Guys, no need to churn out chapters so fast - spend a bit more time on QC/PR.
> Page 5 - "With those jokes again" - gonna go on a limb here, cause it may be proper English, but "Again with those jokes" sounds better to me.
> Page 11 - should be "i'm 16 in human years"
And again all those "jaja" and reverse punctuation marks in English translation.
So, he knew her 20 years back, but now she's in the body of a 16 year old.
I am trying to figure out if she's of legal age. Monster life spans are weird.
Yeah, the numbers don’t make sense, in pure human terms. Maybe there’s something like, it counted only after she transformed (unlikely) or like how sometimes different species are counted in “human-like” or “dog-like” years. In this case “kraken-like” years, since I think most fictional kraken are supposed to live many hundreds of years.
From reading it has been 20 years since he was summoned but he also mentioned it being 10 years. ... So he is mid 30's age wise if he was summoned as a teen or almost 40 if he was like a senior in HS.
wait, 16 human years. Has she only been in human firm that long, or is this a dog year type thing... cause I thought 20 years had passed
Maybe their logic is that it's been 16 years since she gained her human form?
Whatever happened 16 years ago for his students (read: harem) to gain human forms simultaneously.
Probably 4 years + whatever time spent growing as a krackenling then 16 years as a humanoid. I assume she separated the time she spent as a tiny octopus from the time she's spent after the mutation.
I thought the "20 years" from the previous chapter was just a bad translation or typo and it should have said "10 years." Considering the translation quality, it makes sense.
Claudia says 人間年齢で16歳, which literally translates to "In human age/years i'm 16". i think the choice of words would be somewhat different if she didn't count her lifespan before transformation. And, considering that in the previous chapter MC did say "words came back to me after 20 years", that means she ages longer than humans (I'd go with Goobers' theory about kraken's lifespan).
Also, in the first chapter there was a
translation error - it was not "a little more than 10 years ago", but "several decades ago".
Given that he was summoned as a sarariman, and most likely some time have passed even before he started and stopped teaching in a monster school, he should be well beyond 40 now.
This story really feels like its going to harem but I don't see the tag so does it not go that direction and instead he has a love interest for 1?
No tag can mean that it just wasn't added yet (well, at least at the moment you wrote that - it's there now). MD is shaped by community after all.
It's the spider girl isn't it?
Check page 16 - it's 100% spider-girl.
Check page 16 - her breasts are 100% NOT modest