Asebi and Adventurers of Sky World - Vol. 10 Ch. 57 - Life and willpower

Fed-Kun's army
Feb 5, 2018
@Siquall this is just us judging everyone to be the same as the emperor. Which is actually a greater problem here, because there's actually 0 chance of "every single one" to be the same as the emperor. Why?
Well, Licorice is proof enough of that, Licorice is a grade A citizen, if we go by Asebi's father and her sister reaction, this would mean she is at least high-mid class. If she, who has a good social position is a normal person, why would the millions of people from the other social classes be any different?

Yes, you would have rotten apples here and there but they aren't rule, they are exceptions. Remember, Asebi's sister told Yuu that her own father was blinded by vengeance, that his measures were exaggerated, this puts his whole reasoning into question.
If his motives are driven by a biased point of view, how much can we trust on what he said about the waldecians? If having a corrupt and ambitious leader was enough to corrupt the entire population, than by all means send nukes and destroy my whole country, because we have some of the worst politicians in the world.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 19, 2019
@BloodySorcerer Yeah, Licorice is a grade A citizen, and look at what she has done. She's traitorous scum, first betraying her friends, then betraying the ones she betrayed her friend for. Not exactly a shining example of goodwill.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 7, 2019
oh fuck this author. hes completely ruined the end of this manga with licorice. the character development in this has been a complete mess. and now everyones going to forgive her and some shitty forced ending.
Fed-Kun's army
Feb 5, 2018
@cor3zone how sad that nothing of your argument is real, and it's only a biased interpretation created out of your undeserved hatred of the character out of the indirect result of her actions. You guys are so biased that you didn't stop to analize the situation for one second, and only blamed her for everything that other characters did. Just because she just so happened to be nearby. I've already explained this last chapter I won't explain again.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
While I don't agree with the frothing at the mouth that this has driven some people to, I do think that since the Asebi fake-death the manga has gone downhill. =/

Licorice's betrayal didn't seem to fit her character and in general she's just been written really badly these past number of chapters, Asebi being a real person (and most of them being real) was kinda...lame, Gram being invited along only to block the tough enemy from Yuu kinda did nothing with his whole character keeps using the same fake out of getting impaled but then oh they're fine again that we've seen happen to Yuu like 4 times.

The pacing isn't necessarily the problem as the manga went breakneck from Chapter 1, but it's more that since the betrayal characters aren't really being written coherently.
Fed-Kun's army
Feb 5, 2018
@OniBarubary This is one argument I can fully agree. Everything, specially the Asebi's is real plot felt really forced in there. Asebi being human would have worked if her real owners had been revealed bofore this arc, this would serve to give us time to reach this conclusion as a possible event, only then it would've felt natural. But everything was revealed at once. Also Asebi didn't even stay a second dead, this killed the whole drama behind her death.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 19, 2019
@BloodySorcerer Dude, she was working with Yuu, until she helped sabotage their mission to go with the security modules to Brant. What is that but betrayal? Then she actually shot, and possibly killed, the emperor of the faction she was working with now. Obvious betrayal. I don't blame her for what the security modules did, like killing module-Asebi. I DO blame her for her actions that enabled them to do it. Regardless of her intentions, her ACTIONS are TRAITOROUS. I'm not saying she's a bad person, I'm just saying she has just burned any hope of ever being trusted by sane people. A traitor two times over. That said, I actually like her character, and would probably do the same for my family, but you have to admit, she is a damn traitor.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 19, 2018
There's a lot of pissed off people on the writing of surprisingly humane characters. This isn't your weekly shonen, Licorice is at best 20 years old, she thought her entire world was gone forever, she found that there's a small chance of getting her loved ones back, her emotions took over and she is paying the price.
Waldecians are clearly a people of very strong emotions, no wonder they went basically extinct once they had the technology.
Fed-Kun's army
Feb 5, 2018
@cor3zone "Dude, she was working with Yuu, until she helped sabotage their mission to go with the security modules to Brant. What is that but betrayal?"
Sabotage, in what way? She merely accepted to go with the combat modules, that neither stops nor prevents Yuu from proceeding with his quest, moreover the ocmbat modules didn't even stop Yuu from reaching Brant, rather it was Yuu who stopped of his own accord to help Gram and his crew, nothing would have happened to him if he proceeded with his quest while ignoring Gram, and well, nothing actually happened to him or his crew. Nazuna the bitch, she may have shot Asebi, but not a single combat module intereferred with his travels afterwards, if the betrayal actually happened Licorice would have sabotaged the ship, shot asebi herself and it would've become impossible for them to save Gram and his crew, but that never happened because there was no actual betrayal. To further illustrate my point, remember Licorice actually encouraged them to go to Brant even after the whole episode. Like I said there was no sabotage. If Nazuna hadn't been a bitch and shot Asebi of her own accord I doubt you guys would have even seen any problem with her leaving the ship.

