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  1. Assasinart


    group name checks out
  2. Assasinart

    Either force-require translation groups and limit the number a user can have, or actually monitor uploaders for abusive uploads :rejected:

    Wasn't really sure which way you were going on your post.... blocking users that do uploads or blocking users that translate only a few chapters. Either way, your argument is wildly impractical for one and incredibly meaningless for the other. Take your pick
  3. Assasinart

    Either force-require translation groups and limit the number a user can have, or actually monitor uploaders for abusive uploads :rejected:

    pretty much impossible. lets take these 3 groups for example: no group - the translator is known but has either done so few works that a group is unwarranted (often times just a single chapter). or a person that doesn't want a group in general and does it as a hobby. unknown - the translator is...
  4. Assasinart

    Instead of saving every page of a chapter in the browser history, it would be good to just save the link of one chapter to avoid "spamming that histor

    it should also be mentioned that a lot of other sites do not allow you to save images and they compress and reduce the resolution size. MD allows you full access to each image. Also, when you swap out an image without changing pages it involves more stuff to code. When those site use this method...
  5. Assasinart

    Exceptions from blocked groups :rejected:

    a good example could be when translations catch up to a steamedbuninvasion chapter. potentially the group scanlating may skip the chapter because they find the translation satisfactory now the end user will have a blank chapter that never gets filled. Also along these lines. maybe a group finds...
  6. Assasinart

    Curiously, how far can you push the staff before they snap in regards to not policing scanlations? Btw, How's that group block feature coming along?:i

    BTW legacy reader doesn't get updated. but hey, why should it. its very rare for ANY legacy product to get feature updates. Its the price you pay for not getting with the times. whining about it is no different from complaining about any new product that comes on the market that is in any...
  7. Assasinart

    Reject chapter skipping trolls. pls:implemented:

    i may have found video evidence of a user that reads the spoiler chapter and then blames the uploader They are trying their best but just can't help it. SteamedBunInvasion is just out there providing cookies just to watch the struggle.
  8. Assasinart

    Integrate A-P links for titles:implemented:

    already exists here is an entry as an example
  9. Assasinart

    Back-end Chapter sorting for uploaders/power uploaders or mods

    In essence, The current chapter numbering with .1, .2, .3 etc will still exist, but will be a hidden value on the title page. Replacing it will be a numbering/lettering that does not effect the overall sort but will be view able in the current slot for the chapter number. Also, by default you...
  10. Assasinart

    Back-end Chapter sorting for uploaders/power uploaders or mods

    This has been touched on by a few other posts but i'm not sure if they encompassed my specific thought. There are several manga i have come across where there have been special chapters, inserts, Forewords/Afterwords, Bonus booklets etc. etc. These are generally not included in the chapter...
  11. Assasinart


    Original Raw's were missing page 26. Translation was done without being able to get a hold of that page.
  12. Assasinart

    Please don't have notifications tucked under username menu.

    @AbyssalMonkey My sentiments exactly. it is already a perfectly working, quick and easy to access feature. Its so minor of an issue/non-issue that its not even worth considering IMO. there are 4 sections in the user name drop down sub menu's. Because its such a small non issue, the arranging of...
  13. Assasinart

    Please don't have notifications tucked under username menu.

    @teasday The cognitive load could easily be lessened by changing the order of the items listed. Since most people subconsciously would read from top to bottom it would make sense to have the 3 notification items at the top of the menu. (Especially having the notification one listed first) As...
  14. Assasinart

    Please don't have notifications tucked under username menu.

    my bad. i just timed it. it was 1 second not 0.5 and if somebody is slow with the mouse maybe add another second. how is that outrageous? your acting like your suggestion is some kind of miracle pill that will save everyone massive time and hassle and i simply believe that's garbage. It already...
  15. Assasinart

    Please have forum notifications separate from comment notifications.

    from what i know. they do plan a comment system overhaul at some point. your guess is as good as any for when it will happen though. They also plan to make the forums searchable. Whatever system they are working on i agree with you. It would be nice if there is a clear understanding of where the...
  16. Assasinart

    Please don't have notifications tucked under username menu.

    lol disingenuous. There could literally be thousands of things throughout the entire site (Any website for that matter) that could be done to reduce a click or two. but if all it saves the user is that 0.5 seconds and can be accomplished in literally just 2 clicks, then IMO its just not worth...
  17. Assasinart

    Please don't have notifications tucked under username menu.

    anybody else amazed at this conversation about literally .5 seconds extra time to get to where you want to go? if ANY suggestion only saved this much time from the current implementation then i can pretty well guarantee its not worth doing. There are much more important things to work on.
  18. Assasinart

    Uploading says file size cannot exceed 1MB

    you are adding a new manga title IE that page only accepts 1MB and lower covers you haven't yet hit the point to upload a chapter. Once you pick the cover and complete the manga entry you will then be brought to a page like this...
  19. Assasinart

    Legacy reader fix

    i have a huge issue with this when i read long strip stuff. i'm constantly finding myself a page up by accident. On my phone i can only avoid that if i'm directly on the center of the screen when i'm scrolling up/down
  20. Assasinart

    Ecchi and the semi-useless tag

    that is the sad reality of the tagging system in general. if there is a series with say 100 chapters and only 10 of them are ecchi it will likely have the ecchi tag. There is far too much subjectivity to allow for things to be narrowed down to EXACTLY what you want. Like with the Freezing...