Fed-Kun's army
Nov 26, 2018
Right on the first and second page, some clear errors stand out even without reading the raw.

When the senpai talked about pride and being unable to move in the immediate bubble, it should be about the dragon, not the girl.
When he tried to threaten her, it should be "be obedient", not "since you are mature".

It seems like there some more suspicious points in your translation. Get someone better at Japanese to proofread for you and get better.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 17, 2018
that guy had better not show up in a future chapter with nothing happening.... here's hopping the dragon flys far far away from civilization with him or something and he dies in the wild. Seriously the goody two shoes MC, all villains get off scott free trope is getting tired.
Mar 14, 2018
This dude has obviously raped people before, and has probably murdered too, better comically let him free for no reason!
Aggregator gang
Oct 27, 2018
The Mc seems like he has no problem with killing so this went a weird 'haha look at the goofy rapist' turn.
Dex-chan lover
May 20, 2018
If abel killed the guy, he could say the douche attacked him, he defended himself and the dude died in the fight. Eliza is a witness. Unless douche is like the prince there is no way they would invest the time and energy into trying to arrest abel.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 31, 2018
@xyndrome13 @muser @Dadangdut33 @gda19 @KamiKira00 @Doomer @AlphaFlow @DragonRider45 @InsaneAwesomeTony @nizvopizu @welcome2atlantis @Tearsax @Hejti @Narf @dereth @FRASH_18 @HYBRID_BEING @Akabane @lionfromnorth

That is actually quite a serious punishment, and it is actually very deadly if he is left like that for long enough time. He is essentially in a similar position as if he were being crucified. The arms are not enough to support the entire weight of the body for a long period of time, eventually he will begin to suffocate and would die from it. Since he is being moved by some pretty fast speeds, the process would be made even faster. As the chest would become expanded and stretched because of the weight pulling out their arms from their sockets and causing their chest to sag, the person would find that breathing properly had become very difficult.

Not to mention the excruciating pain of having your arm's bones literally rip themselves out of their sockets/joints, all the surrounding soft tissue tears itself to shreds, muscles pop and/or rip themselves off of the bone/joints, simply because they cant support your body weight for a somewhat long amount of time. You can hold on with your strength, but once that runs out, it is only going to be more and more painful until you die from suffocation, bleeding out, or when a blood clots reaches your heart.

You can safely test this by stretching your arms out to the sides as far as you can and hold them their. As you keep stretching you can notice how your breathing changes. It becomes easier to inhale, but harder to exhale. Obviously, unless you were trying to harm yourself, the change is very small, but you can notice it a bit.

Now, whether this is what the author intended or not is another thing though.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 11, 2020
@starburst98 @DarkLordAlfie
That may be true, however you have to remember that able wants a "normal" school life, if he had killed him it would have at least made him far more scrutinized (remember, he's "inferior eyed") which would ruin that as well as potentially out lilith (let's be honest, she had something to do with his admission).
I do think though that he should turn him in to the authorities though, or my personal favorite (and what i'd do if i was him), make him "disappear" after things cooled down.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 6, 2019
@JavelinJoe we both know that's not the authors intent, he's just sending him away with the dragon nothing more, there's no punishment there, there's no deadly situation there it's just him being carried away by the dragon without any consequences for his actions.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 2, 2019
Seriously, 2 annoying tropes... he thinks he's "misunderstanding" which is dumb... he's experienced and should know better. Plus, a girl falling for him after being saved from rape makes sense.

2nd annoying trope... letting rapist get away...
Dex-chan lover
Apr 22, 2018
You miss the part where this is a manga and the dude is not suffering or in any danger from that at all. What would be the result IRL is irrelevant - what counts is that, in this story, he got off scot-free with nothing but the minor humiliation of being dragged off by the dragon to show. And that is obviously all the author intended to happen. The punishment for drugging and attempted rape is a minor insult to his pride.
Group Leader
Dec 28, 2018
Letting a rapist who clearly has experience doing so get away with a light punishment is really fucked up. And yes it is a light punishment, the author clearly doesn't know how deadly being dragged at high speeds by the arm is based on the comments from the rapist at the end.

Emotionally retarded MC who has already lived through one full life can't get a single hint.

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