My blood sugar went right up, my face actually went red.
I hope the nest started to fail without Zabira's guardianship. It seemed like all the other dragons are rather self-centred, I doubt anyone of them protect the nest as Zabira did.
perhaps that's why he's so special. the other dragons don't have that kind of "human" emotion. the chieftain probably gave him his power because he held gratitude towards him, not because of kindness or whatnot. zabira was just born different from the others.
It said part 1, so next chap still be about Za-kun wanderer in baby body, be hunt and nearly dead door and meet Fia. Good story, I want to read more soon.
I'm one of those who usually hate a flashback and filler story, but this one is interesting as a background of this unknown dragon.
for a story for a thousand years, this is swift and clear.
what dumb twin brother.
If there are in a world where food is directly related to strengh like Toriko his logic work but only with that.
That must be why he is less strong, maybe he is equally strong but not smart