"Then she actually shot, and possibly killed, the emperor of the faction she was working with now. Obvious betrayal."
SHE WAS NOT WORKING WITH THE MOTHERFREAKING EMPEROR. Serious guys she was never working with the emperor. She defended the emperor before because it's her freaking duty as a citizen, against what was then an unwarrated attack. Stop being meta and judging the situation by using information the characters have no access to.
Defending him them was not the same as belonging to his faction, she just fulfilled her duty as a citizen of the empire. Licorice belongs to her own faction, she was there as an individual, her whole journey has been about saving her family and friends, but now they were in danger because a man let his anger blind his judgement and has been targeting pretty much everyone regardless of culpability. Like I said if there's a culprit behind this whole arc, is Asebi's father for being a hypocrite and not killing the emperor and his supporters while he had a chance to do so(he literally held the emperor's life into his hands and did nothing). Asebi's sister said so with her own words, aknowledging her father's mistakes in the matter, and still choosing to support him because he and Asebi were te only people she had left. An understandable choice.

To illustrate this better:
Let us suppose President Trump had been colluding with a certain fictional terrorist group to bombard Russia. Said terrorist group had already bombarded a village which also took the lives of a certain scientist's family.
Said Scientist learns the truth and decides to plan the destruction of the white house by bombarding the place with dozens of nukes, which would affect most of Washington D.C. population.
You had travelled to Russia to visit a few relatives of yours who had been leaving there, only to find out that the village that was bombarded was pretty close to where your relatives lived. But reaching the area, you find the scientist, who them tells you that the president of your country was responsible for the destruction there. Would you side with the scientist and kill both the president and the entire population of Washington D.C. , or would you help defend the president and prevent the lauch of the missiles, even though you know that the president might have actually mudered your relatives?
Do you think that you would be supporting and siding with the president by stopping the scientist? It's the same situation as Licorice and her situation with both Asebi's father, and the emperor.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 19, 2019
@BloodySorcerer You're right, Nazuna is a bitch. Licorice didn't sabotage the ship. She did tell them to continue to Brant. Asebi's father is a moronic hypocrite.

Doesn't change the fact that Licorice distracted them enough to allow Nazuna to shoot module-Asebi. She could have just left quietly, instead of confronting Yuu. And when she "fulfilled her duty as a citizen of the empire", she was working for the emperor. She is a class A citizen of the empire, and seemingly considers herself as such. She immediately bowed down to emperor-guard in the experiment town, after all. That means she does belong to his faction.

I'm done with this debate. I think we will have to agree to disagree. Nothing you're saying is convincing me Licorice isn't a traitorous bitch, and you obviously don't want to hear my arguments.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 18, 2018
This is like western showdown with 10 cowboys with a sniper
Dex-chan lover
Apr 7, 2023
Damn this was a good way to kill Gram off. Its obvious from how he was presented that Gram deserved to die in some way. It also seemed he would die on the trip since otherwise his past crimes would have been for nothing. But to do so with a final shit before death, damn that's epic!
Sad that the voyage has been rushed in general, since the story is actually great, if rushed.

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