plus, if things just don't work out, than you can't say you didn't at least try. But if you don't try, then you may always have to live with that tiny bit of regret. You will always wonder if you made the right choice, asking yourself was it the right call to draw that line one-sidedly?

Especially now that Kai confirmed his feelings for her, this literally is their only remaining hurdle. But it is a big one to cross. That being said, I think she could at least try it. Worst case is it doesn't work out, and then they go back to how things were before. Even "fake dating", which seems to be a common theme for the story, could also be a potential route to take. Test the waters before going official.

However, she should never compromise in this situation. If it really isn't something she can accept, then she shouldn't. It isn't like a habit or an interest that is temporary or could change. This is something that will be present every second of every day. Kai will be Kai, a man, every moment of his life. If she can't be comfortable with that, then there is no reason to go any further. Doing so will only hurt the relationship. It will be a subtle, always present discomfort that will slowly rot and corrupt the opinion she has of Kai. This kind of constant stress will only turn into anxiety, frustration, and then possibly anger. And her bottling up or worse, misdirecting those negative feeling onto Kai, for no fault of his own, will only ruin their relationship
Dex-chan lover
Mar 9, 2020
Had to do some MTL'uckery to properly understand this chapter. Would've been better to have her refer Kai-kun, as She like in the original, up to the point where the girl admits to herself that Marin-chan is more of a He and do the switcheroo.

Regardless, thanks for translations! Let's see what her answer will be!
Dex-chan lover
Oct 22, 2019
It is at times like these that I'm glad I'm aromantic since this love thing sounds very confusing and a minefield to get through.

this and After School Mate really are a ton alike for this chapter. FTM romance angst is rare in even queer media so it is great to see 2 at the same time.
Dex-chan lover
May 27, 2020
This is the first time that Ive seen this type of conflict in a manga, and I appreciate how well its being thought out so far. Like others have said this happens kinda often in real life, and sometimes it works out and sometimes it doesn't. But both irl, and i presume in this story too, labels are more fluid and less well defined than many people think. Sometimes exceptions to the rule exist, and people make it work.
Group Leader
Mar 18, 2019
if i had a nickel for every time i've seen this happen in manga, i'd have two nickels

which, wow.

(first time is in After School Mate)

edit: damn I could have just looked two posts above mine
Dex-chan lover
Mar 31, 2019
Had to do some MTL'uckery to properly understand this chapter. Would've been better to have her refer Kai-kun, as She like in the original, up to the point where the girl admits to herself that Marin-chan is more of a He and do the switcheroo.

Regardless, thanks for translations! Let's see what her answer will be!
The entire first half of the chapter was grammatically nonsense because of what you are pointing out, and by nonsense I mean that politely in the technical grammatical sense. The section where she is remembering the time period when she first met Kai was especially disjointed and redundant.

But yes, I agree, thanks to the TLer regardless.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 12, 2023
Is there any other manga that has trans themes that deals with situations like these?
Because this is really interesting to see it portrayed in a manga.
And for now it's being done really well how she explains her thoughts and reasons to not hurt him.
I believe After School Mate deals with a similar issue
Dex-chan lover
Aug 12, 2018
Wow she was really dealing with a lot more than I'd ever assume.

But what a terrible situation to be in, I like how she fully thought of Kai's feelings so as to not hurt him but holding that kind of, for lack of better word, guilt in her for this long must have been torture.

Maybe someone should tell her about being pansexual though, could help her out quite a bit if she never knew that was a thing.
She already was made aware of the owner being attracted to whoever, so it's not a foreign concept.

This kinda thing can just be a sorta outlier without necessarily actually being bi or pan, though it's also so true so many people that are do constrain themselves to one of the labels.

Some real lesbians do also date some trans men, and some trans men would hate the idea of that while some are fine with it. The attraction to someone else's sex and gender can't really be reduced to labels at the best of times anyways.

There's definitely a genuine worry of looking at him wrong but they should be able to manage if they're both on the same page.
Double-page supporter
May 21, 2019
What a uniquely crushing and complex chapter. I really feel this, as a trans woman. Not wanting to hurt someone, wanting to affirm someone's gender identity, the difficulties you have reconciling your image of another with their own self image.

Did not expect this in a silly little manga about 2 kids with ranma 1/2 disease.
Dex-chan lover
May 13, 2023
Wow she was really dealing with a lot more than I'd ever assume.

But what a terrible situation to be in, I like how she fully thought of Kai's feelings so as to not hurt him but holding that kind of, for lack of better word, guilt in her for this long must have been torture.

Maybe someone should tell her about being pansexual though, could help her out quite a bit if she never knew that was a thing.
I mean, she just wasn't brave enough honestly, considering how she nearly tried forcing Nagisa into the same Situation (Even if she acted like Nagisa should figure it out on their own it felt more like she was projecting her own situation).

Kai be like 'I know you have a Girlfriend, but will you go out with me?', that ain't how it works 😐.. I personally hope they don't get together.. especially since Ichika kept kissing around in plain sight of Kai <_<
Dex-chan lover
Apr 26, 2020
Basically, Ichika is a lesbian and she fell in love with "Marin" (Kai) who she thought was a boyish woman, but in fact was a trans man. The problem here is that Ichika isn't loving Kai as a man but a woman, which she thinks is undermining Kai's gender identity.

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